Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute  

Settore MED/24 - Urologia  

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1664 A NEW TECHINIQUE FOR SEX GENDER REASSIGNMENT SURGERY: THE NEOURETHROCLITOROPLASTY 1-gen-2013 Trombetta, CarloLiguori, GiovanniBenvenuto, SaraNapoli, RenataUmari, PaoloRizzo, MichelePetrovic, MilosPavan, NicolaMazzon, GiorgioOllandini, GiangiacomoSiracusano, SalvatoreBelgrano, Emanuele
[Effect of imipramine hydrochloride on urinary function and serum parameters in enuretic children: preliminary study]. 1-gen-1996 SIRACUSANO, SALVATOREBELGRANO, Emanuele +
[Incidence and distribution of lymphoid neoplasm of the urinary tract and male genital organs in an urban area of northern Italy in the last decade.] 1-gen-2014 PAVAN, NICOLALIGUORI, GIOVANNIBUSSANI, ROSSANASIRACUSANO, SALVATORETROMBETTA, CARLO +
A Case of Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma and Review of Literature 1-gen-2011 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORECICILIATO, STEFANOBELGRANO, Emanuele +
A New Patient-reported Outcome (pro) Questionnaire Specific For Ileal Orthotopic Neobladder (iob) Recipients: the Iob-pro 1-gen-2011 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORECICILIATO, STEFANO +
A renal metastasis from primary peripheral chondrosarcoma presenting as spontaneous retroperitoneal hematoma 1-gen-1995 BELGRANO, EmanueleTROMBETTA, CARLOSIRACUSANO, SALVATORE +
An unusual use of AMS 800 artificial urinary sphincter cuff in the treatment ofsphincteric neurogenic incontinence: case report 1-gen-2004 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORECICILIATO, STEFANO +
Anatomia funzionale delle basse vie urinarie 1-gen-1995 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORE +
Anatomia funzionale delle basse vie urinarie 1-gen-2004 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORE +
Application of ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) or characterization of female urethral vascularization in healthy young pre- and post-menopausal volunteers: A preliminary report 1-gen-2006 SIRACUSANO, SALVATOREBERTOLOTTO, MICHELECICILIATO, STEFANOBELGRANO, Emanuele +
Application of ultrasound contrast agents for the characterization of female urethral vascularization in healthy pre- and postmenopausal volunteers: preliminary report. 1-gen-2006 SIRACUSANO, SALVATOREBERTOLOTTO, MICHELECICILIATO, STEFANOBELGRANO, Emanuele +
Baroreceptor-heart rate reflex sensitivity enhancement after urinary bladder distention in essential hypertensives 1-gen-1999 BARDELLI, MORENOSIRACUSANO, SALVATOREFABRIS, BRUNOFISCHETTI, FabioCARRETTA, RENZO +
BCG prophylaxis in bladder cancer produces activation of recruited neutrophils 1-gen-2011 VITA, FRANCESCASIRACUSANO, SALVATORECICILIATO, STEFANOBORELLI, VIOLETTA +
Behavioural profile and human adaptation of survivors after radical cystectomy and ileal conduit 1-gen-2014 SIRACUSANO, SALVATOREIAFRATE, MASSIMOBELGRANO, EmanueleTALAMINI, RENATOCICILIATO, STEFANOTOFFOLI, LAURARIZZO, MICHELEVISALLI, FRANCESCOARTIBANI, WALTER +
Bilateral abdominal testicles in the adult. Microsurgical and laparoscopic therapy 1-gen-1992 TROMBETTA, CARLOSIRACUSANO, SALVATOREBELGRANO, Emanuele +
Bulbocavernosus reflex and somatosensory evoked potential of the pudendal nerve in diabetic impotence 1-gen-1992 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORETROMBETTA, CARLOBELGRANO, Emanuele +
Case report: Laparoscopic bladder auto-augmentation in an incomplete traumatic spinal cord injury 1-gen-2000 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORETROMBETTA, CARLOLIGUORI, GIOVANNIBELGRANO, Emanuele +
Catheters and Infections 1-gen-2011 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORECICILIATO, STEFANO +
Causes of error in diagnosing benign prostatic hyperplasia 1-gen-2001 SIRACUSANO, SALVATORE +
Caval leiomyosarcoma 1-gen-1997 Siracusano, S.Liguori, G.Trombetta, C.Zanconati, F. +