A joint ALMA-Bolocam-Planck SZ study of the pressure distribution in RX J1347.5-1145
2019-01-01 Di Mascolo, L.; Churazov, E.; Mroczkowski, T.
An ALMA+ACA measurement of the shock in the Bullet Cluster
2019-01-01 Di Mascolo, L.; Mroczkowski, T.; Churazov, E.; Markevitch, M.; Basu, K.; Clarke, T. E.; Devlin, M.; Mason, B. S.; Randall, S. W.; Reese, E. D.; Sunyaev, R.; Wik, D. R.
Astrophysics with the Spatially and Spectrally Resolved Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effects: A Millimetre/Submillimetre Probe of the Warm and Hot Universe
2019-01-01 Mroczkowski, T.; Nagai, D.; Basu, K.; Chluba, J.; Sayers, J.; Adam, R.; Churazov, E.; Crites, A.; Di Mascolo, L.; Eckert, D.; Macias-Perez, J.; Mayet, F.; Perotto, L.; Pointecouteau, E.; Romero, C.; Ruppin, F.; Scannapieco, E.; Zuhone, J.
Atacama Cosmology Telescope measurements of a large sample of candidates from the Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey: Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect confirmation of MaDCoWS candidates using ACT
2021-01-01 Orlowski-Scherer, J.; Di Mascolo, L.; Bhandarkar, T.; Manduca, A.; Mroczkowski, T.; Amodeo, S.; Battaglia, N.; Brodwin, M.; Choi, S. K.; Devlin, M.; Dicker, S.; Dunkley, J.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Han, D.; Hilton, M.; Huffenberger, K.; Hughes, J. P.; Macinnis, A.; Knowles, K.; Koopman, B. J.; Lowe, I.; Moodley, K.; Nati, F.; Niemack, M. D.; Page, L. A.; Partridge, B.; Romero, C.; Salatino, M.; Schillaci, A.; Sehgal, N.; Sifon, C.; Staggs, S.; Stanford, S. A.; Thornton, R.; Vavagiakis, E. M.; Wollack, E. J.; Xu, Z.; Zhu, N.
Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: The hidden circumgalactic medium
2024-01-01 Lee, Minju; Schimek, Alice; Cicone, Claudia; Andreani, Paola; Popping, Gergo; Sommovigo, Laura; Appleton, Philip N.; Bischetti, Manuela; Cantalupo, Sebastiano; Chen, Chian-Chou; Dannerbauer, Helmut; De Breuck, Carlos; Di Mascolo, Luca; Emonts, Bjorn H. C.; Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia; Pensabene, Antonio; Rizzo, Francesca; Rybak, Matus; Shen, Sijing; Lundgren, Andreas; Booth, Mark; Klaassen, Pamela; Mroczkowski, Tony; Cordiner, Martin A.; Johnstone, Doug; van Kampen, Eelco; Liu, Daizhong; Maccarone, Thomas; Saintonge, Amelie; Smith, Matthew; Thelen, Alexander E.; Wedemeyer, Sven
Feeding and feedback processes in the Spiderweb proto-intracluster medium
2024-01-01 Lepore, M.; Di Mascolo, L.; Tozzi, P.; Churazov, E.; Mroczkowski, T.; Borgani, S.; Carilli, C.; Gaspari, M.; Ginolfi, M.; Liu, A.; Pentericci, L.; Rasia, E.; Rosati, P.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Anderson, C. S.; Dannerbauer, H.; Miley, G.; Norman, C.
Forming intracluster gas in a galaxy protocluster at a redshift of 2.16
2023-01-01 DI MASCOLO, Luca; Saro, Alexandro; Mroczkowski, Tony; Borgani, Stefano; Churazov, Eugene; Rasia, Elena; Tozzi, Paolo; Dannerbauer, Helmut; Basu, Kaustuv; Carilli, Christopher L.; Ginolfi, Michele; Miley, George; Nonino, Mario; Pannella Laura Pentericci, Maurilio; Rizzo, Francesca
Multiwavelength view of SPT-CL J2106-5844: The radio galaxies and the thermal and relativistic plasmas in a massive galaxy cluster merger at z ≠1.13
2021-01-01 Di Mascolo, L.; Mroczkowski, T.; Perrott, Y.; Rudnick, L.; James Jee, M.; Hyeonghan, K.; Churazov, E.; Collier, J. D.; Diego, J. M.; Hopkins, A. M.; Kim, J.; Koribalski, B. S.; Marvil, J. D.; Van Der Burg, R.; West, J. L.
