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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A panoramic path along multiple symbiotic patterns: together or not together? 1-gen-2016 MUGGIA, LUCIAAMETRANO, CLAUDIO GENNARO +
A standardized approach for co-culturing dothidealean rock-inhabiting fungi and lichen photobionts in vitro 1-gen-2017 AMETRANO, CLAUDIO GENNAROMUGGIA, LUCIA +
Abundance and extracellular release of phytohormones in aeroterrestrial microalgae (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) as a potential chemical signalling source 1-gen-2020 Candotto Carniel, FabioMuggia, LuciaAmetrano, Claudio GennaroTretiach, Mauro +
An overview of genomics, phylogenomics and proteomics approaches in ascomycota 1-gen-2020 Muggia L.Ametrano C. G. +
DNA metabarcoding uncovers fungal diversity of mixed airborne samples in Italy 1-gen-2018 Banchi, ElisaAmetrano, Claudio GennaroStanković, DavidLAZZARIN, STEFANIATASSAN TOFFOLA, FRANCESCATretiach, MauroPallavicini, AlbertoMuggia, Lucia +
Environmental DNA assessment of airborne plant and fungal seasonal diversity 1-gen-2020 Banchi E.Ametrano C. G.Tordoni E.Stankovic D.Ongaro S.Tretiach M.Pallavicini A.Muggia L
Extremotolerant black fungi from rocks and lichens. 1-gen-2019 Claudio Gennaro AmetranoLucia Muggia +
Genome-scale data resolve ancestral rock-inhabiting lifestyle in Dothideomycetes (Ascomycota) 1-gen-2019 Ametrano CGMuggia L. +
Highly heterogeneous mycobiota shape fungal diversity in two globally distributed lichens 1-gen-2024 Cometto, AgneseAmetrano, Claudio G.De Carolis, RobertoPallavicini, AlbertoMuggia, Lucia +
Il consumo di suolo nella montagna veneta: dalla percezione del fenomeno al suo monitoraggio 1-gen-2015 AMETRANO, CLAUDIO GENNARO +
Il triangolo no... 1-gen-2017 Claudio Gennaro Ametrano
IMA Genome - F13: Draft genome sequences of Ambrosiella cleistominuta, Cercospora brassicicola, C. citrullina, Physcia stellaris, and Teratosphaeria pseudoeucalypti 1-gen-2020 Ametrano, ClaudioDivakar, Pradeep K +
IMA Genome - F15 : Draft genome assembly of Fusarium pilosicola, Meredithiella fracta, Niebla homalea, Pyrenophora teres hybrid WAC10721, and Teratosphaeria viscida 1-gen-2021 Ametrano, Claudio Gennaro +
Integrated eDNA metabarcoding and morphological analyses assess spatio-temporal patterns of airborne fungal spores 1-gen-2021 Enrico TordoniClaudio G. AmetranoElisa BanchiSilvia OngaroAlberto PallaviciniGiovanni BacaroLucia Muggia
Life on top: cryptoendolithic ascomycetes and microalgae isolated from over 6000 m altitude 1-gen-2022 Agnese ComettoClaudio G. AmetranoLucia Muggia
Phylogenetic relationship among extremotolerant rock inhabiting fungi and theri association with algae 1-gen-2016 AMETRANO, CLAUDIO GENNAROMUGGIA, LUCIA +
Phylogenetic relationship among extremotolerant rock-inhabiting fungi and their association with algae 1-gen-2016 AMETRANO, CLAUDIO GENNAROMUGGIA, LUCIA +
Phylogenetic relationships among extremotolerant rock-inhabiting fungi and their associations with algae 21-mar-2019 AMETRANO, CLAUDIO GENNARO
Phylogenetic relationships of rock-inhabiting black fungi belonging to the widespread genera Lichenothelia and Saxomyces 1-gen-2019 Ametrano C. G.Muggia L. +
Phytohormone release by three isolated lichen mycobionts and the effects of indole-3-acetic acid on their compatible photobionts 1-gen-2020 Candotto Carniel, FabioMuggia, LuciaAmetrano, Claudio GennaroTretiach, Mauro +