Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 11.386
EU - Europa 5.415
AS - Asia 2.466
AF - Africa 45
SA - Sud America 35
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
OC - Oceania 9
Totale 19.368
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.347
IT - Italia 1.437
UA - Ucraina 1.062
SE - Svezia 987
HK - Hong Kong 634
SG - Singapore 622
CN - Cina 575
PL - Polonia 445
FI - Finlandia 318
TR - Turchia 241
RU - Federazione Russa 230
BG - Bulgaria 190
IE - Irlanda 179
GB - Regno Unito 154
DE - Germania 116
PH - Filippine 100
LB - Libano 99
FR - Francia 84
CH - Svizzera 69
PK - Pakistan 53
IR - Iran 36
NL - Olanda 32
IN - India 29
BE - Belgio 21
CA - Canada 20
SN - Senegal 20
MX - Messico 18
RO - Romania 17
VN - Vietnam 14
BR - Brasile 13
AT - Austria 12
HU - Ungheria 12
ES - Italia 10
BD - Bangladesh 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
AU - Australia 8
JP - Giappone 8
EG - Egitto 7
EU - Europa 7
KR - Corea 7
PE - Perù 7
CL - Cile 6
ID - Indonesia 6
PT - Portogallo 6
DZ - Algeria 5
EC - Ecuador 5
HR - Croazia 5
JO - Giordania 5
MA - Marocco 5
TW - Taiwan 5
DK - Danimarca 4
GR - Grecia 4
TH - Thailandia 4
TN - Tunisia 4
XK - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.XK??? 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
MD - Moldavia 3
AL - Albania 2
CO - Colombia 2
IL - Israele 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
LY - Libia 2
MT - Malta 2
MY - Malesia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NP - Nepal 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AR - Argentina 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
QA - Qatar 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 19.368
Città #
Woodbridge 1.896
Ann Arbor 1.277
Fairfield 982
Jacksonville 938
Houston 926
Chandler 733
Hong Kong 602
Wilmington 586
Ashburn 579
Singapore 479
Warsaw 442
Seattle 359
Cambridge 356
Trieste 349
Princeton 348
Boardman 300
Beijing 211
Izmir 211
Columbus 201
Sofia 188
Dublin 179
Moscow 151
Dearborn 99
Santa Clara 94
Redwood City 89
Milan 81
San Diego 67
Bern 62
Frattamaggiore 55
Falls Church 51
Verona 43
Düsseldorf 42
Guangzhou 36
Buffalo 35
Mestre 35
Chicago 31
Rome 29
Islamabad 27
Hefei 26
Nanjing 26
Central District 25
Naples 23
Udine 22
Des Moines 21
Phoenix 21
Dakar 20
Manila 20
Napoli 20
Shanghai 20
Norwalk 19
Brussels 18
Kunming 16
Tehran 13
Helsinki 12
Indiana 12
Salerno 12
Dallas 11
Jinan 11
Orange 11
Vienna 11
Amsterdam 10
Bremen 10
Dong Ket 10
Genoa 10
Peshawar 10
Auburn Hills 9
Cepagatti 9
Kocaeli 9
Los Angeles 9
Nanchang 9
New York 9
Washington 9
Fremont 8
Hangzhou 8
Lahore 8
Padova 8
Quezon City 8
Scafati 8
Kansas City 7
Renton 7
Sacile 7
Toronto 7
Turin 7
Vico Equense 7
Wuhan 7
Zhengzhou 7
Barcelona 6
Bologna 6
Florence 6
Palermo 6
Paris 6
Perugia 6
Veronella 6
West Jordan 6
Amman 5
Bucharest 5
Caserta 5
Catania 5
Clifton 5
Cornedo Vicentino 5
Totale 13.854
Nome #
A seismological and engineering perspective on the 2016 Central Italy earthquakes 365
Scenario based seismic hazard assessment and its application to the seismic verification of relevant buildings 285
Seismic risk mitigation at Ischia island (Naples, Southern Italy): An innovative approach to mitigate catastrophic scenarios 256
Preliminary Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment in Pakistan and Adjoining Regions 225
Neo-deterministic Definition of Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Scenarios
 for the Territory of Gujarat (India). 219
Seismic Hazard Scenarios as Preventive Tools for a Disaster Resilient Society 216
Seismic Hazard Assesment: Parametric Studies On Grid Infrastructures. 199
Realistic modeling of seismic input for megacities and large urban areas (the UNESCO/IUGS/IGCP project 414) 197
Earthquakes, Strong-Ground Motion 191
A new design strategy based on a deterministic definition of the seismic input to overcome the limits of design procedures based on probabilistic approaches 187
A web application prototype for the multiscale modelling of seismic input 185
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment for Alborz Region, Iran 180
An approach of microzonation of the Sofia city 180
Definition of seismic and tsunami hazard scenarios by exploiting EU-India Grid e-infrastructures 173
Zoning of the Italian territory in terms of expected peak ground acceleration derived from complete synthetic seismograms 171
A New Design Procedure Based On The Realistic Definition Of Seismic Input 168
A deterministic seismic hazard map of India and adjacent areas. 167
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment in North Africa 166
Broadband NDSHA computations and earthquake ground motion observations for the Italian territory 165
Neo-deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard assessments: a comparison over the Italian territory. 164
Neo-Deterministic Scenario-Earthquake Accelerograms and Spectra: A NDSHA Approach to Seismic Analysis 162
Seismic wave propagation in laterally heterogeneous anelastic media: Theory and applications to seismic zonation 157
Synthetic seismograms in laterally heterogeneous, anelastic media by modal summation of P-SV-waves 157
Vp/Vs estimation in southwestern Europe from P-wave and surface-wave tomography analysis 155
