Dipartimento Universitario Clinico di Scienze mediche, chirurgiche e della salute  


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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori File
A longitudinal study of peripheral sensory function in vibration-exposed workers 1-gen-2011 BOVENZI, MASSIMORONCHESE, FEDERICOMAURO, MARCELLA
Allergia a lattice in student delle professioni sanitarie dell’Università di Trieste 1-gen-2015 NEGRO, CORRADORONCHESE, FEDERICOBOVENZI, MASSIMOLARESE FILON, FRANCESCA +
Approach to prevention of musculoskeletal symptoms in dental students: an interventional study 1-gen-2018 Ronchese, FedericoCadenaro, MilenaLarese Filon, Francesca +
COVID-19 outbreak in healthcare workers in hospitals in Trieste, North-east Italy 1-gen-2020 Piapan L.De Michieli P.Ronchese F.Rui F.Mauro M.Segat L.D'Agaro P.Negro C.Bovenzi M.Larese Filon F. +
COVID-19 outbreaks in hospital workers during the first COVID-19 wave 1-gen-2022 Piapan, LDe Michieli, PRonchese, FRui, FSegat, LD'Agaro, PNegro, CBovenzi, MLarese Filon, F +
COVID-19 susceptibility and vaccination coverage for measles, rubella and mumps in students and healthcare workers in Trieste hospitals (NE Italy) 1-gen-2022 Cattaruzza, EleonoraRadillo, LuciaRonchese, FedericoNegro, CorradoRui, FrancescaDe Michieli, PaolaLarese Filon, Francesca
Dissociazione tra effetti vascolari e neurosensitivi da esposizione a vibrazioni mano-braccio 1-gen-2024 Barbiero FRonchese FLarese Filon FBovenzi M +
Follow-up study of vascular and sensory functions in vibration-exposed shipyard workers 1-gen-2011 BOVENZI, MASSIMORONCHESE, FEDERICOMAURO, MARCELLA
Frequency weightings of hand-transmitted vibration for predicting vibration-induced white finger 1-gen-2011 BOVENZI, MASSIMOMAURO, MARCELLARONCHESE, FEDERICO +
High incidence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome and other autoimmune diseases after SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents in south central Europe 1-gen-2023 Barbone, FabioRonchese, FedericoDella Paolera, SaraConversano, EsterTaddio, Andrea +
Incidence of COVID-19 infection in hospital workers from March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021 routinely tested, before and after vaccination with BNT162B2 1-gen-2022 Larese Filon F.Rui F.Ronchese F.De Michieli P.Negro C.
Incidence of shoulder disorders in a cohort of healthcare workers from 2009 to 2020 1-gen-2023 Iavernig, ThomasZanette, MartaMiani, AndreaRonchese, FedericoLarese Filon, Francesca
Influenza dei fattori di rischio occupazionali e personali nell’occorrenza dei disordini muscolo-tendinei da utensili vibranti 1-gen-2024 Ronchese FBarbiero FLarese Filon FBovenzi M +
Investigation on the Loss of Taste and Smell and Consequent Psychological Effects: A Cross-Sectional Study on Healthcare Workers Who Contracted the COVID-19 Infection 1-gen-2021 Dudine, LuisaGiudici, FabiolaLunardelli, AlbertaPesavento, ValentinaManganotti, PaoloRonchese, FedericoNegro, Corrado +
Low sensitivity of rapid tests detecting anti-CoV-2 IgG and IgM in health care workers’ serum for COVID-19 screening 1-gen-2021 Francesca Larese FilonAntonio PurpuriDavide CamataMassimo BovenziFrancesca RuiFederico RonchesePaola De MichieliAlessandro MarcelloMonica PoggianellaMarco ConfalonieriFrancesco SaltonPaola ConfalonieriAnna BelgranoLudovica SegatPierlanfranco D’AgaroCorrado Negro +
Occupational risks and health disorders in transport drivers 1-gen-2012 RONCHESE, FEDERICOBOVENZI, MASSIMO
Persistence of Symptoms 15 Months since COVID-19 Diagnosis: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Residual Work Ability 1-gen-2023 Sansone, DonatellaTassinari, AliceRonchese, FedericoCentonze, SandroMaggiore, AdeleCegolon, LucaLarese Filon, Francesca +
Relation of the work ability index to fitness for work in healthcare and public employees in a region of Northeastern Italy. 1-gen-2023 Federico RoncheseFrancesca RicciGiulia PeccoloCorrado NegroMassimo BovenziAndrea Miani +
Rischi e malattie nei lavoratori del settore dei trasporti di merci e persone 1-gen-2012 RONCHESE, FEDERICOBOVENZI, MASSIMO