Observations of compact sources in galaxy clusters using MUSTANG2
2021-01-01 Dicker, S. R.; Battistelli, E. S.; Bhandarkar, T.; Devlin, M. J.; Duff, S. M.; Hilton, G.; Hilton, M.; Hincks, A. D.; Hubmayr, J.; Huffenberger, K.; Hughes, J. P.; Di Mascolo, L.; Mason, B. S.; Mates, J. A. B.; Mcmahon, J.; Mroczkowski, T.; Naess, S.; Orlowski-Scherer, J.; Partridge, B.; Radiconi, F.; Romero, C.; Sarazin, C. L.; Sehgal, N.; Sievers, J.; Sifon, C.; Ullom, J.; Vale, L. R.; Vissers, M. R.; Xu, Z.
Shocks in the stacked Sunyaev-Zel'dovich profiles of clusters II: Measurements from SPT-SZ + Planck Compton-y map
2022-01-01 Anbajagane, D.; Chang, C.; Jain, B.; Adhikari, S.; Baxter, E. J.; Benson, B. A.; Bleem, L. E.; Bocquet, S.; Calzadilla, M. S.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Chang, C. L.; Chown, R.; Crawford, T. M.; Crites, A. T.; Cui, W.; De Haan, T.; Di Mascolo, L.; Dobbs, M. A.; Everett, W. B.; George, E. M.; Grandis, S.; Halverson, N. W.; Holder, G. P.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Hrubes, J. D.; Lee, A. T.; Luong-Van, D.; Mcdonald, M. A.; Mcmahon, J. J.; Meyer, S. S.; Millea, M.; Mocanu, L. M.; Mohr, J. J.; Natoli, T.; Omori, Y.; Padin, S.; Pryke, C.; Reichardt, C. L.; Ruhl, J. E.; Saro, A.; Schaffer, K. K.; Shirokoff, E.; Staniszewski, Z.; Stark, A. A.; Vieira, J. D.; Williamson, R.
The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field
2022-01-01 Tozzi, P.; Pentericci, L.; Gilli, R.; Pannella, M.; Fiore, F.; Miley, G.; Nonino, M.; R??ttgering, H. J. A.; Strazzullo, V.; Anderson, C. S.; Borgani, S.; Calabr??, A.; Carilli, C.; Dannerbauer, H.; Di Mascolo, L.; Feruglio, C.; Gobat, R.; Jin, S.; Liu, A.; Mroczkowski, T.; Norman, C.; Rasia, E.; Rosati, P.; Saro, A.
The 700 ks Chandra Spiderweb Field
2022-01-01 Tozzi, P.; Gilli, R.; Liu, A.; Borgani, S.; Lepore, M.; Di Mascolo, L.; Saro, A.; Pentericci, L.; Carilli, C.; Miley, G.; Mroczkowski, T.; Pannella, M.; Rasia, E.; Rosati, P.; Anderson, C. S.; Calabr??, A.; Churazov, E.; Dannerbauer, H.; Feruglio, C.; Fiore, F.; Gobat, R.; Jin, S.; Nonino, M.; Norman, C.; R??ttgering, H. J. A.
The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey. X. Initial Results from a Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Study of Massive Galaxy Clusters at z > 1 Using MUSTANG2 on the GBT
2020-01-01 Dicker, S. R.; Romero, C. E.; Di Mascolo, L.; Mroczkowski, T.; Sievers, J.; Moravec, E.; Bhandarkar, T.; Brodwin, M.; Connor, T.; Decker, B.; Devlin, M.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Lowe, I.; Mason, B. S.; Sarazin, C.; Stanford, S. A.; Stern, D.; Thongkham, K.; Wylezalek, D.; Zago, F.
The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey: SZ effect of Verification with the Atacama Compact Array-Localization and Cluster Analysis
2020-01-01 Di Mascolo, L.; Mroczkowski, T.; Churazov, E.; Moravec, E.; Brodwin, M.; Gonzalez, A.; Decker, B. B.; Eisenhardt, P. R. M.; Stanford, S. A.; Stern, D.; Sunyaev, R.; Wylezalek, D.
The mergers in Abell 2256: displaced gas and its connection to the radio-emitting plasma
2020-01-01 Breuer, J. P.; Werner, N.; Mernier, F.; Mroczkowski, T.; Simionescu, A.; Clarke, T. E.; Zuhone, J. A.; Di Mascolo, L.
The Spiderweb Protocluster is Being Magnetized by Its Central Radio Jet
2022-01-01 Anderson, Craig S.; Carilli, Christopher L.; Tozzi, Paolo; Miley, G. K.; Borgani, S.; Clarke, Tracy; DI MASCOLO, Luca; Liu, Ang; Mroczkowski, Tony; Pannella, Maurilio; Pentericci, L.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Saro, A.
X-Ray Emission from the Jets and Lobes of the Spiderweb
2022-01-01 Carilli, Christopher L.; Anderson, Craig S.; Tozzi, Paolo; Pannella, Maurilio; Clarke, Tracy; Pentericci, L.; Liu, Ang; Mroczkowski, Tony; Miley, G. K.; Rottgering, H. J.; Borgani, S.; Norman, Colin; Saro, A.; Nonino, M.; Di Mascolo, L.