Sfoglia per Autore  PACILÈ, SERENA

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
Enhanced and Flexible Software Tools for X-ray Computed Tomography at the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Facility Elettra 1-gen-2015 BRUN, FRANCESCOPACILÈ, SERENAACCARDO, AGOSTINOKourousias, George +
Clinical application of low-dose phase contrast breast CT: methods for the optimization of the reconstruction workflow 1-gen-2015 PACILÈ, SERENABRUN, FRANCESCODREOSSI, DiegoMOHAMMADI, SARATonutti, MauraZANCONATI, FABRIZIOACCARDO, AGOSTINOTROMBA, GIULIANA +
Phase-contrast clinical breast CT: Optimization of imaging setups and reconstruction workflows 1-gen-2016 TROMBA, GIULIANAPACILÈ, SERENABRUN, FRANCESCODREOSSI, DiegoTonutti, MauraZANCONATI, FABRIZIOACCARDO, AGOSTINO +
Alterations in trabecular bone μ-architecture and cartilages in rats with antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) resulting from synchrotron-based X-ray imaging analysis 1-gen-2016 PACILÈ, SERENABIFFI, STEFANIAMENK, RALF HENDRIKGARROVO, CHIARADAL MONEGO, SIMEONEARFELLI, FULVIARIGON, LUIGICOLOMBO, FEDERICOMACOR, PAOLOACCARDO, AGOSTINOTROMBA, GIULIANA
Optimization of propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast tomography for breast cancer imaging 1-gen-2017 PACILÈ, SERENADREOSSI, DiegoARFELLI, FULVIABRUN, FRANCESCOPINAMONTI, MAURIZIOZANCONATI, FABRIZIOTROMBA, GIULIANA +
X-ray microtomography observations of xylem embolism in stems of Laurus nobilis are consistent with hydraulic measurements of percentage loss of conductance 1-gen-2017 NARDINI, AndreaSAVI, TADEJAPACILÈ, SERENATROMBA, GIULIANA +
Meniscal ossicles as micro-CT imaging biomarker in a rodent model of antigen-induced arthritis: A synchrotron-based x-ray pilot study 1-gen-2017 DONATO, SANDROPACILÈ, SERENACOLOMBO, FEDERICOGARROVO, CHIARADAL MONEGO, SIMEONEMACOR, PAOLOTROMBA, GIULIANABIFFI, STEFANIA
Drought-induced embolism in stems of sunflower: A comparison of in vivo micro-CT observations and destructive hydraulic measurements 1-gen-2017 Savi, TadejaMiotto, AndreaPetruzzellis, FrancescoPacilé, SerenaNardini, Andrea +
High-resolution X-ray phase-contrast 3-d imaging of breast tissue specimens as a possible adjunct to histopathology 1-gen-2018 Pacile, SerenaZanconati, FabrizioArfelli, FulviaDreossi, Diego +
Toward Improving Breast Cancer Imaging: Radiological Assessment of Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast CT Technology 1-gen-2018 Pacile, SerenaDreossi, DiegoArfelli, FulviaBrun, FrancescoZanconati, Fabrizio +
Towards synchrotron phase-contrast lung imaging in patients - a proof-of-concept study on porcine lungs in a human-scale chest phantom. 1-gen-2018 Pacilé, SerenaArfelli, FulviaDreossi, DiegoAccardo, AgostinoConfalonieri, MarcoCova, Maria +
Advantages of breast cancer visualization and characterization using synchrotron radiation phase-contrast tomography 1-gen-2018 Pacilè, SerenaAccardo, Agostino +
Phase contrast Breast tomography with synchrotron radiation: study and optimisation of experimental and reconstruction parameters. 26-mar-2018 PACILÈ, SERENA
Advancements towards the implementation of clinical phase-contrast breast computed tomography at Elettra 1-gen-2019 Longo, RenataArfelli, FulviaBonazza, DeborahBottigli, UbaldoBrombal, LucaCova, Maria A.Di Trapani, VittorioDonato, SandroDreossi, DiegoFedon, ChristianPacilè, SerenaRigon, LuigiTaibi, AngeloZanconati, Fabrizio +
Phase-Contrast Breast-CT: Optimization of Experimental Parameters and Reconstruction Algorithms 1-gen-2019 Donato, SandroPacile’, SerenaBrombal, LucaTromba, GiulianaLongo, Renata
Comparison of propagation-based CT using synchrotron radiation and conventional cone-beam CT for breast imaging 1-gen-2020 Pacilè S.Dreossi D.Arfelli F. +
Improving breast cancer detection accuracy of mammography with the concurrent use of an artificial intelligence tool 1-gen-2020 Pacilè S. +
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