Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.892
EU - Europa 3.876
AS - Asia 825
SA - Sud America 15
OC - Oceania 12
AF - Africa 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 9.635
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.880
IT - Italia 1.259
SE - Svezia 812
UA - Ucraina 787
CN - Cina 268
HK - Hong Kong 266
FI - Finlandia 245
SG - Singapore 143
GB - Regno Unito 128
TR - Turchia 126
BG - Bulgaria 120
IE - Irlanda 118
DE - Germania 109
FR - Francia 81
CH - Svizzera 74
BE - Belgio 33
NL - Olanda 29
RO - Romania 16
SI - Slovenia 13
CA - Canada 10
AT - Austria 9
AU - Australia 9
BR - Brasile 8
ES - Italia 7
RU - Federazione Russa 7
DK - Danimarca 6
PT - Portogallo 6
EU - Europa 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 5
KE - Kenya 4
NO - Norvegia 4
CY - Cipro 3
IN - India 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PK - Pakistan 3
SD - Sudan 3
AR - Argentina 2
CL - Cile 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ID - Indonesia 2
IR - Iran 2
IS - Islanda 2
JP - Giappone 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MD - Moldavia 2
BO - Bolivia 1
CO - Colombia 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
KY - Cayman, isole 1
MA - Marocco 1
MT - Malta 1
MX - Messico 1
PE - Perù 1
PL - Polonia 1
SN - Senegal 1
Totale 9.635
Città #
Jacksonville 680
Woodbridge 599
Ann Arbor 593
Chandler 529
Fairfield 313
Wilmington 281
Houston 274
Hong Kong 262
Princeton 230
Ashburn 175
Trieste 172
Izmir 123
Sofia 116
Dublin 114
Singapore 105
Seattle 100
Boardman 94
Milan 88
Cambridge 75
Beijing 71
Bern 65
Rome 56
Potsdam 51
Dearborn 47
San Diego 40
Verona 33
Brussels 27
Bologna 25
Chicago 23
Des Moines 21
Düsseldorf 21
Hefei 21
Norwalk 20
Buffalo 18
Gorizia 18
Bucharest 15
Los Angeles 15
Albuquerque 14
Redwood City 14
Florence 12
Palermo 12
Bari 11
Bergschenhoek 11
Guangzhou 11
Nanjing 11
Udine 11
Washington 11
Arzano 10
Cagliari 10
Castel Gandolfo 10
Chieti 10
Fano 10
Fremont 10
Bagnacavallo 9
Dallas 9
Frattamaggiore 9
Hangzhou 9
Helsinki 9
Pisa 9
Corpus Christi 8
Falls Church 8
Napoli 8
Odijk 8
University Park 8
Vienna 8
Genova 7
Naples 7
Pignone 7
Santa Clara 7
Shanghai 7
Kiel 6
Padova 6
Phoenix 6
Seveso 6
Torre Del Greco 6
Vico Equense 6
Bitonto 5
Centro 5
Edinburgh 5
Lisbon 5
Mestre 5
Parma 5
San Benedetto Del Tronto 5
San Michele al Tagliamento 5
Torino 5
Auburn Hills 4
Brezovica Pri Ljubljani 4
Canberra 4
Capaci 4
Duncan 4
Espoo 4
Jinan 4
Kunming 4
Modena 4
Monte Porzio Catone 4
Montpellier 4
Naaldwijk 4
Paris 4
Perugia 4
Pordenone 4
Totale 5.966
Nome #
Progetto Geotermia-Grado per il riscaldamento di edifici pubblici: il pozzo esplorativo e il potenziale geotermico 390
Heat flow map of Italy 332
Geothermal resources in the carbonate aquifers of the Friuli Venezia giulia coastal area: preliminary conceptual model 173
Geothermal Heating and Cooling in the FVG Region: the Grado District heating and the Pontebba Ice Rink Plants 168
Thermal modelling of the Larderello geothermal field (Tuscany, Italy) 150
The Geothermal District Heating System on the Grado Island (North-eastern Adriatic Sea). 149
New evidence of the outer Dinaric deformation front in the Grado area (NE-Italy) 147
Salty brines on the Mediterranean sea floor 135
Upper mantle properties of the Tuscan-Tyrrhenian area: a framework for its recent tectonic evolution 134
Frequency-dependent multi-offset phase analysis of surface waves: an example of high-resolution characterization of a riparian aquifer 133
New evidence of the outer Dinaric deformation front in the Grado area 126
Geophysical evidence of mud diapirism on the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. 124
Transect across the West Antarctic Rift System in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. 119
Thermal history of deep sea sediments as a record of recent changes in the deep circulation of the Eastern Mediterranean 116
Acoustic facies of Holocene Megaturbidites in the Eastern Mediterranean. 114
