Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita
Settore M-PSI/01 - Psicologia Generale
A systematic investigation reveals that Ishihara et al.'s (2008) STEARC effect only emerges when time is directly assessed
2022-01-01 Mariconda, Alberto; Prpic, Valter; Mingolo, Serena; Sors, Fabrizio; Agostini, Tiziano; Murgia, Mauro
It’s SNARC o’ clock: manipulating the salience of the context in a conceptual replication of Bächtold et al.’s (1998) clockface study
2024-01-01 Mingolo, Serena; Prpic, Valter; Mariconda, Alberto; Brugger, Peter; Drack, Thekla; Bilotta, Eleonora; Agostini, Tiziano; Murgia, Mauro
SNARC-like effects for time in the auditory modality
2024-05-20 Mariconda, Alberto
Temporal speed prevails on interval duration in the SNARC-like effect for tempo
2024-01-01 Mariconda, Alberto; Murgia, Mauro; De Tommaso, Matteo; Mingolo, Serena; Agostini, Tiziano; Prpic, Valter