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A very rare cause of pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension: The PAMI syndrome 1-gen-2023 Savonitto, GiulioTommasini, AlbertoPin, AlessiaSinagra, GianfrancoStolfo, Davide +
Accuracy of right atrial pressure estimation using a multi-parameter approach derived from inferior vena cava semi-automated edge-tracking echocardiography: a pilot study in patients with cardiovascular disorders 1-gen-2020 Albani S.Pinamonti B.Fabris E.Stolfo D.Perkan A.Gregorio C.Barbati G.Confalonieri M.Sinagra G. +
Acute heart failure: mechanisms and pre-clinical models-a Scientific Statement of the ESC Working Group on Myocardial Function 1-gen-2023 Ferro, Matteo DalStolfo, DavideZacchigna, Serena +
Acute Hemodynamic Response to Cardiac Resynchronization in Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Effect on Late Mitral Regurgitation 1-gen-2015 STOLFO, DAVIDEBARBATI, GIULIAGIGLI, MARTAPINAMONTI, BRUNOZECCHIN, MASSIMORAMANI, FEDERICAMERLO, MARCOSINAGRA, GIANFRANCO +
Advanced Heart Failure in Special Population: Cardiomyopathies and Myocarditis 1-gen-2021 Stolfo D.Collini V.Sinagra G.
Antiarrhythmic therapy and risk of cumulative ventricular arrhythmias in arrhythmogenic right ventricle cardiomyopathy 1-gen-2021 Cappelletto C.Gregorio C.Barbati G.Romani S.De Luca A.Merlo M.Mestroni L.Stolfo D.Sinagra G.
Are hospitalized or ambulatory patients with heart failure treated in accordance with European Society of Cardiology guidelines? Evidence from 12 440 patients of the ESC Heart Failure Long-Term Registry 1-gen-2013 Fabris, E.STOLFO, DAVIDESINAGRA, GIANFRANCOMERLO, MARCOARTICO, JESSICAFERREIRA, CLARA +
Arrhythmic risk stratification in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and intermediate left ventricular dysfunction 1-gen-2019 Merlo M.Artico J.Cannata A.Paldino A.De Angelis G.Barbati G.Gigli M.Pinamonti B.Ramani F.Pirozzi F.Stolfo D.Sinagra G. +
Arrhythmic Risk Stratification in Patients With Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1-gen-2018 Stolfo, DavideZecchin, MassimoDe Luca, AntonioGobbo, MarcoBarbati, GiuliaGigli, MartaMASÈ, MARCOPinamonti, BrunoMerlo, MarcoSinagra, Gianfranco +
Assessment of Phasic Changes of Vascular Size by Automated Edge Tracking-State of the Art and Clinical Perspectives 1-gen-2022 Albani, StefanoStolfo, DavideGrillo, AndreaFabris, BrunoSinagra, Gianfranco +
Association between beta-blocker use and mortality/morbidity in older patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. A propensity score-matched analysis from the Swedish Heart Failure Registry 1-gen-2020 Stolfo D.Sinagra G. +
Association of Premature Ventricular Contraction Burden on Serial Holter Monitoring with Arrhythmic Risk in Patients with Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy 1-gen-2022 Cappelletto C.Stolfo D.Tondo C.Sinagra G.Casella M. +
Association of Titin Variations with Late-Onset Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1-gen-2022 Merlo M.Dal Ferro M.Barbati G.Manca P.Paldino A.Gigli M.Stolfo D.Johnson R.Mestroni L.Sinagra G. +
Association of Tricuspid Regurgitation With Outcome in Acute Heart Failure 1-gen-2023 Cocianni, DanieleStolfo, DavidePerotto, MariaContessi, StefanoBarbisan, DavideSavonitto, GiulioRizzi, Jacopo GiulioBarbati, GiuliaMerlo, MarcoAltinier, AlessandroSinagra, Gianfranco
Bridging the gap in the symptomatic heart failure patient journey: insights from the Italian scenario 1-gen-2023 Merlo, MarcoStolfo, DavideSinagra, Gianfranco +
Calcific degeneration and rupture of the aortic valve and ascending aorta: From cardiac auscultation to multimodality imaging 1-gen-2015 STOLFO, DAVIDEGIANFAGNA, PASQUALEFABRIS, ENRICOZANUTTINI, DAVIDESINAGRA, GIANFRANCOPROCLEMER, ALESSANDRONUCIFORA, GAETANO
Cardiac fluid dynamics meets deformation imaging 1-gen-2018 Dal Ferro, MatteoStolfo, DavideDe Paris, ValerioLesizza, PierluigiKorcova, RenataCOLLIA, DARIOSinagra, GianfrancoPedrizzetti, Gianni +
Changes in Right Ventricular-to-Pulmonary Artery Coupling After Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair in Secondary Mitral Regurgitation 1-gen-2022 Stolfo, DavideSinagra, Gianfranco +
Chapter 12: Prognostic Stratification and Importance of Follow-Up 1-gen-2019 Antonio CannatàDavide StolfoMarco MerloCosimo CarriereGianfranco Sinagra
Chapter 15: Dilated Cardiomyopathy at the Crossroad: Multidisciplinary Approach 1-gen-2019 Gianfranco SinagraEnrico FabrisSimona RomaniFrancesco NegriDavide StolfoMarco Merlo +