Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 26.240
NA - Nord America 24.011
AS - Asia 5.027
SA - Sud America 113
AF - Africa 100
OC - Oceania 48
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 23
Totale 55.562
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 23.908
IT - Italia 16.291
UA - Ucraina 2.081
SE - Svezia 1.728
PL - Polonia 1.707
CN - Cina 1.496
HK - Hong Kong 1.340
SG - Singapore 1.140
FI - Finlandia 722
DE - Germania 676
TR - Turchia 615
RU - Federazione Russa 588
FR - Francia 491
BG - Bulgaria 428
GB - Regno Unito 425
IE - Irlanda 409
CH - Svizzera 174
NL - Olanda 116
IN - India 109
ES - Italia 81
BE - Belgio 72
CA - Canada 72
VN - Vietnam 70
KR - Corea 61
BR - Brasile 59
SN - Senegal 50
JP - Giappone 49
RO - Romania 47
AU - Australia 40
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 33
IR - Iran 30
AT - Austria 29
AL - Albania 27
EU - Europa 23
ID - Indonesia 22
MX - Messico 21
HR - Croazia 18
GR - Grecia 17
EG - Egitto 16
HU - Ungheria 15
CO - Colombia 14
SI - Slovenia 13
AR - Argentina 10
PT - Portogallo 10
TN - Tunisia 10
EC - Ecuador 9
IL - Israele 8
KZ - Kazakistan 8
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
PE - Perù 8
PK - Pakistan 8
DK - Danimarca 7
MY - Malesia 7
NO - Norvegia 7
TH - Thailandia 7
TW - Taiwan 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
CL - Cile 6
IQ - Iraq 5
KW - Kuwait 5
LV - Lettonia 5
SM - San Marino 5
VE - Venezuela 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
BD - Bangladesh 4
DZ - Algeria 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
PH - Filippine 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
CU - Cuba 3
MC - Monaco 3
NG - Nigeria 3
NP - Nepal 3
PA - Panama 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AO - Angola 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BH - Bahrain 2
EE - Estonia 2
JO - Giordania 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LT - Lituania 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
PY - Paraguay 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 2
TZ - Tanzania 2
YE - Yemen 2
AM - Armenia 1
AW - Aruba 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BZ - Belize 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
KE - Kenya 1
KH - Cambogia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MQ - Martinica 1
Totale 55.555
Città #
Fairfield 2.978
Woodbridge 2.589
Ann Arbor 1.894
Chandler 1.823
Jacksonville 1.807
Warsaw 1.664
Houston 1.626
Ashburn 1.616
Wilmington 1.483
Hong Kong 1.323
Seattle 1.275
Milan 1.026
Cambridge 977
Rome 885
Singapore 845
Trieste 821
Princeton 764
Boardman 671
Izmir 573
Beijing 446
Sofia 428
Dublin 394
Columbus 391
Moscow 303
Naples 237
Dearborn 221
Turin 217
San Diego 181
Florence 173
Verona 161
Bologna 155
Palermo 139
Santa Clara 132
Helsinki 129
Bari 107
Genoa 97
Padova 93
Catania 88
Redwood City 86
Torino 81
Napoli 76
Dallas 72
Falls Church 69
Norwalk 67
Chicago 66
Grafing 66
Bremen 65
Udine 62
Brescia 58
Brussels 58
Buffalo 55
Dong Ket 54
Parma 54
Pescara 53
Venezia 52
Dakar 50
Shanghai 49
Des Moines 46
Hefei 45
Bern 43
Pisa 43
Redmond 42
Jinan 41
Los Angeles 41
Cagliari 40
Messina 40
Seoul 40
Treviso 40
Venice 40
Modena 39
Perugia 39
Caserta 38
Guangzhou 38
Bergamo 37
Mestre 36
Nanjing 36
Phoenix 36
Düsseldorf 35
Genova 34
Ravenna 33
Toronto 33
Ancona 32
Washington 32
Lucca 31
Monza 29
Taranto 29
Pune 27
Latina 26
Salerno 26
Pordenone 25
San Mateo 24
Munich 23
Rimini 23
Mumbai 22
Paris 22
London 21
Mountain View 21
Ottawa 21
Sassari 21
Torre Del Greco 21
Totale 33.336
Nome #
Le metastasi al cuore. 12.575
Dolore mandibolare persistente in paziente con protesi rimovibile 1.491
Il Registro Regionale delle Morti Cardiache Improvvise in età giovanile del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Protocolli operativi e risultati di un progetto multidisciplinare 481
Keratin14 mRNA expression in human pneumocytes during quiescence, repair and disease 385
Missed Diagnosis of Cancer in Critically Ill Patients: A Single-Center Experience 373
Miocardite, cardiomiopatia infiammatoria e perimiocardite: possiamo fare ordine? 356
Laser Therapy Inhibits Tumor Growth in Mice by Promoting Immune Surveillance and Vessel Normalization 349
Reactivation of Hepatitis B in a Patient with Breast Cancer Treated Using Capecitabine 335
When a lymphatic malformation determines a bowel volvulus: Are clinical status and images always reliable? 320