A hydrothermal system along the coastal area of Friuli Venezia Giulia region (NE Italy) 114
Heat flow and tectonics of the western Ross Sea. 113
Roots of Etna Volcano in faults of great earthquakes. 112
Heat flow in the Jane Basin, Northwest Weddell Sea. 112
Earthquake relocations, crustal rheology, and active deformation in the central-eastern Alps (N Italy) 109
Geothermal Regime of Italy and Surrounding Seas. 107
Reservoir characterization for the completion of the geothermal district heating system in Grado (NE Italy) 106
Multioffset VSP for the integrated geophysical characterization of the Grado (NE Italy) carbonatic reservoir 106
Crustal segmentation of the Transantarctic Mountains rift shoulder along the David Glacier Lineament, Victoria Land (Antarctica). 105
Caratterizzazione del sito test di Turriaco mediante metodologie geofisiche integrate 105
Gas hydrates and active mud volcanism on the South Shetland Trench, Antarctic Peninsula 104
Uno studio per lo sfruttamento degli acquiferi artesiani della bassa Pianura Friulana 103
New evidence of the outer Dinaric deformation front in the Grado area. 102
Deep temperatures and surface heat flow distribution 101
Geology of the Red Sea between 23° and 25° N: preliminary results. 100
Active mud volcanism associated to gas hydrate from multibeam and core analysis (Antarctic Peninsula) 96
Le acque calde della bassa Pianura Friulana e le loro potenzialità: uno studio sulla risorsa geotermica regionale. 95
The geothermal potential of the carbonatic platform buried beneath the Veneto and Friuli coastal areas: preliminary results from the Grado-1 borehole (NE Italy) 95
Status and perspectives of the district heating and cooling infrastructures in Italy 95
Passive subduction of the Phoenix plate remnant at the South Shetland trench, Antarctic Peninsula. 94
Geophysical evidences of the upper mantle properties in the Tuscan-Tyrrhenian area 91
Sismica ad alta risoluzione per lo studio di acquiferi profondi nella Pianura Friulana. 90
Heat flow in the Jane Basin, Northwest Weddell Sea. 89
Geothermal regime in ItalyItalian working group for the Geothermal Atlas of Europe 87
Accretion and incipient continental collision: phase-2 deep drilling into the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex, Eastern Mediterranean. 85
Upper Mantle properties along a profile intersecting EGT (Corsica-Istria) 85
Age estimates from heat flow and subsidence data in the rifting basins of the Southern European GeoTraverse segment 84
Misure di flusso di calore nei mari Italiani: stato di avanzamento della ricerca 84
Crustal structure of the Transantarctic Mountains and adjacent Ross Sea Depression. 83
Monitoring the present multi-annual climate variability n the deep Jonian Sea, Eastern Mediterranean (SINAPSI Cruise report, R/V Urania 15/97). 83
New heat flow density measurements in the Jonian Sea 80
. Crustal structure of the Southern Central Trough, Western Ross Sea. 79
Studio geofisico dell'area di tranasizione tra il Mar Pelagico e la Piana Abissale dell Jonio 79
Brine lakes and temperature anomalies in the seafloor and bottom water of the Western Mediterranean Ridge 79
Carbon isotope measurements in the brines of the Urania and l’Atalante anoxic basins, Eastern Mediterranean. 78
Cenozoic tectonic activity and thermal regime of the Victoria Land basin (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 77
Geothermal and rheological regime in the Po Plain sector of Adria (Northern Italy) 76
Crustal structure in the Ross Sea Area, Antarctica 76
Risultati delle misure di flusso di calore eseguite nel Tirreno Sud-orientale 76
Deep seismic profiles through the Venetian and Adriatic foreland (Northern Italy). 75
Come produrre mappe di flusso di calore più significative? 75
Gravity and ice thickness surveys in Victoria Land, Antarctica, during the ACRUP Experiment. 74
