CUZZOCREA, Alfredo Massimiliano
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 32.354
EU - Europa 11.212
AS - Asia 4.227
SA - Sud America 158
AF - Africa 92
OC - Oceania 59
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 33
Totale 48.135
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 32.238
PL - Polonia 3.540
SE - Svezia 1.849
IT - Italia 1.617
UA - Ucraina 1.262
TR - Turchia 1.120
SG - Singapore 1.045
CN - Cina 934
HK - Hong Kong 660
FI - Finlandia 562
RU - Federazione Russa 474
BG - Bulgaria 455
IE - Irlanda 436
DE - Germania 333
FR - Francia 166
GB - Regno Unito 148
IN - India 147
BR - Brasile 113
CA - Canada 94
DK - Danimarca 52
NL - Olanda 48
MY - Malesia 47
AU - Australia 46
VN - Vietnam 45
RO - Romania 43
JP - Giappone 35
KR - Corea 33
EU - Europa 30
SN - Senegal 30
ES - Italia 28
BE - Belgio 27
CH - Svizzera 27
AT - Austria 25
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 25
IR - Iran 24
ID - Indonesia 23
GR - Grecia 22
PK - Pakistan 21
EE - Estonia 19
IL - Israele 16
CL - Cile 14
PT - Portogallo 14
DZ - Algeria 13
MX - Messico 12
PE - Perù 12
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 11
EG - Egitto 10
TN - Tunisia 10
TW - Taiwan 10
NO - Norvegia 9
PH - Filippine 9
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 8
HU - Ungheria 8
ZA - Sudafrica 8
AR - Argentina 7
BD - Bangladesh 7
HR - Croazia 7
SA - Arabia Saudita 7
UZ - Uzbekistan 7
CO - Colombia 6
GH - Ghana 6
AL - Albania 4
IQ - Iraq 4
JO - Giordania 4
LT - Lituania 4
MA - Marocco 4
TH - Thailandia 4
AM - Armenia 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
KE - Kenya 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
CY - Cipro 2
EC - Ecuador 2
GL - Groenlandia 2
LB - Libano 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MT - Malta 2
PG - Papua Nuova Guinea 2
SC - Seychelles 2
SD - Sudan 2
UG - Uganda 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AO - Angola 1
AP - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.AP??? 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BT - Bhutan 1
CU - Cuba 1
DM - Dominica 1
GT - Guatemala 1
IS - Islanda 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MW - Malawi 1
PA - Panama 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
PY - Paraguay 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 48.131
Città #
Woodbridge 4.885
Fairfield 4.220
Ann Arbor 3.617
Warsaw 3.525
Houston 3.110
Ashburn 2.226
Wilmington 1.936
Seattle 1.793
Chandler 1.550
Jacksonville 1.467
Cambridge 1.458
Izmir 1.040
Princeton 817
Singapore 765
Hong Kong 631
Trieste 621
Boardman 579
Sofia 455
Dublin 415
Columbus 387
Beijing 252
Moscow 228
Udine 167
Santa Clara 152
Helsinki 144
San Diego 143
Dearborn 113
Redwood City 112
Des Moines 101
Paris 95
Munich 71
Falls Church 70
Dongguan 59
Kocaeli 55
Phoenix 49
Norwalk 48
Guangzhou 47
Copenhagen 46
Chicago 45
Pune 42
Washington 42
Buffalo 38
Dong Ket 38
Ottawa 38
Edinburgh 34
Los Angeles 32
Dakar 30
Shanghai 30
Timisoara 29
New York 28
Rome 27
Brussels 23
Dallas 23
Hefei 23
Redmond 22
Tappahannock 21
Rovigo 20
Jakarta 18
Mestre 18
Rende 18
Tallinn 18
Fremont 17
London 17
Penang 17
Tokyo 17
Indiana 16
Melbourne 16
Toronto 15
Düsseldorf 14
Milan 14
Zhengzhou 14
Central District 13
Frankfurt am Main 13
Nanjing 13
San Jose 13
Bremen 12
Changsha 12
Cosenza 12
Jinan 12
Prague 12
Vienna 12
Amsterdam 10
Bangalore 10
Chengdu 10
Denver 10
Islamabad 10
Scottsdale 10
Wuhan 10
Atlanta 9
Berlin 9
Holon 9
Kunming 9
Madrid 9
Palo Alto 9
São Paulo 9
Brno 8
Kuala Lumpur 8
Nanchang 8
San Francisco 8
Wenzhou 8
Totale 38.560
Nome #
Big data provenance: State-of-the-art analysis and emerging research challenges 569
Detecting Anomalies in Embedded Computing Systems via a Novel HMM-Based Machine Learning Approach 351
Extensions, Analysis and Experimental Assessment of a Probabilistic Ensemble-Learning Framework for Detecting Deviances in Business Process Instances 343
Knowledge Discovery from Social Graph Data 327
Edge-based mining of frequent subgraphs from graph streams 309
Design, implementation and validation of AI-inspired information systems 308
Frequent subgraph mining from streams of linked graph structured data 304
Approximation to expected support of frequent itemsets in mining probabilistic sets of uncertain data 292