VEGF121 and VEGF165 differentially promote vessel maturation and tumor growth in mice and humans 276
Inquadramento e gestione delle cardiomiopatie: il protocollo della Cardiologia di Trieste 260
MicroRNA therapy stimulates uncontrolled cardiac repair after myocardial infarction in pigs 243
Fatal Septic Shock in a Patient with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Associated with an Infectious Mononucleosis 237
Blue laser light inhibits biofilm formation in vitro and in vivo by inducing oxidative stress 232
Recurrent supraventricular tachycardia and necrotizing enterocolitis: A causative role or a simple association? A case report and literature review 232
Fulminant Cerebral Fat Embolism: Case Description and Review of the Literature 228
How we improve the transoral resection for oral and oropharyngeal cancer: the CO2 waveguide laser 224
Pulmonary embolism in critically ill patients receiving antithrombotic prophylaxis: a clinical-pathologic study 221
Histopathology of oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid lesions: An exploratory cross-sectional study 221
Com'è cambiata la storia naturale della cardiomiopatia dilatativa? 218
Chirurgia di salvataggio nelle lesioni metastatiche del cavo orale: caso clinico 209
Congenital emphysematous lung disease associated with a novel Filamin A mutation. Case report and literature review 209
Intraoperative Margin Control in Transoral Approach for Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer 205
Carotid plaque vulnerability and matrix metalloproteinase -1 and -9 genetic polymorphisms 205
Vanished myxoma due to systemic embolization 201
In vitro percutaneous absorption of cobalt 199
Effect of class IV laser therapy on chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis: a clinical and experimental study. 196
Focal testicular lesions. Multiparametric us features and association with histopathology 196
A Case of Prenatal Neurocytoma Associated With ATR-16 Syndrome 194
Infective and non-infective endocarditis in critically ill patients: a clinical-pathological study. 191
Acute myocardial infarction in non-cardiac critically ill patients: a clinical-pathological study. 188
Two novel POLG mutations causing hepatic mitochondrial DNA depletion with recurrent hypoketotic hypoglycaemia and fatal liver dysfunction 187
Malignant form of atrophic papulosis with lethal abdominal involvement 185
Rare location of facial osteoma 180
The Conundrum of Septic Shock Imitators in Patients with Hematologic Cancers: Case Presentation and Possible Differential Diagnoses 179
Proposta di una checklist per la redazione del referto strutturato oncologico di anatomia ed istologia patologica ai fini del miglioramento della comprensione della diagnosi e dell’utilizzo della tecnologia sanitaria. 178
Prognosis of oral cancer: a comparison of the staging systems given in the 7th and 8th editions of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual 177
Surgical anatomy of the right gastro-omental artery: a study on 100 cadaver dissections 177
Autophagy and Inflammasome Activation in Dilated Cardiomyopathy 176
Topical Steroids in Rhinosinusitis and Intraoperative Bleeding: More Harm Than Good? 171
Sudden coronary death, fatal acute myocardial infarction and widespread coronary and myocardial inflammation. 170
Frozen sections and complete resection in oral cancer surgery 170
Persistent left ventricular dysfunction after acute lymphocytic myocarditis: Frequency and predictors 170
Formation of the inflammasome in acute myocarditis. 169
Myocarditis in Clinical Practice 169
An uncommon cause of postoperative bleeding 168
Apoptosis in patients with acute myocarditis. 165
Keratin-14 expression in pneumocytes as a marker of lung regeneration/repair during diffuse alveolar damage 164
Spontaneous recanalization of occluded internal artery after minor stroke. The role of surgical treatment 163
Long-Term Evolution and Prognostic Stratification of Biopsy-Proven Active Myocarditis 162
Cardiac Tumors: Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment 162
Vicryl Hypersensitivity Test With Histological Response 161
Features of vulnerable plaques and clinical outcome of UA/NSTEMI: Relationship with matrix metalloproteinase finctional polymorphisms. 158
Le metastasi alla lingua da carcinoma del polmone 154
Processo diagnostico di una lesione orale inusuale 154
null 153
An Unsuspected Case of Aortic Dissection 153
