Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Matematiche e Statistiche
Settore SECS-P/08 - Economia e Gestione delle Imprese
Entrepreneurship: Exploring the knowledge base
2012-01-01 Landström, Hans; Harirchi, Gouya; Åström, Fredrik
Exploring the relation between international experience and cross-borders innovation collaboration: Case of SMEs from Adriatic regions of Italy
2016-01-01 Balboni, Bernardo; Bortoluzzi, Guido; Cozza, Claudio; Harirchi, Gouya; Pustovrh, Ales
Exploring the relation between the degree of novelty of innovations and user-producer interaction across different income regions
2014-01-01 Harirchi, Gouya; Chaminade, Cristina
Go East! I mercati adriatici come bacino di collaborazione e opportunità di internazionalizzazione per le PMI del Nord Est
2015-01-01 Balboni, Bernardo; Bortoluzzi, Guido; Cozza, Claudio; Harirchi, Gouya; Pustovrh, Ales
Innovation and entrepreneurship studies: one or two fields of research?
2013-01-01 Landström, Hans; Åström, Fredrik; Harirchi, Gouya
Innovation in the Adriatic Region
2016-01-01 Cozza, Claudio; Harirchi, Gouya; Marković Čunko, Ana
2016-01-01 Balboni, Bernardo; Bortoluzzi, Guido; Cozza, Claudio; Harirchi, Gouya; Pustovrh, Aleš
Micro-foundations of Innovations, Survey of Innovative Companies
2016-01-01 Demo, Ervin; Dibra, Sidita; Nicka, Bruna; Jaupi, Fatma; Dosti, Bernard; Grabova, Perseta; Prifti, Rezart; Arslanagić Kalajdžić, Maja; Čičić, Muris; Gerbin, Ani; Furcic, Ivana; Begonja, Marta; Kourouthanassis, Panos; Pappas, Ilias; Mylonas, Phivos; Voulgaris, Spyros; Andreou, Georgios; Stamou, Cleio; Egglezos, Georgios; Balboni, Bernardo; Bortoluzzi, Guido; Harirchi, Gouya; Tivan, Moreno; Karadžić, Vesna; Vulić, Tamara Backović; Vulić, Nikola; Drobnjak, Radivoje; Tomat, Luka; Rangus, Kaja; Župič, Ivan; Jovanovic, Jelena
SMEs cross-border collaborations in the Adriatic Region: Is the sea level rising the innovative performance?
2015-01-01 Balboni, Bernardo; Bortoluzzi, Guido; Cozza, Claudio; Harirchi, Gouya; Pustovrh, Ales
The effect of local and global linkages on the innovativeness in ICT SMEs: does location-specific context matter?
2015-01-01 Aslesen, Heidi Wiig; Harirchi, Gouya
The Geography and Structure of Global Innovation Networks: Global Scope and Regional Embeddedness
2015-01-01 Chaminade, Cristina; De Fuentes, Claudia; Harirchi, Gouya; Plechero, Monica