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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A heavy mineral association and its paleogeographical implications in the Eocene Brkini Flysch Basin (Slovenia) 1-gen-2001 LENAZ, DAVIDEALBERTI, ANTONIOTUNIS, GIORGIOPRINCIVALLE, FRANCESCO
A new dinosaur tracksite in the Cenomanian of Istria, Croatia 1-gen-2006 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Bauxitic deposits in the Cenomanian-Santonian succession of Monte Sabotino (Gorizia, NE Italy): new stratigraphic data and palaeogeographic implications concerning the North-Eastern sector of the Friuli Platform 1-gen-2008 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Caratteri geomorfologici degli affioramenti rocciosi del Golfo di Trieste (Adriatico settentrionale) 1-gen-2001 MAROCCO, RUGGEROTUNIS, GIORGIO +
Caratteristiche sedimentologiche dei megabanchi carbonatici paleogenici del Bacino Giulio (Valli del Natisone, Friuli orientale). 1-gen-2000 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Decastronema barattoloi (De Castro) characteristic fossil of the Paleocene and the Eocene peritidal sediments from the Adriatic Carbonate Platform. 1-gen-2008 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Depositional environments of Upper Cenomanian limestones with rudists and dinosaur footprints, Istria, Croatia 1-gen-2007 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Dinosaur track sites in the upper Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Istria peninsula (Croatia). 1-gen-2001 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Dropstones, pseudoplanktonic forms and deep-water decapod crustaceans within a Lutetian condensed succession of Central Istria (Croatia): relation to paleoenvironmental evolution and paleogeography. 1-gen-2005 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Geology of the Classical Karst Region (SW Slovenia–NE Italy) 1-gen-2016 BIOLCHI, SARAFURLANI, STEFANOZINI, LucaTUNIS, GIORGIOCUCCHI, FRANCO +
High-Resolution Studies of Mass Transport Deposits: Outcrop Perspective for Understanding Modern Submarine Slope Failure and Associated Natural Hazards 1-gen-2014 OGATA, KEIPINI, GIAN ANDREATUNIS, GIORGIO +
I depositi cementati del Golfo di Trieste (Adriatico settentrionale): distribuzione areale, caratteri geomorfologici ed indagini acustiche ad alta risoluzione. 1-gen-2004 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Igneous rock clasts from the Maastrichtian Bovec Flysch (Slovenia): petrology and geodynamic aspects 1-gen-2007 DE MIN, ANGELOTUNIS, GIORGIOLENAZ, DAVIDE +
La successione aptiano-albiana della cava di Heraki-Lakovici (Istria meridionale, Croazia) 1-gen-2000 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Late Campanian Rudist assemblages and biometrical analysis of Pseudopolyconites from Bacevica (eastern Serbia) 1-gen-2010 TUNIS, GIORGIO +
Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) temperature evolution and biotic response in the Adriatic Carbonate Platform region of Friuli, northeast Italy 1-gen-2024 Consorti, L.Franceschi, M.Tunis, G.Bonini, L.Frijia, G. +
Microbialites as Markers of Biotic and Abiotic Events in the Karst District, Slovenia and Italy 1-gen-2011 TUNIS, GIORGIOPUGLIESE, NEVIO +
New archaeological and geomorphological markers along the Istrian coasts (Croatia) and their relations with relative sea level changes 1-gen-2011 Stefano FurlaniSara BiolchiRita AuriemmaGiorgio TunisFranco Cucchi +
Palaeogene and Neogene 1-gen-2008 PUGLIESE, NEVIOTUNIS, GIORGIO +
PartI-Stratigraphy and Sedimentology. In: F.M. Dalla Vecchia, A. Tarlao, G. Tunis & S. Venturini (eds). New dinosaur track sites in the Albian (Early Cretaceous) of the Istrian Peninsula (Croatia) 1-gen-2000 TUNIS, GIORGIO +