A consensus list of microsatellite markers for olive genotyping
2009-01-01 Luciana, Baldoni; NICOLÒ G., Cultrera; Roberto, Mariotti; Claudia, Ricciolini; Sergio, Arcioni; GIOVANNI G., Vendramin; Anna, Buonamici; Andrea, Porceddu; Vania, Sarri; MARIA A., Ojeda; Isabel, Trujillo; Luis, Rallo; Angjelina, Belaj; Enzo, Perri; Amelia, Salimonti; Innocenzo, Muzzalupo; Casagrande, Alberto; Orietta, Lain; RACHELE MESSINA AND RAFFAELE, Testolin
A prevalence-robust measure of diagnostic test performance
2025-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Fabris, Francesco; Girometti, Rossano
An effective pressure–flow characterization of respiratory asynchronies in mechanical ventilation
2021-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Quintavalle, Francesco; Fernandez, Rafael; Blanch, Lluis; Ferluga, Massimo; Lena, Enrico; Fabris, Francesco; Lucangelo, Umberto
An information-oriented paradigm in evaluating accuracy and agreement in radiology
2023-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Fabris, Francesco; Girometti, Rossano
Approximated Symbolic Computations over Hybrid Automata
2013-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Tommaso, Dreossi; Carla, Piazza
Beyond kappa: an informational index for diagnostic agreement in dichotomous and multivalue ordered-categorical ratings
2020-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Fabris, Francesco; Girometti, Rossano
Composing FOCoRe Hybrid Automata
2011-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Piazza, Carla; Mishra, Bud
Composing Semi-Algebraic O-minimal Automata
2007-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Corvaja, P; Piazza, C; B. MISHRA, B.
Decidable Compositions of O-minimal Automata
2008-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; P., Corvaja; C., Piazza; B., Mishra
Discrete Semantics for Hybrid Automata. Avoiding Misleading Assumptions in Systems Biology.
2009-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Carla, Piazza; Alberto, Policriti
Discreteness, Hybrid Automata, and Biology
2008-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; C., Piazza; AND A., Policriti
Does every recursively enumerable set admit a finite-fold diophantine representation?
2019-01-01 Cantone, D.; Casagrande, A.; Fabris, F.; Omodeo, E.
Extending Information Agreement by Continuity
2020-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Fabris, Francesco; Girometti, Rossano
External Interactions on Hybrid Models of Biological Systems
2014-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Carla, Piazza
Family Fingerprints: A Global Approach to Structural Classification
2012-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Fabris, Francesco
Fifty years of Shannon information theory in assessing the accuracy and agreement of diagnostic tests
2022-01-01 Casagrande, A.; Fabris, F.; Girometti, R.
GAM: Genomic Assemblies Merger. A Graph Based Method to Integrate Different Assemblies
2009-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; CRISTIAN DEL, Fabbro; Simone, Scalabrin; Alberto, Policriti
Hybrid Automata and Bisimulation
2010-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto
Hybrid Automata and ε-Analysis on a Neural Oscillator
2012-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Dreossi, T.; Piazza, C.
Improving Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Automata for Engine Control
2004-01-01 Casagrande, Alberto; Balluchi, A; Benvenuti, L; Policriti, A; Villa, T; SANGIOVANNI VINCENTELLI, A.