3D Stress–Strain Analysis of a Failed Limestone Wedge Influenced by an Intact Rock Bridge
2016-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Bolla, A.; Rigo, E.
A coupled seepage-stability model to analyze the Vajont Reservoir influence
2013-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Rigo, E.; Bolla, A.
A new interpretation of the geotechnical context of the Vajont rockslide
2013-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Bolla, A.
A two-dimensional numerical model to analyze the strain-softening behavior of the Vajont landslide before the 1963 collapse
2013-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Rigo, E.; Bolla, A.
Back-analysis of a failed rock wedge using a 3D numerical
2015-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Rigo, E.; Bolla, A.
Brittle and ductile behavior in deep-seated landslides: Learning from the Vajont experience
2016-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Bolla, A.; Rigo, E.
Geomechanical Field Survey to Identify an Unstable Rock Slope: The Passo della Morte Case History (NE Italy)
2019-01-01 Bolla, A.; Paronuzzi, P.
Gravity-induced fracturing in large rockslides: Possible evidence from Vajont
2015-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Bolla, A.
Gravity-induced rock mass damage related to large en masse rockslides: Evidence from Vajont
2015-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Bolla, A.
Influence of filling-drawdown cycles of the Vajont reservoir on Mt. Toc slope stability
2013-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Rigo, E.; Bolla, A.
Integrated Geomechanical and Digital Photogrammetric Survey in the Study of Slope Instability Processes of a Flysch Sea Cliff (Debeli Rtič Promontory, Slovenia)
2022-01-01 Furlani, S.; Bolla, A.; Hastewell, L.; Mantovani, M.; Devoto, S.
Mineralogical and Geotechnical Characterization of the Clay Layers within the Basal Shear Zone of the 1963 Vajont Landslide
2020-01-01 Bolla, Alberto; Paronuzzi, Paolo; Pinto, Daniela; Lenaz, Davide; Del Fabbro, Marco
Numerical Investigation of the Pre-collapse Behavior and Internal Damage of an Unstable Rock Slope
2019-01-01 Bolla, A.; Paronuzzi, P.
Stress-Strain Modelling to Investigate the Internal Damage of Rock Slopes with a Bi-Planar Failure
2017-01-01 Bolla, Alberto; Paronuzzi, Paolo
2020-03-17 Bolla, Alberto
The clays involved in the 1963 Vajont landslide: Genesis and geomechanical implications
2021-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Bolla, A.; Pinto, D.; Lenaz, D.; Soccal, M.
The Influence of the Geological Model in the Stress-Strain Analysis of the 1963 Vajont Landslide
2017-01-01 Paronuzzi, Paolo; Bolla, Alberto
The prehistoric Vajont rockslide: An updated geological model
2012-01-01 Paronuzzi, P.; Bolla, A.