Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute
Elastofibroma Dorsi. Our experience with 11 lesions
2014-01-01 Novati, FEDERICO CESARE; Franchi, Alberto; Papa, Giovanni; Arnez, ZORAN MARIJ
How we fix free flaps to the bone in oral and oropharyngeal reconstructions
2015-01-01 Arnez, ZORAN MARIJ; Novati, FEDERICO CESARE; Ramella, Vittorio; Papa, Giovanni; Biasotto, Matteo; Gatto, Annalisa; Bonini, Pierluigi; Tofanelli, Margherita; Tirelli, GIAN CARLO
Improved survival of ischemic cutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps after vascular endothelial growth factor gene transfer using adeno-associated virus vectors
2005-01-01 Zacchigna, Serena; Papa, Giovanni; Antonini, Andrea; Novati, Federico; Moimas, Silvia; Carrer, Alessandro; Arsic, Nikola; Zentilin, Lorena; Visintini, Valentina; Pascone, Michele; Giacca, Mauro
Is the LICOX® PtO2 system reliable for monitoring of free flaps? Comparison between two cohorts of patients
2018-01-01 Arnež, Zoran Marij; Ramella, Vittorio; Papa, Giovanni; Novati, Federico Cesare; Manca, Elisa; Leuzzi, Sara; Stocco, Chiara
Limb and Flap Salvage in Gustilo IIIC Injuries Treated by Vascular Repair and Emergency Free Flap Transfer
2017-01-01 Arnež, Zoran Marij; Papa, Giovanni; Ramella, Vittorio; Novati, Federico Cesare; Ahcan, Uros; Stocco, Chiara
Macrovascular arteriovenous shunt (MAS) between ulnar artery and its venae comitantes: The cause of arterial thrombosis and insufficiency in a distally based ulnar forearm perforator (UAP) flap used for intraoral reconstruction
2013-01-01 Arnez, ZORAN MARIJ; Papa, Giovanni; Novati, FEDERICO CESARE; Franchi, Alberto; . Troisi L, .; Arnež, T.; Ramella, Vittorio
Treatment of a double-giant Rhinophyma with electrocautery and Versajet hydrosurgery system
2015-01-01 Novati, F. C.; Franchi, A.; Roggio, T.; Ramella, V.; Arnez, Z. M.
Triple-Cut Computer-Aided Design-Computer-Aided Modeling: More Oncologic Safety Added to Precise Mandible Modeling
2017-01-01 Ramella, Vittorio; Franchi, Alberto; Bottosso, Stefano; Tirelli, GIAN CARLO; Novati, FEDERICO CESARE; Arnez, ZORAN MARIJ