Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell`Interpretazione e della Traduzione
Docenti di ruolo di IIa fascia
"Interview with Katia Peruzzo"
2015-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Capturing dynamism in legal terminology. The case of victims of crime
2014-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
COVID-19-Related FAQs as a Form of Online Institutional Communication. An Exploratory Study
2022-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Dalla Teoria generale della terminologia al concetto di equivalenza nella terminologia: ripercussioni sul lavoro del terminologo e del traduttore tecnico-scientifico
2015-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Developing targeted legal terminology resources: Learning from future lawyers
2019-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Diachrony in legal terminology: A case study on the rights of victims of crime in the EU
2018-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Disseminating National Legal Knowledge via European English: The Translation of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure
2015-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Editors' Introduction: Legal translation and interpreting: between old and new theoretical, discursive and professional perspectives
2017-01-01 Pontrandolfo, Gianluca; Peruzzo, Katia
Empowering children: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and its English and Italian child-friendly versions
2022-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
European English and the challenges faced by the interdisciplinary team involved in the translation of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure
2017-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
European English terms for Italian legal concepts: the case of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure
2014-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Exploring language simplification and intralingual translation: insights, results and desiderata
2022-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia; Rocco, Goranka
Federica Scarpa’s research on specialised translation: Notes on, and sketches from, a “special” career
2023-01-01 Palumbo, Giuseppe; Peruzzo, Katia; Pontrandolfo, Gianluca
Finding traces of transjudicial communication: cross-referencing in international case law
2017-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
From EU Legislative Texts to Member States’ Legal Conceptual Systems: Bridging the Gap between Italian and British Criminal Law
2010-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
From LSP trainers to trainees and back: what can be learnt from developing terminology resources for future legal experts
2018-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Giving Evidence in Court: Knowledge Mediation and Emotional Involvement in UK Booklets for Child and Young Witnesses
2023-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Horizontal Denominative Variation in an EU victim-related English-Italian Parallel Corpus
2010-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
I diritti di bambini e ragazzi: la Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza tra divulgazione e semplificazione
2022-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia
Introduction. Terminology, ideology and discourse
2024-01-01 Peruzzo, Katia; Catenaccio, Paola