Dipartimento Univ. Clinico Sc. della Riproduzione e dello Sviluppo e di Scienze di Medicina Pubblica (attivo dal 01/01/2010 al 30/04/2011)  

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Alterations in trabecular bone μ-architecture and cartilages in rats with antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) resulting from synchrotron-based X-ray imaging analysis 1-gen-2016 PACILÈ, SERENABIFFI, STEFANIAMENK, RALF HENDRIKGARROVO, CHIARADAL MONEGO, SIMEONEARFELLI, FULVIARIGON, LUIGICOLOMBO, FEDERICOMACOR, PAOLOACCARDO, AGOSTINOTROMBA, GIULIANA
Case report: Long-lasting SARS-CoV-2 infection with post-COVID-19 condition in two patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: The emerging therapeutic role of casirivimab/imdevimab 1-gen-2022 Ballotta, LauraSimonetti, OmarD'Agaro, PierlanfrancoSegat, LudovicaKoncan, RaffaellaDattola, FedericaMarcello, AlessandroDal Monego, SimeoneLicastro, DaniloLucchini, ElisaZaja, FrancescoLuzzati, Roberto +
Evolution of transcriptome profiles during muscle development in Casertana and cosmopolite pig breeds 1-gen-2009 PALLAVICINI, AlbertoDAL MONEGO, SIMEONEDREOS, RENÈ +
Functionalized synchrotron in-line phase-contrast computed tomography: A novel approach for simultaneous quantification of structural alterations and localization of barium-labelled alveolar macrophages within mouse lung samples 1-gen-2015 DAL MONEGO, SIMEONEMOHAMMADI, SARAGARROVO, CHIARABIFFI, STEFANIALORENZON, ANDREAACCARDO, AGOSTINO +
Isolation and full-length genome characterization of Sarscov-2 from covid-19 cases in northern Italy 1-gen-2020 Licastro D.Dal Monego S.Segat L.D'Agaro P.Marcello A. +
Meniscal ossicles as micro-CT imaging biomarker in a rodent model of antigen-induced arthritis: A synchrotron-based x-ray pilot study 1-gen-2017 DONATO, SANDROPACILÈ, SERENACOLOMBO, FEDERICOGARROVO, CHIARADAL MONEGO, SIMEONEMACOR, PAOLOTROMBA, GIULIANABIFFI, STEFANIA
Nanotechnology-based cisplatin intracellular delivery to enhance chemo-sensitivity of ovarian cancer 1-gen-2020 Valencic E.Dal Monego S.Licastro D.Crosera M.Adami G.Rampazzo E.Ricci G.Romano F.Severini G. M.Biffi S. +
Puzzling results from BAP1 germline mutations analysis in a group of asbestos-exposed patients in a high-risk area of northeast Italy 1-gen-2017 Rizzardi, ClaraAthanasakis, EmmanouilCammisuli, FrancescaDal Monego, SimeoneDe Spelorzi, Yeraldin Chiquinquira CastilloCostantinides, FulvioGiudici, FabiolaPinamonti, MaurizioCanzonieri, VincenzoMelato, MauroPascolo, Lorella
Transcriptome of pig muscle assessed by erial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) 1-gen-2005 DAL MONEGO, SIMEONEPALLAVICINI, AlbertoGRAZIOSI, GIORGIO +