Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, del Linguaggio, dell`Interpretazione e della Traduzione
Settore IUS/13 - Diritto Internazionale
Abandoning Gender 'Identity'
2022-01-01 Gilleri, G.
Book Review: Fareda Banda, African Migration, Human Rights and Literature (Hart, 2020)
2021-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna; Guo, Aurelia
Compensation at the Intersection of Tort Law and International Human Rights Law
2021-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
Gender as a hyperconstruct in (rare) regional human rights case-law
2020-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
Gendered Human Rights and Medical Sexing Interventions upon Intersex Children: A Preliminary Enquiry
2019-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
How Do You Perform Human Rights? Measurement, Audit and Power through Global Indicators
2020-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
Human Rights Discourses and Subject Formations: Tainting Queer Theory with Psychoanalysis
2023-01-01 Gilleri, G.
Human rights' harmful and harmless gendered outlaws
2025-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
Il genere nei diritti umani: narrazioni e contronarrazioni
2023-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
L'orientamento sessuale in X c. Polonia: l'eteronormatività tra discriminazione e stereotipi di genere
2024-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
La sterilizzazione forzata delle donne Rom: intersezioni senza voce davanti alla Corte EDU
2024-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
L’essenziale è visibile a certi occhi. Recensione del libro di Rosario Aitala, “Il metodo della paura: terrorismi e terroristi” (Laterza 2018)
2019-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
Making Sense of Semenya before the European Court of Human Rights
2024-01-01 Winkler, Matteo; Gilleri, Giovanna
Of Athletes, Bodies, and Rules: Making Sense of 'Caster Semenya'
2021-01-01 Winkler, Matteo; Gilleri, Giovanna
Sadomasochism in Strasburg: A Pleasurable Danger?
2023-01-01 Gilleri, Giovanna
Sex, Gender, and International Human Rights Law: Contesting Binaries
2023-01-01 Gilleri, G.
Women, and All of Us: Article 5(a) CEDAW as a Protection for All Gendered Individuals
2024-01-01 Gilleri, G.
‘How are you actually doing, ladies?’ Indicators of gender equality through the lens of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
2020-01-01 Gilleri, G.