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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
35° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Microbiologia 1-gen-2007 L. DolzaniR. BressanC. LagatollaS. MorassuttoG. LubiniL. FurlanisE. A. Tonin +
4° Congresso Nazionale del gruppo italiano per lo studio della malattia di Lyme 1-gen-2004 M. CincoR. FlorisR. BressanS. Ortenzio +
Abstracts of the 1st Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) Congress of European Microbiologists. Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 29-July 3, 2003 1-gen-2003 L. DolzaniGOMBAC, FRANCESCAC. LagatollaR. BressanE. EdalucciE. Tonin +
An outbreak of sepsis due to extensively drug- resistant originating from an environmental source in an Italian haematologic unit 1-gen-2018 Anna KnezevichMarina BusettiGianluca FestiniMarta VidusRoberto LuzzatiLucia PelusiAlfredo PerulliDaniela MonteverdiCristina LagatollaRaffaela Bressan +
Analisi genetica dei livelli di acetilazione dell'esopolisaccaride prodotto da Burkholderia cepacia 1-gen-2011 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaGON, FRANCESCOGIONECHETTI, FABRIZIABRESSAN, RAFFAELADOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Antimicrobial Activity of Aztreonam in Combination with Old and New β-Lactamase Inhibitors against MBL and ESBL Co-Producing Gram-Negative Clinical Isolates: Possible Options for the Treatment of Complicated Infections 1-gen-2021 Bressan, RaffaelaDi Bella, StefanoLagatolla, Cristina +
Aspergillus fumigatus biofilm formation on different bone substitutes used in maxillary sinus augmentation: an in vitro analysis 1-gen-2019 Claudio StacchiVeronica Del LupoFederico BertonTeresa LombardiRaffaela BressanRoberto Di LenardaCristina Lagatolla
Disseminazione epidemica di un ceppo multiresistente di A. baumannii in un Ospedale del Nord Italia 1-gen-2012 DOLZANI, LUCILLAFURLANIS, LindaBRESSAN, RAFFAELACIAN, FRANCALAGATOLLA, CRISTINATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLUZZATI, ROBERTO +
Diversità della popolazione di P. aeruginosa in pazienti afferenti al Centro Regionale per la Fibrosi Cistica del Friuli-Venezia Giulia 1-gen-2015 MILAN, ANNALISAMASCHIO, MASSIMOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINABRESSAN, RAFFAELADOLZANI, LUCILLA +
Epidemic Dissemination of a Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Clone Carrying armA Two Years After Its First Isolation in an Italian Hospital 1-gen-2016 MILAN, ANNALISAFURLANIS, LindaCIAN, FRANCABRESSAN, RAFFAELALUZZATI, ROBERTOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINAKNEZEVICH, ANNATONIN, ENRICO ANGELODOLZANI, LUCILLA +
Evaluation of a genotyping method based on the ospA gene to detect Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in multiple samples of Lyme borreliosis patients 1-gen-2007 BRESSAN, RAFFAELATREVISAN, GIUSTOCINCO, MARINA +
Fitness cost associated with the chromosomal integron In70.2 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates 1-gen-2010 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaDOLZANI, LUCILLABRESSAN, RAFFAELATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Influence of the culture medium in the evaluation of biofilm inhibitory concentrations for isolates of Burkholderia cenocepacia 1-gen-2012 CORICH, LUCIAGIONECHETTI, FABRIZIABRESSAN, RAFFAELAFURLANIS, LindaDOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA
Interplay of OpdP Porin and Chromosomal Carbapenemases in the Determination of Carbapenem Resistance/Susceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1-gen-2021 Atrissi, JadMilan, AnnalisaBressan, RaffaelaLucafò, MariannaBusetti, MarinaDolzani, LucillaLagatolla, Cristina +
Isolamento di Klebsiella pneumoniae resistente ai carbapenemi e Klebsiella pneumoniae sensibile da un campione urinario. 1-gen-2013 CIAN, FRANCADOLZANI, LUCILLABRESSAN, RAFFAELALAGATOLLA, CRISTINABUSETTI, MARINA +
pKBuS13, a KPC-2-Encoding Plasmid from Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 833, Carrying Tn4401b Inserted into an Xer Site-Specific Recombination Locus 1-gen-2015 GARBARI, LUIGIDOLZANI, LUCILLABRESSAN, RAFFAELAGIONECHETTI, FABRIZIATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA +
Relationship between antibiotic susceptibility and biofilm production in a clinical strain of Burkholderia cepacia complex 1-gen-2012 CORICH, LUCIAFURLANIS, LindaGIONECHETTI, FABRIZIABRESSAN, RAFFAELADOLZANI, LUCILLATONIN, ENRICO ANGELOLAGATOLLA, CRISTINA +
Spread of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium Isolates Despite Validated Infection Control Measures in an Italian Hospital: Antibiotic Resistance and Genotypic Characterization of the Endemic Strain 1-gen-2018 Bressan, RaffaelaKnezevich, AnnaBusetti, MarinaDolzani, LucillaMilan, AnnalisaDi Santolo, ManuelaTonin, Enrico ALuzzati, RobertoLagatolla, Cristina +
Standardization and interlaboratory reproducibility assessment of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis-generated fingerprints of Acinetobacter baumannii 1-gen-2005 DOLZANI, LUCILLABRESSAN, RAFFAELA +