Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute
Repeated canalith repositioning procedure in BPPV: Effects on recurrence and dizziness prevention
2017-01-01 Tirelli, GIAN CARLO; Nicastro, Luca; Gatto, Annalisa; Tofanelli, Margherita
Stretching stenoses of the external auditory canal: a report of four cases and brief review of the literature
2015-01-01 Tirelli, GIAN CARLO; Nicastro, Luca; Gatto, Annalisa; BOSCOLO NATA, Francesca
Sudden hearing loss and Crohn disease: When Cogan syndrome must be suspected
2015-01-01 Tirelli, GIAN CARLO; Tomietto, Paola; Quatela, Eliana; Perrino, Fiorella; Nicastro, Luca; Cattin, Luigi; Carretta, Renzo
The probabilistic random forest applied to the QUBRICS survey: improving the selection of high-redshift quasars with synthetic data
2022-01-01 Guarneri, F.; Calderone, G.; Cristiani, S.; Porru, M.; Fontanot, F.; Boutsia, K.; Cupani, G.; Grazian, A.; D'Odorico, V.; Murphy, M. T.; Bongiorno, A.; Saccheo, I.; Nicastro, L.