Climate change is becoming an increasingly pressing issue for governments and economic actors and it is evident that human activities are one of its main causes; in turn, it affects many aspects of human life. To mitigate the effects of human activities on the climate and develop a good degree of resilience to climate change, multiple initiatives have been developed. The research reported in this thesis aims to provide to the actors involved in the development of such policies a methodology to be exploited when drafting their climate adaptation and mitigation plans. Starting from the needs highlighted by the Municipalities participating in the SECAP projects, the research was then focused on some main topics. When developing adaptation plans, the correct analysis of historical climate data is essential. Consequently, in this research a methodology including the analysis of raw climatic data quality, how to use it in the sizing of the plants (with specific focus on the cooling ones) and how to create reliable input data for the energy simulations of buildings was carried on. The analysis, applied to the Italian territory, highlighted a good quality of the climatic data detected in Italy and led to a revision of the EN ISO 15927-2 standard for the selection of Cooling Design Days. Finally, the Test Reference Year (TRY), a fictitious year capable of representing the climate of an analyzed period, was generated for the location of Trieste. In the same way, also the analysis of climate change is fundamental in drafting the adaptation and mitigation policies and has been addressed in this work. Starting from the evaluation of the performance of climate models, then moving on to their correction to make them more reliable in the projections, and then how to use them for analysis on the future climate. In particular, they have been exploited for the study of the evolution of extreme thermal phenomena and for the projection of the current climatic data into the future. The analysis revealed difficulties of the models in the projection of some climatic parameters, which therefore led to the correction of the models. The study on the future climate focused on the evolution of heat waves and cold spells for the location of Trieste, highlighting an increasing trend for the formers and decreasing for the latters. Finally, the TRY of Trieste was projected into the future using various climate models, highlighting great differences between the various projections, however all generally tending to a warming of the climate. Given the historical nature of the Italian building stock, it is often not possible to intervene externally on the building envelope, because of the facades being artistically bound. Therefore in Italy internal insulation techniques have great importance; it is therefore important to verify the reliability of these techniques. CFD analysis were then carried out to study the behavior of internal insulation systems for walls. The principal result was that neglecting the effect of the supporting studs of the package leads to significant errors in the evaluation of system performance. Given the uncertainty regarding many of the aspects that affect the energy performance of buildings, climate first, it is important to consider this aspect when performing energy analysis. Optimizations were then performed on the energy requalification processes of a building considering the uncertainty of the analysis factors. Considering multiple optimization objectives and various stochastic parameters, including climatic data, the analysis highlighted the importance to consider the variability of the parameters included in the computation, with particular regard to the environmental conditions in which the artifacts will work in the future.

Il cambiamento climatico sta diventando un argomento sempre più pressante per governi e attori economici ed è evidente come le attività umane siano una delle sue principali cause; a sua volta, esso si ripercuote su molteplici aspetti della vita umana. Per mitigare gli effetti delle attività umane sul clima e sviluppare un buon grado di resilienza ai cambiamenti climatici, molteplici iniziative sono state sviluppate. La ricerca riportata in questa tesi si propone di fornire agli attori impegnati nello sviluppo di tali politiche una metodologia da sfruttare nella redazione dei loro piani di adattamento climatico e mitigazione. Nello sviluppo dei piani di adattamento la corretta analisi dei dati climatici storici è fondamentale. Di conseguenza in questa ricerca è stata sviluppata una metodologia che include l’analisi della qualità del dato climatico grezzo, come utilizzarlo nel dimensionamento degli impianti (con focus specifico su quelli di raffrescamento) e come creare dati di input affidabili per le simulazioni energetiche degli edifici. L’analisi, applicata al territorio italiano, ha evidenziato una buona qualità del dato climatico rilevato in Italia ed ha portato ad una revisione della Norma EN ISO 15927-2 per la selezione dei Giorni di Progetto Estivi. Infine è stato generato il Test Reference Year (TRY), un anno fittizio capace di rappresentare il clima di un periodo analizzato, per la località di Trieste. Allo stesso modo anche l’analisi del cambiamento climatico risulta fondamentale nella stesura di politiche di adattamento e mitigazione ed è stata affrontata nel presente lavoro. Partendo dalla valutazione delle prestazioni dei modelli climatici, passando poi alla loro correzione per renderli più affidabili nelle proiezioni, fino al loro utilizzo per analisi sul clima futuro. In particolare sono stati sfruttati per lo studio dell’evoluzione dei fenomeni termici estremi e per la proiezione nel futuro del dato climatico attuale. Le analisi hanno evidenziato