An effective and efficient mapreduce algorithm for computing BFS-based traversals of large-scale RDF graphs 292
Algorithms for managing, querying and processing big data in cloud environments 287
A novel approach for supporting approximate representation of linear prediction residuals in pattern recognition tools 286
Detecting and Diagnosing Syntactic and Semantic Errors in SPARQL Queries 282
Towards Effective Generation of Synthetic Memory References Via Markovian Models 271
Genetic estimation of iterated function systems for accurate fractal modeling in pattern recognition tools 268
Advanced ECHMM-based machine learning tools for complex big data applications 265
Preface 247
A Big-Data Variational Bayesian Framework for Supporting the Prediction of Functional Outcomes in Wake-Up Stroke Patients 246
A Big-Data-Analytics Framework for Supporting Classification of ADHD and Healthy Children via Principal Component Analysis of EEG Sleep Spindles Power Spectra 240
Processing and Mining Complex Data Streams 235
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2018 232
Data analytics on the board game Go for the discovery of interesting sequences of moves in joseki 222
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery from Sensors and Streams 221
Querying NoSQL-based crowdsourcing systems efficiently 217
Big Data Management: New Frontiers, New Paradigms 216
Item-centric mining of frequent patterns from big uncertain data 216
XML-VM: An XML-Based Grid Computing Middleware 215
A composite methodology for supporting early-detection of handwriting dysgraphia via big data analysis techniques 210
Learning ranking functions by genetic programming revisited 207
null 203
Models and Algorithms for High-Performance Distributed Data Mining 201
Ergodic Hidden Markov Models for Workload Characterization Problems 198
Automatic Big Data Provenance Capture at Middleware Level in Advanced Big Data Frameworks 197
22nd International Conference Information Visualisation, IV 2018 197
Advances in data warehousing and OLAP in the big Data Era 194
Advances in Managing, Updating and Querying Uncertain and Imprecise Sensor and Stream Databases 188
A Novel Information Fusion Approach for Supporting Shadow Detection in Dynamic Environments. 183
Complex Mining from Uncertain Big Data in Distributed Environments: Problems, Definitions and Two Effective and Efficient Algorithms 183
Data warehousing and OLAP over Big Data: A survey of the state-of-the-art, open problems and future challenges 182
Towards flexible similarity analysis of XML data 178
Models and Algorithms for High-Performance Data Management and Mining on Computational Grids and Clouds 176
Knowledge discovery from geo-located tweets for supporting advanced big data analytics: A real-life experience 176
18th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, CCGRID 2018 176
A GPU-Based Statistical Framework for Moving Object Segmentation: Implementation, Analysis and Applications 172
An Interoperable Open Data Framework for Discovering Popular Tours Based on Geo-Tagged Tweets 171
Business Scenarios for Hierarchical Workload Management in Data Centers 163
Innovative Methods and Algorithms for Advanced Data-Intensive Computing 161
Privacy and security of Big Data: Current challenges and future research perspectives 160
Optimization Issues of Querying and Evolving Sensor and Stream Databases 159
Heterogeneous k-anonymization with high utility 159
Effectively and efficiently supporting roll-up and drill-down OLAP operations over continuous dimensions via hierarchical clustering 157
Distributed classification of data streams: An adaptive technique 157
A markov-model-based framework for supporting real-time generation of synthetic memory references effectively and efficiently 157
A Grid Framework for Approximate Aggregate Query Answering on Summarized Sensor Network Readings 155
Discovering Frequent Patterns from Uncertain Data Streams with the Time-Fading and Landmark Models 155
Data Warehousing and OLAP over Big Data 155
Provenance Research Issues and Challenges in the Big Data Era 154
A Robust and Versatile Multi-View Learning Framework for the Detection of Deviant Business Process Instances 153
Runtime Anomaly Detection in Embedded Systems by Binary Tracing and Hidden Markov Models 152
A multi-view learning approach to the discovery of deviant process instances 151
