This research analyses, with a comparative and transnational approach, the subject of the anti-Jewish plundering suffered by the Jewish communities in Trieste (1938-1945) and Paris (1940-1944). The object of study is the wealthiest social group of the respective communities. These families, in which significant wealth was concentrated, had achieved a very high degree of integration with the majority social and economic fabric. Nevertheless, they were victims of the anti-Jewish persecution, which affected them in different ways in the two cities. Thanks to the study of the most recent historiography and to the consultation of Italian and French archives, the research reconstructs these modalities and compares them, seeking to renew studies on anti-Jewish spoliation. Through the comparative perspective, this important historiographical theme will be doubly contextualised. Anti-Jewish spoliations are placed in a broader spatial dimension, through the comparison of two different case studies, each with its own peculiarities. The comparison will concern the two cities of Paris and Trieste. In both cases, the persecution put an end to a path of integration that had begun a century and a half earlier. From a geographical point of view, the spoliation phenomenon appears different in terms of objectives and methods of intervention, depending on the persecuting subject and historical contingencies. In Paris, the Nazis introduced spoliations with the aim of eliminating the Jewish element, but they had to deal with a looming occupation and with a neighbour claiming a role in the implementation of anti-Jewish policies. In Trieste, anti-Jewish spoliation had been introduced by the completely sovereign Fascist regime, which aimed to exclude the Jewish element from the active life of the country and drive it to emigration, although without having planned its destruction. In the subsequent phase of Nazi persecution, persecution took more violent forms than those observed in Paris, including the methods used to organise the theft of Jewish property. Secondly, the chronological dimension is considered, through the recognition of anti-Jewish spoliation not as an a-temporal event, but as a historical and peculiar expression of long-existing repressive strategies aimed at restricting or cancelling the right to property. In the specific case of anti-Jewish persecution, the spoliations were only partly conducted through the application of racial laws, which had an unprecedented and special character. They were often flanked by other practices, justified by placing the individual considered to be of the Jewish race in special categories that allowed them to draw on traditional instruments already tried and tested in the recent past (military requisition, confiscation of the property of citizens of enemy states, etc.). Hence, the importance of not limiting oneself to the study of spoliation legislation, but of taking into consideration all the different administrative practices used by the persecutors to carry out the theft of Jewish property. The thesis presents focuses on some specific themes. First, some aspects related to the consequences the spoliation of property had on local societies are analysed. The work of ordinary officials from local society was the real driving force behind the gear that enabled the theft of Jewish property, while the latter was partly redistributed to the local population, which was attracted to it due to the moral degradation caused by the progress of the war. Secondly, the research will delve into the different forms of resistance attempts and try to discern any differences in the success rate of these strategies. Finally, it will also look for reflections of peculiar goals that the Nazis pursued in the two occupation zones, in order to delineate different patterns of economic anti-Jewish persecution.
Paolo Felluga, 02/05/2023 Abstract progetto di ricerca: Amministrare il furto nell’Europa nazifascista. La spoliazione delle élites ebraiche di Trieste e Parigi (1938-1945) La presente ricerca analizza, con un approccio comparativo e transnazionale, il tema delle spoliazioni antiebraiche di cui furono vittima le comunità ebraiche di Trieste (1938-1945) e Parigi (1940-1944). L’oggetto di studio scelto è il gruppo sociale più ricco delle rispettive comunità. Queste famiglie, in cui si concentravano importanti ricchezze, avevano raggiunto un altissimo grado di integrazione con il tessuto sociale ed economico maggioritario. Nondimeno, esse furono vittime della persecuzione antiebraica, che nelle due città le colpì con diverse modalità. Avvalendosi da quanto proposto dalla più recente storiografia e dalla consultazione di archivi italiani e francesi, la ricerca ricostruisce queste modalità e le mette a confronto, cercando di rinnovare gli studi che riguardano le spoliazioni antiebraiche. Attraverso la prospettiva comparativa, questo importante tema storiografico sarà doppiamente contestualizzato. Esso viene collocato in una più ampia dimensione spaziale, attraverso la comparazione di due casi di studio diversi, ciascuno con le proprie peculiarità. La comparazione riguarderà le due città di Parigi e Trieste. In entrambi i casi, la persecuzione metteva fine a un percorso di integrazione iniziato un secolo e mezzo prima. Da un punto di vista geografico, il fenomeno delle spoliazioni appare diverso per obiettivi e modalità d’intervento, a seconda del soggetto persecutore e delle contingenze storiche. A Parigi i nazisti introdussero le spoliazioni con lo scopo di eliminare l’elemento ebraico, ma dovettero fare i conti con un’occupazione che si prospettava lunga e con un vicino che reclamava un ruolo nell’attuazione delle politiche antiebraiche. A Trieste, la spoliazione antiebraica era stata introdotta dal regime fascista, completamente sovrano, che mirava ad escludere l’elemento ebraico dalla vita attiva del Paese e spingerlo all’emigrazione, pur senza aver pianificato la sua