Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute
"Shoulder pain and limitation of motion in a young girl: think different"
2022-01-01 Trevisan, Matteo; Di Lenarda, Luca; Pastore, Serena; Saccari, Alessia; Canton, Gianluca; Lucangelo, Umberto; Taddio, Andrea; Murena, Luigi
Assessing Muscle Mass in the Orthopedic Clinical Setting: Application of the Ultrasound Sarcopenia Index in Elderly Subjects with a Recent Femoral Fracture
2024-01-01 Di Lenarda, Luca; Buoite Stella, Alex; Ratti, Chiara; Ruggiero, Luca; Bernard, Monica; Cavarzerani, Luisa Priscamaria; Canton, Gianluca; Murena, Luigi
Flexor hallucis longus transfer and composite anterolateral thigh fascio-cutaneous flap for reconstruction of massive chronic and infected Achilles tendon lesion. A case report and review of the literature
2022-01-01 Di Lenarda, Luca; Ramella, Vittorio; Ratti, Chiara; Grezar, Laura; Canton, Gianluca; Papa, Giovanni; Murena, Luigi
Inertial sensors-based assessment to detect hallmarks of chronic ankle instability during single-leg standing: Is the healthy limb “healthy”?
2023-01-01 Deodato, Manuela; Coan, Lorenzo; Buoite Stella, Alex; Ajcevic, Miloš; Martini, Miriam; Di Lenarda, Luca; Ratti, Chiara; Accardo, Agostino; Murena, Luigi
Muscle Asymmetries in the Lower Limbs of Male Soccer Players: Preliminary Findings on the Association between Countermovement Jump and Tensiomyography
2022-01-01 Buoite Stella, Alex; Galimi, Annalisa; Martini, Miriam; Di Lenarda, Luca; Murena, Luigi; Deodato, Manuela
Use of bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) in the treatment of delayed unions and nonunions: a single-center case series
2023-01-01 Canton, Gianluca; Tomic, Marko; Tosolini, Luca; Di Lenarda, Luca; Murena, Luigi