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35° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microbiologia 1-gen-2007 L. DolzaniR. BressanC. LagatollaS. MorassuttoG. LubiniL. FurlanisE. A. Tonin +
Analisi genetica dei livelli di acetilazione dell'esopolisaccaride prodotto da Burkholderia cepacia 1-gen-2011 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaGON, FRANCESCOGIONECHETTI, FABRIZIABRESSAN, RAFFAELADOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Antimicrobial agents of plant origin for the treatment of phlogistic-infectious diseases of the lower female genital tract 1-gen-2012 GIONECHETTI, FABRIZIAFURLANIS, LindaCORICH, LUCIALAGATOLLA, CRISTINASOSA, SILVIODELLA LOGGIA, ROBERTOTONIN, ENRICO ANGELO +
Characterization of integrons in Burkholderia cepacia clinical isolates 1-gen-2010 FURLANIS, LindaCORICH, LUCIADOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Disseminazione epidemica di un ceppo multiresistente di A. baumannii in un Ospedale del Nord Italia 1-gen-2012 DOLZANI, LUCILLAFURLANIS, LindaBRESSAN, RAFFAELACIAN, FRANCALAGATOLLA, CRISTINATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLUZZATI, ROBERTO +
Epidemic Dissemination of a Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Clone Carrying armA Two Years After Its First Isolation in an Italian Hospital 1-gen-2016 MILAN, ANNALISAFURLANIS, LindaCIAN, FRANCABRESSAN, RAFFAELALUZZATI, ROBERTOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINAKNEZEVICH, ANNATONIN, ENRICO ANGELODOLZANI, LUCILLA +
Fitness cost associated with the chromosomal integron In70.2 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates 1-gen-2010 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaDOLZANI, LUCILLABRESSAN, RAFFAELATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Genetic analysis of exopolysaccharide acetilation product by Burkholderia cepacia 1-gen-2012 FURLANIS, LindaCORICH, LUCIATONIN, ENRICO ANGELODOLZANI, LUCILLALAGATOLLA, CRISTINA +
Influence of the culture medium in the evaluation of biofilm inhibitory concentrations for isolates of Burkholderia cenocepacia 1-gen-2012 CORICH, LUCIAGIONECHETTI, FABRIZIABRESSAN, RAFFAELAFURLANIS, LindaDOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Investigation of bacterial resistance to the immune system response: Cepacian depolymerisation by reactive oxygenspecies. 1-gen-2012 CESCUTTI, PAOLAFURLANIS, LindaLAGATOLLA, CRISTINARIZZO, ROBERTO +
Isolation and characterisation of the biological repeating unit of cepacian, the exopolysaccharide produced by Burkholderia cepacia complex bacteria 1-gen-2010 CESCUTTI, PAOLAFOSCHIATTI, MICHELAFURLANIS, LindaLAGATOLLA, CRISTINARIZZO, ROBERTO
Pseudomonas aeruginosa class I integron AAC (6')-Ib variant (aacA4) and CATB10-Ib variant (cat B10) genes, complete cds. 1-gen-2009 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaDOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Relationship between antibiotic susceptibility and biofilm production in a clinical strain of Burkholderia cepacia complex 1-gen-2012 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaGIONECHETTI, FABRIZIABRESSAN, RAFFAELADOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA +
Study of class I integron in a Burkholderia cepacia complex strain isolated from blood colture 1-gen-2011 FURLANIS, LindaCORICH, LUCIADOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
The biofilm produced by Burkholderia cepacia complex: molecular aspects and relationship with exopolysaccharides 1-gen-2010 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaDOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Variazioni di suscettibilità ad antibiotici e al peptide BMAP-27 in isolati multipli di P. aeruginosa ottenuti da pazienti con fibrosi cistica 1-gen-2012 FURLANIS, LindaBRESSAN, RAFFAELABENINCASA, MONICASCOCCHI, MARCOGENNARO, RENATOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINACORICH, LUCIADOLZANI, LUCILLA +
XXXVIII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani 1-gen-2009 L. CorichL. FurlanisL. DolzaniR. BressanC. Lagatolla +