Predictive Monitoring of Temporally-Aggregated Performance Indicators of Business Processes against Low-Level Streaming Events 150
Detecting Insider Malicious Activities in Cloud Collaboration Systems 150
Yet Another Automated OLAP Workload Analyzer: Principles, and Experiences 150
A Novel Heuristic Scheme for Modeling and Managing Time Bound Constraints in Data-Intensive Grid and Cloud Infrastructures 146
Adaptive data stream mining for wireless sensor networks 146
Approximate Range-Sum Query Answering on Data Cubes with Probabilistic Guarantees 146
Distributed Knowledge Networks: Towards a New Paradigm for Delivering Knowledge 144
Message from CSE 2016 Program Chairs 144
An innovative similarity measure for sentence plagiarism detection 144
Improving Machine Learning Tools with Embeddings: Applications to Big Data Security 144
TEMPORANA: Flexible Temporal Query Processing for Supporting System Behavior Detection Across Complex Scenarios 143
Advanced Pattern Recognition from Complex Environments: A Classification-based Approach 143
Optimizing Query Routing Trees in Wireless Sensor Networks 142
Multidimensional Database Modeling: Literature Survey and Research Agenda for the Big Data Era 142
An innovative architecture for supporting cyber-physical security systems 142
PP-OMDS: An Effective and Efficient Framework for Supporting Privacy-Preserving OLAP-based Monitoring of Data Streams 142
A Multidimensional Approach for Modelling and Supporting Adaptive Hypermedia Systems 141
Storing and Retrieving XPath Fragments in Structured P2P Networks 141
A Comprehensive Theoretical Framework for Privacy Preserving Distributed OLAP 141
Effective and Efficient Moving Object Segmentation via an Innovative Statistical Approach 140
MapReduce-based Algorithms for Managing Big RDF Graphs: State-of-the-Art Analysis, Paradigms, and Future Directions 139
Energy Efficiency in W-Grid Data-Centric Sensor Networks via Workload Balancing 138
Effectively and efficiently supporting crowd-enabled databases via NoSQL paradigms 138
A Global Paradigm for Designing Parallel Relational Data Warehouses in Distributed Environments 138
Pushing Artificial Intelligence in Database and Data Warehouse Systems 137
OLAP Data Cube Compression Techniques: A Ten-Year-Long History 137
A composite methodology for supporting collaboration pattern discovery via semantic enrichment and multidimensional analysis 137
An innovative framework for supporting frequent pattern mining problems in IoT environments 137
Advances in Parallel, Distributed, Embedded, and Ubiquitous Systems 137
Hand-OLAP: A System for Delivering OLAP Services on Handheld Devices 136
A Process-Driven Methodology for Continuous Information Systems Modeling 136
An Effective and Efficient Hybrid Scan Matching Algorithm for Mobile Object Applications 136
An effective and efficient approximate two-dimensional dynamic programming algorithm for supporting advanced computer vision applications 136
Approximation Algorithms for Massive High-Rate Data Streams 135
Mining Popular Patterns: A Novel Mining Problem and Its Application to Static Transactional Databases and Dynamic Data Streams 135
Improved recovery management and routing in W-grid, a distributed infrastructure for effective and efficient multidimensional data management over wireless ad-hoc sensor networks 135
Managing Data and Processes in Cloud-Enabled Large-Scale Sensor Networks: State-Of-The-Art and Future Research Directions 134
A Probabilistic Approach for Computing Approximate Iceberg Cubes 133
OLAP over Probabilistic Data 133
Interactive mining of diverse social entities 133
A Query-Strategy-focused Taxonomy and a Customizable Benchmarking Framework for Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval Techniques 131
Totale 18.733
Categoria #
all - tutte 130.994
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 130.994

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20203.765 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.062 995 520 779 409
2020/20216.834 699 420 461 916 650 561 597 606 408 438 331 747
2021/20223.915 269 299 195 321 65 417 216 130 590 493 178 742
2022/20235.156 500 226 249 656 673 1.130 39 453 710 35 381 104
2023/20242.520 205 236 117 79 176 406 137 792 12 62 139 159
2024/20252.963 44 407 453 442 667 496 214 240 0 0 0 0
Totale 49.576