A deep neural network for simultaneous estimation of b jet energy and resolution
2020-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
A deep neural network to search for new long-lived particles decaying to jets
2020-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
A measurement of the Higgs boson mass in the diphoton decay channel
2020-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
A multi-dimensional search for new heavy resonances decaying to boosted WW, WZ, or ZZ boson pairs in the dijet final state at 13 TeV
2020-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
A new calibration method for charm jet identification validated with proton-proton collision events at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
2022-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Sorrentino, G.; Vazzoler, F.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
A search for bottom-type, vector-like quark pair production in a fully hadronic final state in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
2020-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
A search for decays of the Higgs boson to invisible particles in events with a top-antitop quark pair or a vector boson in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
2023-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Sorrentino, G.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration); Vazzoler, F
A search for new physics in central exclusive production using the missing mass technique with the CMS detector and the CMS-TOTEM precision proton spectrometer
2023-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Sorrentino, G.; ET AL (the CMS and TOTEM, Collaborations); Vazzoler, F
A search for pair production of new light bosons decaying into muons in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
2019-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
A search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to charm quarks
2020-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
An embedding technique to determine tau tau backgrounds in proton-proton collision data
2019-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
Analysis of the CP structure of the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs boson and tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
2022-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Sorrentino, G.; Vazzoler, F.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
Angular analysis of the decay B+ -> K*+(892) mu+mu- in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
2021-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
Angular analysis of the decay B+ -> K+ mu+ mu- in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV
2018-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
Azimuthal anisotropy of dijet events in PbPb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV
2023-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Sorrentino, G.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration); Vazzoler, F
Azimuthal correlations in Z+jets events in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
2023-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Sorrentino, G.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration); Vazzoler, F
Azimuthal correlations within exclusive dijets with large momentum transfer in photon-lead collisions
2023-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
Azimuthal separation in nearly back-to-back jet topologies in inclusive 2- and 3-jet events in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
2019-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)
Beam test results for a tungsten-cerium fluoride sampling calorimeter with wavelength-shifting fiber readout
2015-01-01 R., Becker; Candelise, Vieri; F., Cavallari; I., Dafinei; DELLA RICCA, Giuseppe; M., Diemoz; D., del Re; G., D’Imperio; G., Dissertori; M., Donegà; M., Dröge; S., Gelli; C., Haller; C., Jorda Lope; W., Lustermann; A., Martelli; P., Meridiani; F., Micheli; F., Nessi Tedaldi; M., Nuccetelli; G., Organtini; M., Quittnat; F., Pandolfi; R., Paramatti; N., Pastrone; F., Pellegrino; M., Peruzzi; S., Rahatlou; C., Rovelli; F., Santanastasio; M., Schönenberger; L., Soffi; T., Tabarelli de Fatis; Vazzoler, Federico
Bose-Einstein correlations of charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
2020-01-01 Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; DA ROLD, A.; DELLA RICCA, G.; Vazzoler, F.; Zanetti, A.; ET AL (the CMS, Collaboration)