Status and perspectives of the district heating and cooling infrastructures in Italy 74
Mappa del flusso geotermico in Italia e mari adiacenti. Stato del progetto e prime valutazioni 73
The Mediterranean Ridge in the Eastern Mediterranean 73
Temperature distribution within the crust: measurement and significance 72
Indagini geofisiche integrate per la caratterizzazione di un sito costiero inquinato (Muggia - TS) 72
Shallow geological structures of the South Shetland Trench, Antarctic Peninsula 71
2-D thermal modeling across the geothermal fields of Tuscany, Italy 71
Crustal structure of the Transantarctic Mountains, western Ross Sea. 70
Heat flow measurements in the Jane Basin, a back-arc basin, northern Weddell Sea 70
Aereomagnetic investigations in the area of the ACRUP seismic line, Central Southern Victoria Land (Antarctica). 69
The ACRUP-1 Experiment 1993-94: Deep crustal investigations across the Transantarctic Mountains and the adjacent Ross Sea depression (Antarctica) 69
Gas hydrates and active fluid outflow NE of the South Shetland Islands, Antarctic Peninsula 69
The European Geotraverse: Heat flow density 68
Geothermal heat flow from different structural settings. 68
Seismic relfection tomography and thermal implications of a gas hydrate Bottom Simulating Reflector on the South Shetland margin (Antarctic Peninsula) 68
Soil properties by computed tomography and needle probe method 66
Thermal regime of the Southern Adriatic Basin: preliminary results 66
Geology of the Red Sea transitional region (22 °N - 25 °N). 65
Heat flow measurements in the Ross Sea area. 65
Crociera Antartica D-154 (Dic. 84 - Apr. 85): misure di flusso di calore nel Jane Basin, risultati preliminari 65
Campo regionale del flusso di calore nel Tirreno 65
Map of subsurface structures of the Friuli Plain 64
Thermal transients in the sediments of the Mediterranean Ridge 64
Multi-channel seismic imaging of a tsunamigenic structure offshore SW Portugal. 63
The Eastern Basin crustal model from wide-angle reflection data, Ross Sea. 61
Modellistica Integrata 3-D per analisi di vulnerabilità degli acquiferi 61
Evidenze della crosta inferiore nell'area Adriatica da dati geofisici 61
Sismica ad alta risoluzione e tomografia a rifrazione nella progettazione di gallerie. 59
Geotraverse ACRUP-1 Experiment (IX Italian Antarctic Expedition 1993-94): Data Report. 59
Metodologie geofisiche per la valutazione di risorse geotermiche a bassa entalpia: Lignano S. e Grado (litorale Friuli Venezia Giulia) 59
Multichannel seismic imaging of a tsunamigenetic structure offshore SW Portugal 59
New discoveries of brine lakes in the seafloor of the Eastern Mediterranean 59
High resolution images along the subducting oceanic plate at the South Shetland Trench, Antarctic Peninsula 58
Le risorse termali di Lignano e Grado 58
Realizzazione della mappa di flusso di calore per i mari italiani 57
The MAST-MEDRIFF Project: Report of the R/V Urania Cruise 1993 57
Geothermal heat flux at the COST B-2 and COST B-3 wells, U.S. Atlantic continental margin. 55
Utilizzo di sistemi di simulazione dinamica per l'analisi energetico-economica di un edificio ad uso servizi: analisi e confronto tra un impianto a pompa di calore geotermica e sistemi tradizionali 53
Il termalismo artesiano della fascia litorale veneto-friulana: stato di avanzamento delle ricerche 52
Deep thermal trends for the Po Valley from AGIP temperature measurements in gas and oil wells. 51
Totale 9.260
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.561
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.561

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.077 0 0 0 229 48 210 125 179 55 64 141 26
2020/20211.377 131 34 125 169 104 158 65 144 76 147 57 167
2021/20221.424 16 116 115 230 13 77 82 59 168 113 61 374
2022/20231.772 166 135 100 226 203 353 36 140 226 55 99 33
2023/2024951 132 53 51 76 80 37 210 152 3 29 61 67
2024/2025206 67 20 69 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.878