Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute  

Settore MED/44 - Medicina del Lavoro  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 117 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.053 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A follow up study of vibration-induced white finger in compensation claimants 1-gen-2005 BOVENZI, MASSIMONEGRO, CORRADO +
A longitudinal study of finger systolic blood pressure and exposure to hand-transmitted vibration 1-gen-2007 BOVENZI, MASSIMONEGRO, CORRADO +
A longitudinal study of vibration-induced white finger in compensation claimants 1-gen-2004 BOVENZI, MASSIMONEGRO, CORRADO +
A prospective cohort study of manipulative dexterity in vibration-exposed workers. 1-gen-2007 NEGRO, CORRADOBOVENZI, MASSIMO +
Allergia a lattice in student delle professioni sanitarie dell’Università di Trieste 1-gen-2015 NEGRO, CORRADORONCHESE, FEDERICOBOVENZI, MASSIMOLARESE FILON, FRANCESCA +
Allergic airway disease in Italian bakers and pastry makers. 1-gen-1994 LARESE FILON, FRANCESCABOVENZI, MASSIMONEGRO, CORRADO +
An epidemiological study of low back pain in professional drivers 1-gen-2005 BOVENZI, MASSIMONEGRO, CORRADO +
An epidemiological study of low back pain in professional drivers 1-gen-2006 BOVENZI, MASSIMONEGRO, CORRADO +
Asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma in construction workers—epidemiological remarks by the italian national mesothelioma registry (Renam) 1-gen-2021 Negro C. +
Association between asbestos exposure and pericardial and tunica vaginalis testis malignant mesothelioma: A case–control study and epidemiological remarks 1-gen-2020 Negro C.D'agostin F.De Michieli P. +
Atopic status and latex sensitization in a cohort of 1,628 students of health care faculties 1-gen-2017 WUDY, ANNA ELENANEGRO, CORRADOADAMI, ALESSANDROLARESE FILON, FRANCESCA
Cancer incidence in a cohort of asbestos-exposed workers undergoing health surveillance 1-gen-2018 Rosolen VNegro CBovenzi MBarbone F +
Changes in blood eosinophils and nonspecific bronchial reactivity after exposure tests to wheat flour and TDI 1-gen-1996 NEGRO, CORRADO +
Correction of low corneal astigmatism in cataract surgery 1-gen-2015 LEON, PIA EASTERPASTORE, MARCO ROCCOZANEI, ANDREANEGRO, CORRADOTOGNETTO, DANIELE +
Counseling antifumo in un gruppo di lavoratori ex esposti ad asbesto / Anti-smoking counseling in a group of workers with past exposure to asbestos 1-gen-2012 NEGRO, CORRADOBARBATI, GIULIA +
COVID-19 Incidence and Vaccine Effectiveness in University Staff, 1 March 2020–2 April 2022 1-gen-2023 Luca CegolonCorrado NegroMarco PesceFrancesca Larese FIlon
COVID-19 outbreak in healthcare workers in hospitals in Trieste, North-east Italy 1-gen-2020 Piapan L.De Michieli P.Ronchese F.Rui F.Mauro M.Segat L.D'Agaro P.Negro C.Bovenzi M.Larese Filon F. +
COVID-19 outbreaks in hospital workers during the first COVID-19 wave 1-gen-2022 Piapan, LDe Michieli, PRonchese, FRui, FSegat, LD'Agaro, PNegro, CBovenzi, MLarese Filon, F +
COVID-19 susceptibility and vaccination coverage for measles, rubella and mumps in students and healthcare workers in Trieste hospitals (NE Italy) 1-gen-2022 Cattaruzza, EleonoraRadillo, LuciaRonchese, FedericoNegro, CorradoRui, FrancescaDe Michieli, PaolaLarese Filon, Francesca
Cutipositività a lattice e agli alimenti cross reagenti in un gruppo di infermieri in fase di assunzione 1-gen-1998 LARESE FILON, FRANCESCANEGRO, CORRADO +