Dipartimento Univ. Clinico di Scienze Chir.spec.,Biomateriali e Bioimpianti (attivo dal 01/01/1900 al 31/10/2009)  

Settore MED/33 - Malattie Apparato Locomotore  

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Risultati 1 - 16 di 16 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.039 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A mechanical and clinical evaluation of the Helix Wire for subcapital humerus fracture ostheosynthesis 1-gen-2004 COSMI, FrancescaMARTINELLI, BRUNOVALENTINI, ROBERTO
Breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cell line induces spontaneous osteoclastogenesis via a RANK-ligand-dependent pathway. 1-gen-2008 NICOLIN, VANESSABORTUL, RobertaBAREGGI, RENATOBALDINI, GIOVANNAMARTINELLI, BRUNONARDUCCI, PAOLA
Breast cancer cells induce spontaneous osteoclastogenesis in human co-culture system 1-gen-2007 NICOLIN, VANESSABALDINI, GIOVANNAMARTINELLI, BRUNONARDUCCI, PAOLA
Correction of valgus of fifth metatarsal and varus of the fifth toes by percutaneous distal osteotomy 1-gen-2007 MARTINELLI, BRUNOVALENTINI, ROBERTO
Effects of neridronic acid on osteoclasts derived by physiological dual-cell cultures. 1-gen-2007 NICOLIN, VANESSABAREGGI, RENATOMARTINELLI, BRUNONARDUCCI, PAOLA +
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Autologous cultured cartilage cells 1-gen-2005 NARDUCCI, PAOLABALDINI, GIOVANNAGRILL, VITTORIONICOLIN, VANESSAPONTI, CRISTINABAREGGI, RENATOMARTINELLI, BRUNO +
Fast T2 mapping of the patellar articular cartilage with gradient and spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5 T: validation and initial clinical experience in patients with osteoarthritis. 1-gen-2008 QUAIA, EmilioUKMAR, MAJAMARTINELLI, BRUNOCOVA, MARIA ASSUNTA +
In vitro exposure of human chondrocytes to pulsed electromagnetic fields. 1-gen-2007 NICOLIN, VANESSAPONTI, CRISTINABALDINI, GIOVANNABORTUL, RobertaZWEYER, MARINAMARTINELLI, BRUNONARDUCCI, PAOLA +
Le riparazioni delle rotture sottocutanee recenti del tendine di Achille. Passato, presente e futuro 1-gen-2002 MARTINELLI, BRUNO
Letter to the Editor: Rupture of the Achilles Tendon 1-gen-2000 MARTINELLI, BRUNO
Mechanical Behavior of One Internal Fixator (O'nil Plate and Screws System): A Finite Element Study and Clinical Experiences. 1-gen-2007 VALENTINI, ROBERTOMARTINELLI, BRUNOCOSMI, FrancescaHOGLIEVINA, MARCO +
Neridronic acid directly regulates osteoblast proliferation and gene expression in human osteoblast line 1-gen-2009 NICOLIN, VANESSANARDUCCI, PAOLAMARTINELLI, BRUNO
Percutaneos Repair of the Achilles Tendon in Athletes 1-gen-2000 MARTINELLI, BRUNO
Pereneus quartus muscle and ankle pain 1-gen-2002 MARTINELLI, BRUNO +
Stabiliomertic analysis after percutaneous repair of Achilles tendon 1-gen-2002 MARTINELLI, BRUNOVALENTINI, ROBERTO +
The Swanson Radial Head Prosthesis 1-gen-2008 MARTINELLI, BRUNO