AD-Related N-Terminal Truncated Tau Is Sufficient to Recapitulate In Vivo the Early Perturbations of Human Neuropathology: Implications for Immunotherapy 153
Anticipating events of in-hospital cardiac arrest 152
AD-linked, toxic NH2 human tau affects the quality control of mitochondria in neurons 150
[Incidence and distribution of lymphoid neoplasm of the urinary tract and male genital organs in an urban area of northern Italy in the last decade.] 149
Immunologic response and myocardial free wall rupture in infective endocarditis 149
Corrigendum to AD-linked, toxic NH2 human tau affects the quality control of mitochondria in neurons, [Neurobioly of Disease (2014) 62, 489-507] 148
A point mutation in the 5' splice site of the dystrophin gene first intron responsible for X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy. 147
Chapter 9: Endomyocardial Biopsy 147
Hepatopulmonary fusion in a newborn. An uncommon intraoperatory finding during right congenital diaphragmatic hernia surgery; case description and review of literature. 146
NH2-truncated human tau induces deregulated mitophagy in neurons by aberrant recruitment of Parkin and UCHL-1: implications in Alzheimer's disease. 146
Widespread myocardial inflammation and infarct-related artery patency. 145
A congenital purplish tumour 145
An uncommon cause of lower limb weakness 144
Clinical Echocardiography and Other Imaging Techniques in Cardiomyopathies 144
Radiologic-pathologic correlations of intratumoral tissue components in the most common solid and cystic renal tumors. Pictorial review. 143
Absence of connections between spinal nerves and the spinal cord in a twin fetus: a very rare malformation occasionally evidenced at autopsy 143
Acute myocardial infarction and heart failure: role of apoptosis. 142
La miocardite idiopatica a cellule giganti. Studio autoptico su diciotto casi. 142
null 142
The role of clinical observation: red flag 8 - Cardiomyopathies in the first year of life and pediatric cardiomyopathies. 142
Evidence of the causal role of human papillomavirus type 58 in an oropharyngeal carcinoma. 142
Left ventricular involvement in right ventricular cardiomyopathy 141
CPAM type 2-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Malignancy risk study in a 14-month-old boy 141
Potential links between COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis and bronchiectasis as detected by high resolution computed tomography 141
Cardiac adaptation to severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia 140
Skin absorption in vitro of glycol ethers 138
High-risk clinical features predict increased post-infarction myocardial apoptosis and the benefits as a result of an open infarct-related artery. 138
The diagnostic performance parameters of Narrow Band Imaging: A preclinical and clinical study 138
Effects of Simvastatin on Fetal Cardiac Impairment in the Diaphragmatic Experimental Hernia Model 138
Long-term evolution of right ventricular dysplasia-cardiomyopathy. 137
Supraglottic versus glottic laryngeal cancer: epidemiological and pathological aspects 137
An abdominal asimmetry in a 17 years old girl. 137
Combined Orofacial Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis: Fatal Complication of a Recurrent Paediatric Glioma—Case Report and Review of Literature 137
Detection of focal renal perfusion defects in rabbits after sulphurhexafluoride-filled microbubble injection at low transmission power ultrasound insonation. 136
Increased apoptosis in remote non-infarcted myocardium in multivessel coronary disease 135
Magnetic resonance imaging in right ventricular dysplasia. 135
A NH2 tau fragment targets neuronal mitochondria at AD synapses: possible implications for neurodegeneration. 135
Radiological-pathological correlation in intratumoural tissue components of solid lung tumours. 134
Totale 32.384
Categoria #
all - tutte 145.846
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 145.846

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204.271 0 0 0 0 0 0 960 1.007 726 515 705 358
2020/20217.248 666 496 681 943 543 731 450 621 407 699 323 688
2021/20225.300 262 431 290 504 168 449 261 264 676 542 502 951
2022/20239.034 654 731 629 938 738 1.320 367 835 1.070 461 785 506
2023/20246.846 540 517 527 533 736 592 721 942 157 445 663 473
2024/20254.888 383 459 702 935 910 1.052 447 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 56.770