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A framework for iterative reconstruction in phase-contrast computed tomography dedicated to the breast 1-gen-2017 Arfelli, F.Brun, F.Dreossi, D.Fedon, C.Longo, R.Oliva, P.Rigon, L.Tromba, G. +
A proposal for a quality control protocol in breast CT with synchrotron radiation 1-gen-2018 Brombal, LucaDonato, SandroRigon, LuigiTAIBI, ANGELOTromba, GiulianaLongo, RenataArfelli, Fulvia +
Alterations in trabecular bone μ-architecture and cartilages in rats with antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) resulting from synchrotron-based X-ray imaging analysis 1-gen-2016 PACILÈ, SERENABIFFI, STEFANIAMENK, RALF HENDRIKGARROVO, CHIARADAL MONEGO, SIMEONEARFELLI, FULVIARIGON, LUIGICOLOMBO, FEDERICOMACOR, PAOLOACCARDO, AGOSTINOTROMBA, GIULIANA
Bone regeneration with adipose derived stem cells in a rabbit model 1-gen-2019 Maglione, MicheleSALVADOR, ENRICORUARO, MARIA ELISABETTAMelato, MauroTromba, GiulianaAngerame, DanieleBevilacqua, Lorenzo
Clinical application of low-dose phase contrast breast CT: methods for the optimization of the reconstruction workflow 1-gen-2015 PACILÈ, SERENABRUN, FRANCESCODREOSSI, DiegoMOHAMMADI, SARATonutti, MauraZANCONATI, FABRIZIOACCARDO, AGOSTINOTROMBA, GIULIANA +
Dose and diagnostic performance comparison between phase-contrast mammography with synchrotron radiation and digital mammography: A clinical study report 1-gen-2018 Fedon, ChristianRigon, LuigiArfelli, FulviaDreossi, DiegoQuai, ElisaTonutti, MauraTromba, GiulianaCova, Maria AssuntaLongo, Renata
Glandular dose in breast computed tomography with synchrotron radiation 1-gen-2016 FEDON, CHRISTIANLONGO, RENATATROMBA, GIULIANA +
Meniscal ossicles as micro-CT imaging biomarker in a rodent model of antigen-induced arthritis: A synchrotron-based x-ray pilot study 1-gen-2017 DONATO, SANDROPACILÈ, SERENACOLOMBO, FEDERICOGARROVO, CHIARADAL MONEGO, SIMEONEMACOR, PAOLOTROMBA, GIULIANABIFFI, STEFANIA
Monochromatic breast CT: absorption and phase-retrieved images 1-gen-2018 Brombal, LucaBonazza, DeborahZanconati, FabrizioTromba, GiulianaTaibi, AngeloRigon, LuigiDonato, SandroArfelli, FulviaLongo, Renata +
Nanostructures to Engineer 3D Neural-Interfaces: Directing Axonal Navigation toward Successful Bridging of Spinal Segments 1-gen-2017 Aurand, Emily R.Usmani, SadafMedelin, ManuelaScaini, DenisBosi, SusannaDonato, SandroTromba, GiulianaPrato, MaurizioBallerini, Laura +
Optimization of propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast tomography for breast cancer imaging 1-gen-2017 PACILÈ, SERENADREOSSI, DiegoARFELLI, FULVIABRUN, FRANCESCOPINAMONTI, MAURIZIOZANCONATI, FABRIZIOTROMBA, GIULIANA +
Phase-Contrast Breast-CT: Optimization of Experimental Parameters and Reconstruction Algorithms 1-gen-2019 Donato, SandroPacile’, SerenaBrombal, LucaTromba, GiulianaLongo, Renata
Phase-contrast clinical breast CT: Optimization of imaging setups and reconstruction workflows 1-gen-2016 TROMBA, GIULIANAPACILÈ, SERENABRUN, FRANCESCODREOSSI, DiegoTonutti, MauraZANCONATI, FABRIZIOACCARDO, AGOSTINO +
Phase-contrast mammography at the SYRMEP beamline of Elettra 1-gen-2011 Tromba, GiulianaCova, Maria A.Castelli, Edoardo
Toward Low-Voltage and Bendable X-Ray Direct Detectors Based on Organic Semiconducting Single Crystals 1-gen-2015 FRALEONI MORGERA, AlessandroTROMBA, GIULIANADREOSSI, Diego +
Towards breast tomography with synchrotron radiation at Elettra: first images 1-gen-2016 LONGO, RENATAARFELLI, FULVIABRUN, FRANCESCODREOSSI, DiegoFEDON, CHRISTIANRIGON, LUIGITROMBA, GIULIANAZANCONATI, FABRIZIO +
X-ray microtomography observations of xylem embolism in stems of Laurus nobilis are consistent with hydraulic measurements of percentage loss of conductance 1-gen-2017 NARDINI, AndreaSAVI, TADEJAPACILÈ, SERENATROMBA, GIULIANA +