Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute  

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Balance between cell division and cell death as predictor of survival in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer 1-gen-2002 BARBONE, FabioDAMANTE, GiuseppeDI LORETO, Carla +
BCL-2 immunohistochemical evaluation in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and hairy cell leukemia before treatment with fludarabine and 2-chloro-deoxy-adenosine 1-gen-1998 ZAJA, FrancescoDI LORETO, CarlaFANIN, RenatoDAMIANI, Daniela +
Clonality and phenotype in spleens from patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia 1-gen-2011 DI LORETO, CarlaZAJA, Francesco +
Combined analysis of MIB-1 and thyroid transcription factor-1 predicts survival in non-small cell lung carcinomas 1-gen-2001 BARBONE, FabioDAMANTE, GiuseppeDI LORETO, Carla +
Galectin-3 expression in non-small cell lung carcinoma 1-gen-2004 MINISINI, Alessandro MarcoBARBONE, FabioINTERSIMONE, DonatellaPUPPIN, CinziaDAMANTE, GiuseppePARON, IgorTELL, GianlucaDI LORETO, Carla +
Impact of hepatitis C virus infection on clinical features, quality of life and survival of patients with lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma 1-gen-1998 FANIN, RenatoPIPAN, CorradoZAJA, FrancescoDI LORETO, Carla +
Prognostic role of Ape/Ref-1 subcellular expression in stage I-III breast carcinomas 1-gen-2002 BARBONE, FabioTELL, GianlucaDAMANTE, GiuseppeDI LORETO, Carla +
Prognostic significance of Ape1/Ref-1 subcellular localization in non-small cell lung carcinomas 1-gen-2001 BARBONE, FabioTELL, GianlucaDAMANTE, GiuseppeDI LORETO, Carla +
Prognostic value of thyroid transcription factor-1 in primary, resected, non-small cell lung carcinoma 1-gen-1999 BARBONE, FabioDAMANTE, GiuseppeDI LORETO, Carla +
Retrospective analysis of 23 cases with peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified: clinical characteristics and outcome 1-gen-1997 ZAJA, FrancescoFANIN, RenatoDAMIANI, DanielaDI LORETO, Carla +
Retrospective study 2005-2015 of all cases of fetal death occurred at ≥23 gestational weeks, in Friusli Venezia Giulia, Italy 1-gen-2020 Barbone, FabioCagnacci, AngeloCanton, MelaniaComar, ManolaDe Seta, FrancescoDi Loreto, CarlaDriul, LorenzaGiornelli, RobertaMaso, GianpaoloPecile, VannaRicci, GiuseppeRonfani, LucaSandrigo, ElisaSmiroldo, SilviaSorz, AliceStampalija, TamaraAlberico, Salvatore +
Semaphorin-7A on Exosomes: A Promigratory Signal in the Glioma Microenvironment 1-gen-2019 Sgarra RCAPONNETTO, EDMEA FRANCESCA ADELAIDEDI LORETO, CARLAManfioletti G +