difficoltà dei modelli nella proiezione di alcuni parametri climatici che hanno portato quindi alla correzione dei modelli stessi. Lo studio sul clima futuro si è focalizzato sull’evoluzione di ondate di calore e di gelo per la località di Trieste evidenziando una tendenza all’incremento per le prime ed alla diminuzione per le seconde. Infine il TRY di Trieste è stato proiettato nel futuro usando vari modelli climatici, evidenziando grandi differenze tra le varie proiezioni, comunque tutte generalmente tendenti ad un riscaldamento del clima. Vista la natura storica del patrimonio edilizio italiano, spesso non vi è la possibilità di intervenire esternamente sull’involucro degli edifici, essendo le facciate vincolate artisticamente. In Italia assumono quindi importanza le tecniche di isolamento interno; risulta quindi importante verificare l’affidabilità di queste tecniche. Sono state quindi effettuate analisi CFD sul comportamento dei sistemi di isolamento interno per pareti. Queste hanno evidenziato come trascurare l’effetto dei montanti di sostegno del pacchetto stesso porti a rilevanti errori nella valutazione delle performance del sistema. Data l’incertezza riguardante molti degli aspetti che influenzano le prestazioni energetiche degli edifici, clima in primis, risulta importante considerare questo aspetto nell’esecuzione delle analisi energetiche. Sono state quindi eseguite delle ottimizzazioni sui processi di riqualificazione energetica di un edificio in funzione dell’incertezza dei fattori d’analisi. Considerando molteplici obiettivi da conseguire e diversi parametri stocastici, tra cui il dato climatico, l’analisi ha evidenziato come sia importante considerare la variabilità dei parametri inclusi nelle analisi, con particolare riguardo alle condizioni ambientali in cui i manufatti si troveranno nel futuro.





Climate change is becoming an increasingly pressing issue for governments and economic actors and it is evident that human activities are one of its main causes; in turn, it affects many aspects of human life. To mitigate the effects of human activities on the climate and develop a good degree of resilience to climate change, multiple initiatives have been developed. The research reported in this thesis aims to provide to the actors involved in the development of such policies a methodology to be exploited when drafting their climate adaptation and mitigation plans. Starting from the needs highlighted by the Municipalities participating in the SECAP projects, the research was then focused on some main topics. When developing adaptation plans, the correct analysis of historical climate data is essential. Consequently, in this research a methodology including the analysis of raw climatic data quality, how to use it in the sizing of the plants (with specific focus on the cooling ones) and how to create reliable input data for the energy simulations of buildings was carried on. The analysis, applied to the Italian territory, highlighted a good quality of the climatic data detected in Italy and led to a revision of the EN ISO 15927-2 standard for the selection of Cooling Design Days. Finally, the Test Reference Year (TRY), a fictitious year capable of representing the climate of an analyzed period, was generated for the location of Trieste. In the same way, also the analysis of climate change is fundamental in drafting the adaptation and mitigation policies and has been addressed in this work. Starting from the evaluation of the performance of climate models, then moving on to their correction to make them more reliable in the projections, and then how to use them for analysis on the future climate. In particular, they have been exploited for the study of the evolution of extreme thermal phenomena and for the projection of the current climatic data into the future. The analysis revealed difficulties of the models in the projection of some climatic parameters, which therefore led to the correction of the models. The study on the future climate focused on the evolution of heat waves and cold spells for the location of Trieste, highlighting an increasing trend for the formers and decreasing for the latters. Finally, the TRY of Trieste was projected into the future using various climate models, highlighting great differences between the various projections, however all generally tending to a warming of the climate. Given the historical nature of the Italian building stock, it is often not possible to intervene externally on the building envelope, because of the facades being artistically bound. Therefore in Italy internal insulation techniques have great importance; it is therefore important to verify the reliability of these techniques. CFD analysis were then carried out to study the behavior of internal insulation systems for walls. The principal result was that neglecting the effect of the supporting studs of the package leads to significant errors in the evaluation of system performance. Given the uncertainty regarding many of the aspects that affect the energy performance of buildings, climate first, it is important to consider this aspect when performing energy analysis. Optimizations were then performed on the energy requalification processes of a building considering the uncertainty of the analysis factors. Considering multiple optimization objectives and various stochastic parameters, including climatic data, the analysis highlighted the importance to consider the variability of the parameters included in the computation, with particular regard to the environmental conditions in which the artifacts will work in the future.
Settore ING-IND/10 - Fisica Tecnica Industriale
Università degli Studi di Trieste
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