distruzione. Nella successiva fase di persecuzione nazista, le persecuzioni presero forme più violente di quelle che si osservano a Parigi, comprese le modalità utilizzate per organizzare il furto dei beni ebraici. In secondo luogo, si dà conto della dimensione cronologica, attraverso il riconoscimento della spoliazione antiebraica non come di un avvenimento a-temporale, ma come un’espressione storica e peculiare di strategie repressive esistenti da tempo, atte a limitare o cancellare il diritto alla proprietà. Nel caso specifico della persecuzione antiebraica, le spoliazioni furono solo in parte condotte attraverso l’applicazione di leggi razziali, dal carattere inedito e speciale. Esse furono spesso affiancate da altre pratiche, giustificate con l’inserimento dell’individuo considerato di razza ebraica in categorie speciali che permettevano di attingere a strumenti tradizionali già sperimentati nel recente passato (la requisizione militare, la confisca dei beni di cittadini di Stati nemici ecc). Di qui, l’importanza di non limitarsi allo studio della legislazione della spoliazione, ma di prendere in considerazione tutte le diverse pratiche amministrative utilizzate dai persecutori per dar corso al furto dei beni degli ebrei. La tesi presenta dei focus su alcuni temi specifici. Si analizzano alcuni aspetti legati alle conseguenze che la spoliazione dei beni aveva sulle società locali. Il lavoro di comuni funzionari provenienti dalla società locale rappresentò il vero e proprio motore dell’ingranaggio che permise il furto dei beni ebraici; mentre questi ultimi vennero in parte redistribuiti alla popolazione locale, che ne era attratta a causa della degradazione morale dovuta al progredire della guerra.
Amministrare il furto nell'Europa nazifascista. La spoliazione delle élites ebraiche di Trieste e Parigi (1938-1945) / Felluga, Paolo. - (2023 Oct 05).
Amministrare il furto nell'Europa nazifascista. La spoliazione delle élites ebraiche di Trieste e Parigi (1938-1945)
This research analyses, with a comparative and transnational approach, the subject of the anti-Jewish plundering suffered by the Jewish communities in Trieste (1938-1945) and Paris (1940-1944). The object of study is the wealthiest social group of the respective communities. These families, in which significant wealth was concentrated, had achieved a very high degree of integration with the majority social and economic fabric. Nevertheless, they were victims of the anti-Jewish persecution, which affected them in different ways in the two cities. Thanks to the study of the most recent historiography and to the consultation of Italian and French archives, the research reconstructs these modalities and compares them, seeking to renew studies on anti-Jewish spoliation. Through the comparative perspective, this important historiographical theme will be doubly contextualised. Anti-Jewish spoliations are placed in a broader spatial dimension, through the comparison of two different case studies, each with its own peculiarities. The comparison will concern the two cities of Paris and Trieste. In both cases, the persecution put an end to a path of integration that had begun a century and a half earlier. From a geographical point of view, the spoliation phenomenon appears different in terms of objectives and methods of intervention, depending on the persecuting subject and historical contingencies. In Paris, the Nazis introduced spoliations with the aim of eliminating the Jewish element, but they had to deal with a looming occupation and with a neighbour claiming a role in the implementation of anti-Jewish policies. In Trieste, anti-Jewish spoliation had been introduced by the completely sovereign Fascist regime, which aimed to exclude the Jewish element from the active life of the country and drive it to emigration, although without having planned its destruction. In the subsequent phase of Nazi persecution, persecution took more violent forms than those observed in Paris, including the methods used to organise the theft of Jewish property. Secondly, the chronological dimension is considered, through the recognition of anti-Jewish spoliation not as an a-temporal event, but as a historical and peculiar expression of long-existing repressive strategies aimed at restricting or cancelling the right to property. In the specific case of anti-Jewish persecution, the spoliations were only partly conducted through the application of racial laws, which had an unprecedented and special character. They were often flanked by other practices, justified by placing the individual considered to be of the Jewish race in special categories that allowed them to draw on traditional instruments already tried and tested in the recent past (military requisition, confiscation of the property of citizens of enemy states, etc.). Hence, the importance of not limiting oneself to the study of spoliation legislation, but of taking into consideration all the different administrative practices used by the persecutors to carry out the theft of Jewish property. The thesis presents focuses on some specific themes. First, some aspects related to the consequences the spoliation of property had on local societies are analysed. The work of ordinary officials from local society was the real driving force behind the gear that enabled the theft of Jewish property, while the latter was partly redistributed to the local population, which was attracted to it due to the moral degradation caused by the progress of the war. Secondly, the research will delve into the different forms of resistance attempts and try to discern any differences in the success rate of these strategies. Finally, it will also look for reflections of peculiar goals that the Nazis pursued in the two occupation zones, in order to delineate different patterns of economic anti-Jewish persecution.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 05/10/2024
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