Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura
Ricercatori a tempo determinato
A numerical method for the solution of the three-dimensional acoustic wave equation in a marine environment considering complex sources
2022-01-01 Petris, Giovanni; Cianferra, Marta; Armenio, Vincenzo
Acoustic Analogies and Large-Eddy Simulations of Incompressible and Cavitating Flows Around Bluff Bodies
2018-03-23 Cianferra, Marta
Acoustic Response of a Vibrating Elongated Cylinder in a Hydrodynamic Turbulent Flow
2022-01-01 Rismondo, G.; Cianferra, M.; Armenio, V.
Analysis of performance of cavitation models with analytically calculated coefficients
2021-01-01 Savio, A.; Cianferra, M.; Armenio, V.
Assessment of methodologies for the solution of the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation using LES of incompressible single-phase flow around a finite-size square cylinder
2019-01-01 Cianferra, M.; Ianniello, S.; Armenio, V.
Computational hydroacoustic analysis of the BB2 submarine using the advective Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings equation with Wall-Modeled LES
2022-01-01 Rocca, A.; Cianferra, M.; Broglia, R.; Armenio, V.
Full Acoustic Analogy of the fluid-dynamics noise of an immersed cube
2024-01-01 Petris, Giovanni; Cianferra, Marta; Armenio, Vincenzo
Hydroacoustic analysis of a marine propeller using large-eddy simulation and acoustic analogy
2022-01-01 Posa, A.; Broglia, R.; Felli, M.; Cianferra, M.; Armenio, V.
Hydroacoustic noise from different geometries
2017-01-01 Cianferra, M.; Armenio, V.; Ianniello, S.
Hydrodynamic noise from a propeller in open sea condition
2018-01-01 Cianferra, Marta; Petronio, Andrea; Armenio, Vincenzo
Marine propeller noise propagation within bounded domains
2022-01-01 Petris, Giovanni; Cianferra, Marta; Armenio, Vincenzo
Non-linear noise from a ship propeller in open sea condition
2019-01-01 Cianferra, M.; Petronio, A.; Armenio, V.
Non-reflective hard source method for multiple physically extended sources and scattering bodies
2024-01-01 Lamonaca, Frida; Petris, Giovanni; Cianferra, Marta; Armenio, Vincenzo
Numerical prediction of the far field noise generated by a ship propeller
2019-01-01 Cianferra, M.; Armenio, V.; Petronio, A.
Numerical study of noise attenuation by air-sheet barriers in water
2024-01-01 Petris, Giovanni; Hamid, Naira; Cianferra, Marta; Armenio, Vincenzo
On the comparison of LES data-driven reduced order approaches for hydroacoustic analysis
2021-01-01 Gadalla, M.; Cianferra, M.; Tezzele, M.; Stabile, G.; Mola, A.; Rozza, G.
Rayleigh-Plesset-based Eulerian mixture model for cavitating flows
2024-01-01 Cianferra, Marta; Armenio, Vincenzo
Scaling properties of the Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings equation for complex acoustic source close to a free surface
2021-01-01 Cianferra, M.; Armenio, V.