Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 715
NA - Nord America 439
AS - Asia 157
AF - Africa 7
SA - Sud America 5
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 1.324
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 432
IT - Italia 273
PL - Polonia 255
GB - Regno Unito 51
CN - Cina 39
IN - India 38
SE - Svezia 32
SG - Singapore 19
DE - Germania 17
HK - Hong Kong 17
PH - Filippine 15
BG - Bulgaria 14
TR - Turchia 11
BE - Belgio 9
PT - Portogallo 9
IE - Irlanda 8
UA - Ucraina 8
CA - Canada 7
FR - Francia 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
AT - Austria 6
FI - Finlandia 6
KR - Corea 6
CO - Colombia 4
JP - Giappone 4
VN - Vietnam 4
KE - Kenya 3
NL - Olanda 3
SN - Senegal 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ES - Italia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IR - Iran 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AL - Albania 1
AU - Australia 1
BR - Brasile 1
GR - Grecia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
RO - Romania 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 1.324
Città #
Warsaw 255
Houston 45
Chandler 43
Trieste 43
Bengaluru 37
Fairfield 35
Ann Arbor 27
Woodbridge 22
Ashburn 19
Seattle 19
Wilmington 19
Santa Clara 18
Cambridge 17
Hong Kong 17
Singapore 16
Redwood City 15
Sofia 14
Beijing 12
Jacksonville 12
Princeton 12
Rome 12
Boardman 10
Bologna 10
Cagliari 9
Naples 9
Caserta 7
Dearborn 7
Dublin 7
Arlington 6
Brussels 6
Columbus 6
Glasgow 6
Izmir 6
London 6
Nottingham 6
Turin 6
Centola 5
Fabriano 5
Lindsay 5
Milan 5
Dong Ket 4
Innsbruck 4
Dakar 3
Florence 3
Guangzhou 3
Helsinki 3
Landau 3
Lisbon 3
Montemarano 3
Montreal 3
Moscow 3
Nairobi 3
Paris 3
Philadelphia 3
Quezon City 3
Scafati 3
Villa del Rosario 3
Worcester 3
Bisceglie 2
Bovisio-Masciago 2
Canterbury 2
Dasmariñas 2
Des Moines 2
Genoa 2
Henderson 2
Istanbul 2
Jaén 2
Karlsruhe 2
Kessel-Lo 2
Keyser 2
Leányfalu 2
Los Angeles 2
Manila 2
Marcon 2
Montebello Vicentino 2
Nanjing 2
Noceto 2
Oxford 2
Padova 2
Perugia 2
Pesaro 2
Plymouth 2
Prato 2
Pusan 2
Redmond 2
Rho 2
Rovigo 2
Salem 2
San Diego 2
Sassari 2
Seoul 2
Shanghai 2
Suzhou 2
Taipei 2
Udine 2
Vaiano Cremasco 2
Valley View 2
Venice 2
Vienna 2
Woodford Green 2
Totale 976
Nome #
Sexual prejudice, inter-group contact and homophobic school climate as determinants of school staff responses to homophobic bullying 501
Homophobic bullying in the Italian school context: student and school personnel perspectives 361
The Impact of Homophobic Labels on the Internalized Homophobia and Body Image of Gay Men: The Moderation Role of Coming-Out 187
Individual and Contextual Factors Associated with School Staff Responses to Homophobic Bullying 163
On the Descriptive and Expressive Function of Derogatory Group Labels: An Experimental Test 82
Race can be sexually oriented: The intersection between Asian/Black and Heterosexual/ Homosexual categories 69
Totale 1.363
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.041
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 3.041

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020133 0 0 0 0 0 22 24 15 26 20 14 12
2020/2021154 12 15 10 20 17 13 18 10 15 11 4 9
2021/2022189 14 13 7 18 13 22 8 12 23 24 4 31
2022/2023204 10 23 13 18 12 19 8 28 35 14 10 14
2023/2024210 7 19 6 11 8 26 54 37 4 10 18 10
2024/202574 0 5 6 32 22 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.363