Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A "SURFin' Leukemia": Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Masquerading as a Syndrome of Undifferentiated Recurrent Fever 1-gen-2023 De Nardi, LauraD'Agostin, MartinaNaviglio, SamueleTrombetta, AndreaDe Martino, EleonoraTommasini, AlbertoRabusin, Marco
A Brain and Heart Connection: X-Linked Periventricular Heterotopia 1-gen-2015 NAVIGLIO, SAMUELEZanus, CaterinaVENTURA, ALESSANDRO +
A child with multiple liver and spleen nodules during therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 1-gen-2023 Laura De NardiSamuele NaviglioElena BattistuzValentina KirenEgidio BarbiMarco Rabusin +
A girl with gastric distension and hyperamylasemia 1-gen-2015 COZZI, GIORGIOPOROPAT, FEDERICONAVIGLIO, SAMUELEBARBI, EGIDIO
A pneumonia that does not improve 1-gen-2015 NAVIGLIO, SAMUELEVENTURA, ALESSANDRO +
A Teenager with Sudden Unilateral Breast Enlargement 1-gen-2017 NAVIGLIO, SAMUELEBarbi, EgidioVENTURA, ALESSANDRO +
A young goalkeeper with buttock pain and fever 1-gen-2017 MORESSA, VALENTINAPASTORE, SERENANAVIGLIO, SAMUELEVENTURA, ALESSANDRO
Allattamento al seno: Scienza e conformismo 1-gen-2013 NAVIGLIO, SAMUELE
Altered pattern of tumor necrosis factor-Alpha production in peripheral blood monocytes from Crohn's disease basic study 1-gen-2016 LOGANES, CLAUDIAPIN, ALESSIANAVIGLIO, SAMUELEGIRARDELLI, MARTINABIANCO, ANNA MONICA ROSARIAMARTELOSSI, STEFANOTOMMASINI, ALBERTOPISCIANZ, ELISA
An adolescent with an altered state of mind 1-gen-2015 NAVIGLIO, SAMUELEMORESSA, VALENTINAVENTURA, ALESSANDRO +
Azathioprine Biotransformation in Young Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Contribution of Glutathione-S Transferase M1 and A1 Variants 1-gen-2019 Lucafo M.Stocco G.Favretto D.Franca R.Malusa N.Lora A.Bramuzzo M.Naviglio S.Toffoli G.Ventura A.Decorti G. +
Bilateral Finger Swelling in an Adolescent 1-gen-2017 NAVIGLIO, SAMUELEMAZZOLAI, MICHELEVENTURA, ALESSANDRO
Candidate Biomarkers for the Detection of Serious Infections in Children: A Prospective Clinical Study 1-gen-2022 Pellegrin, Maria ChiaraPenco, ArturoAmadio, LeonardoNaviglio, SamueleDe Leo, LuiginaBiolo, GianniFiotti, NicolaRabusin, MarcoBarbi, Egidio +
Causes of Treatment Failure in Children With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated With Infliximab: A Pharmacokinetic Study 1-gen-2019 Naviglio, SamueleLucafò, MariannaFavretto, DiegoCuzzoni, EvaDecorti, GiulianaBramuzzo, MatteoTaddio, AndreaStocco, GabrieleVentura, Alessandro +
Changing Epidemiology of Liver Involvement in Children with Celiac Disease 1-gen-2019 Benelli, ElisaNaviglio, SamueleDe Leo, LuiginaStera, GiacomoRonfani, LucaVentura, AlessandroNot, Tarcisio +
Circulating PV-1 as a marker of celiac disease-associated liver injury 1-gen-2020 Luigina De LeoSamuele NaviglioSerena VattaElisa BenelliGiacomo SteraDaniela SantonFabiana ZibernaAndrea TaddioFabiola GiudiciAlessandro Ventura +
Clinical, immunological, and molecular features of typical and atypical severe combined immunodeficiency: Report of the italian primary immunodeficiency network 1-gen-2019 Tommasini A.Naviglio S. +
Closure of birth centers Latisana and Gorizia | Chiusura dei punti nascita di Latisana e Gorizia 1-gen-2013 MATARAZZO, LORENZABENELLI, ELISANAVIGLIO, SAMUELE +
Cortical Thumb Sign. 1-gen-2013 NAVIGLIO, SAMUELETADDIO, ANDREA +