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[Disease management system in patients with chronic heart failure] 1-gen-2007 SCARDI, SABINODI LENARDA, ANDREAGIANSANTE, CARLOSINAGRA, GIANFRANCO +
A new integrated approach to cardiac mechanics: reference values for normal left ventricle 1-gen-2020 Collia D.Furlotti S.Pagura L.Zaccari M.Pedrizzetti G.Di Lenarda A. +
Adherence to Disease-Modifying Therapy in Patients Hospitalized for HF: Findings from a Community-Based Study 1-gen-2020 Barbati G.Scagnetto A.Sinagra G.Di Lenarda A. +
Administrative database, observational research and the Tower of Babel 1-gen-2019 Iorio, AnnamariaSinagra, GianfrancoDi Lenarda, Andrea
Are aortic coarctation and rheumatoid arthritis different models of aortic stiffness? Data from an echocardiographic study 1-gen-2018 Rossini MDi Nora CDoimo SPandullo CDi Lenarda ASinagra G +
Are nonsustained ventricular tachycardias predictive of major arrhythmias in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy on optimal medical treatment? 1-gen-2008 ZECCHIN, MASSIMODI LENARDA, ANDREAMERLO, MARCOPIVETTA, ALBERTOVITRELLA, GIANCARLOSABBADINI, GASTONESINAGRA, GIANFRANCO +
Arrhythmogenic Phenotype in Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Natural History and Predictors of Life-Threatening Arrhythmias 1-gen-2015 SPEZZACATENE, ANITASINAGRA, GIANFRANCOMERLO, MARCOBARBATI, GIULIADI LENARDA, ANDREA +
Atrial fibrillation, cognitive impairment, frailty and disability in older heart failure patients 1-gen-2016 DI LENARDA, ANDREABARBATI, GIULIA +
Cardiomiopatie 2008. Una riflessione a proposito delle recenti classificazioni dell'American Heart Association e del Working Group on Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases della Società Europea di Cardiologia 1-gen-2008 SINAGRA, GIANFRANCODI LENARDA, ANDREAPINAMONTI, BRUNOSALVI, ALESSANDROSILVESTRI, FURIOBUSSANI, ROSSANACAMERINI, FULVIO +
Cardiovascular mortality and chronotropic incompetence in systolic heart failure: the importance of a reappraisal of current cut-off criteria. 1-gen-2014 DI LENARDA, ANDREAIorio ASINAGRA, GIANFRANCO +
Cardiovascular risk stratification and management of patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical practice: The "EPIDAURO registry" 1-gen-2014 FISCHETTI, FabioGATTI, DAVIDDI LENARDA, ANDREA +
Chronic kidney disease and prognosis in elderly patients with cardiovascular disease: Comparison between CKD-EPI and Berlin Initiative Study-1 formulas 1-gen-2016 BARBATI, GIULIADI LENARDA, ANDREA +
Clinical implications of the CKD epidemiology collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation compared with the modification of diet in renal disease (MDRD) study equation for the estimation of renal dysfunction in patients with cardiovascular disease 1-gen-2015 BARBATI, GIULIAMAZZONE, CARMINEDI LENARDA, ANDREA +
Combined Circumferential and Longitudinal Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in Patients with Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis 1-gen-2015 MAZZONE, CARMINEBARBATI, GIULIADI LENARDA, ANDREA +
Comparison of discrimination and calibration performance of ECG-based machine learning models for prediction of new-onset atrial fibrillation 1-gen-2023 Baj, GiovanniGandin, IlariaScagnetto, ArjunaBortolussi, LucaCappelletto, ChiaraDi Lenarda, AndreaBarbati, Giulia
Comparison of Patient Characteristics and Course of Hypertensive Hypokinetic Cardiomyopathy Versus Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1-gen-2017 PINAMONTI, BRUNOMERLO, MARCOSTOLFO, DAVIDERAMANI, FEDERICABARBATI, GIULIACARRIERE, COSIMOMASSA, LAURAPOLI, STEFANOGIGLI, MARTADI LENARDA, ANDREASINAGRA, GIANFRANCO +
Conflicting gender-related differences in the natural history of patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy 1-gen-2017 Laura, Vitali-SerdozCristina, LutmanGiulia, BarbatiMassimo, ZecchinMarco, MerloIlaria, PuggiaBruno, PinamontiAndrea, Di LenardaGianfranco, Sinagra +
Continuità assistenziale ospedale-territorio per il paziente con scompenso cardiaco cronico: Una rivoluzione e una sfida nella cura ambulatoriale 1-gen-2007 SCARDI, SABINOHUMAR, FRANCODI LENARDA, ANDREAMAZZONE, CARMINEGIANSANTE, CARLOSINAGRA, GIANFRANCO
Deceptive meaning of oxygen uptake measured at the anaerobic threshold in patients with systolic heart failure and atrial fibrillation 1-gen-2015 IORIO, ANNAMARIADI LENARDA, ANDREARICCI, ROBERTOSINAGRA, GIANFRANCO +
Documento di consenso ANMCO/FADOI/SIAARTI/SIC/SIMG/SIMI/SIMEU: Il percorso clinico-diagnostico e terapeutico del paziente con scompenso cardiaco acuto dal domicilio alla dimissione dal Pronto Soccorso/ Dipartimento di Emergenza-Accettazione 1-gen-2019 Pugliese F. R.Corcione A.Fontanella A.D'Ambrosio G.Campanini M.Caporale R.Sinagra G.Di Lenarda A. +