Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica e Geoscienze
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
Classification of Thompson Related Groups Arising from Jones Technology I
2023-01-01 Brothier, Arnaud
Classification of Thompson related groups arising from Jones' technology II
2021-01-01 Brothier, A
Crossed-products by locally compact groups: itermediate subfactors
2017-01-01 Boutonnet, R; Brothier, A
Families of hyperfinite subfactors with the same standard invariant and prescribed fundamental group
2015-01-01 Brothier, A; Vaes, S
Forest-skein groups II: Construction from homogeneously presented monoids
2023-01-01 Brothier, Arnaud
Haagerup property for wreath products constructed with Thompson's groups
2023-01-01 Brothier, Arnaud
Hilbert modules over a planar algebra and the Haagerup property
2015-01-01 Brothier, A; Jones, V
Irreducible Pythagorean representations of R. Thompson's groups and of the Cuntz algebra
2024-01-01 Brothier, Arnaud; Wijesena, Dilshan
Jones representations of Thompson's group F arising from Temperley-Lieb-Jones algebras
2021-01-01 Aiello, V; Brothier, A; Conti, R
On fixed point planar algebras
2016-01-01 Brothier, A
On Jones’ connections between subfactors, conformal field theory, Thompson’s groups and knots
2020-01-01 Brothier, Arnaud
On the Haagerup and Kazhdan properties of R. Thompson's groups
2019-01-01 Brothier, A; Jones, V
Operator-algebraic construction of gauge theories and Jones' actions of Thompson's groups
2020-01-01 Brothier, A; Stottmeister, A
Pythagorean representations of Thompson's groups
2019-01-01 Brothier, A; Jones, V
Rigid C -tensor categories of bimodules over interpolated free group factors
2012-01-01 Brothier, A; Hartglass, M; Penneys, D
Rigidity for von Neumann algebras given by locally compact groups and their crossed products
2018-01-01 Brothier, A; Deprez, T; Vaes, S
The cup subalgebra has the absorbing amenability property
2016-01-01 Brothier, A; Wen, C
The cup subalgebra of a II1 factor given by a subfactor planar algebra is maximal amenable
2014-01-01 Brothier, A
The Takesaki equivalence relation for maximal abelian subalgebras
2012-01-01 Brothier, A
Unshaded planar algebras and their associated II1 factors
2012-01-01 Brothier, A