Dipartimento di Biochimica, Biofisica e Chimica delle Macromolecole (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 30/06/2008)
Complex rearrangement of the exon 6 genomic region among Opitz G/BBB Syndrome MID1 alterations
2013-01-01 Migliore, CHIARA MARIA; Athanasakis, Emmanouil; Dahoun, S; Wonkam, A; Lees, M; Calabrese, O; Connell, F; Lynch, Sa; Izzi, C; Pompilii, E; Thakur, S; van Maarle, M; Wilson, Lc; Meroni, Germana
The combination of transcriptomics and informatics identifies pathways targeted by miR-204 during neurogenesis and axon guidance
2014-01-01 Conte, Ivan; Merella, Stefania; Garcia Manteiga, Jose Manuel; Migliore, CHIARA MARIA; Lazarevic, Dejan; Carrella, Sabrina; Marco Ferreres, Raquel; Avellino, Raffaella; Davidson, Nathan Paul; Emmett, Warren; Sanges, Remo; Bockett, Nicholas; Van Heel, David; Meroni, Germana; Bovolenta, Paola; Stupka, Elia; Banfi, Sandro