A Contribution to Seismic Hazard Assessment in Croatia from Deterministic Modeling. 155
Earthquakes, Strong-Ground Motion 153
Vs measurements in volcanic urban areas from ambient noise Rayleigh waves. 153
Analytical computation of reflection and transmission coupling coefficients for Love waves 152
A contribution to the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of large structures in Sofia city. 152
Realistic Modeling of seismic input in Urban Areas: a UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP project 149
Recent achievements of the neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment in the CEI region 149
CCI1996: the Current Catalogue of Italy 147
Towards a reliable seismic microzonation in Tehran, Iran 144
Seismic zonation in Albania using a deterministic approach. 141
Developments toward computations of synthetic seismograms in laterally inhomogeneous anelastic media 137
Scenari di pericolosità sismica e di danno per la città di Gorizia 137
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment and earthquake occurrence rate 136
Seismic Input Modelling for Zoning and Microzoning 135
Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard and Pattern Recognition Techniques: Time-Dependent Scenarios for North-Eastern Italy 135
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard scenarios for India - a preventive tool for disaster mitigation 134
Seismic microzoning from synthetic ground motion parameters: case study, Santiago de Cuba 133
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard scenarios: Application to the engineering analysis of historical buildings. 133
Deterministic Earthquake Scenarios for the City of Sofia 132
Applicazione del metodo neo-deterministico integrato all'analisi ingegneristica degli edifici storici: Palazzo Carciotti (Trieste) 132
The SISMA prototype system: integrating Geophysical Modeling and Earth Observation for time-dependent seismic hazard assessment 132
Seismic Hazard of Romania: Deterministic Approach 132
Linear Amplification of Horizontal Strong Ground Motion in Zagreb (Croatia) for a Realistic Range of Scaled Point Sources 132
Applications of the modal summation technique to the theoretical site response estimation 131
Deterministic Modelling for Microzonation of Sofia: An Expected Earthquake Scenario. 131
Modelling of the seismic ground motion for the Umbria-Marche earthquake sequence (September 1997) 130
Seismic vulnerability assessment for massive structure: case study for Sofia city. 129
Ground Motion Zoning of Santiago de Cuba: An Approach by SH Waves Modelling 128
The Mw 6.3, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake: Linear and nonlinear site effects. 128
Zoning of the Italian territory in terms of expected peak ground acceleration derived from complete synthetic seismograms 128
Deterministic seismic hazard map in North China 126
Shear wave velocities from noise correlation at local scale 126
Seismic Ground Motion and Site Effect Modelling Along Two Profiles in the City of Debrecen, Hungary 125
Zoning of the Italian Territory in Terms of Estimated Peak Ground Acceleration 122
Realistic Ground Motion Scenarios: Methodological Approach 122
VRCs on EGI and Regional Infrastructures 122
Seismicity, seismic input and site effects in the Sahel-Algiers region (North Algeria) 121
The main features of the local geological conditions can explain the macroseismic intensity caused in Xiji-Langfu (Beijing) by the Ms=7.7 Tangshan 1976 earthquake 121
Deterministic Seismic Zoning of Eastern Cuba 121
NDSHA - Computational Aspects of the Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment 121
Computation of analytical partial derivatives of phase and group velocities for rayleigh waves with respect to structural parameters 120
Design and placing of an innovative 3D-Isolation system under the Herculaneum Roman ship. 119
Site-Specific Modeling of SH and P-SV Waves for Microzonation Study of Kolkata Metropolitan City, India 119
Deterministic seismic hazard in Egypt 119
Amplification of strong ground motion in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, estimated by computation of synthetic seismograms. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 117
Seismic zoning of Slovenia based on deterministic hazard computations. 117
Influence of epicentral distance on local seismic response in Kolkata City, India 117
Shear-Wave Velocity Tomography of the Lithosphere–Asthenosphere System beneath the Iranian Plateau. 115
Integrated Neodeterministic Scenarios for Reliable Earthquake Hazard Assessment 115
Modelling of Seismic Ground Motion in Santiago de Cuba City from Earthquakes in Oriente Fault Seismic Zone 115
Time dependent neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment: a practical approach based pattern recognition techniques and earth-observation 114
Seismic Ground Motion Expected for the Eastern District of Naples 114
Earthquake preparedness: the contribution of earthquake prediction and deterministic hazard research. 113
The IUGS-UNESCO IGCP Project 414: Realistic Modeling of Seismic Input for Megacities and Large Urban Areas. 113
Shear wave structural models of Venice Plain, Italy, from Time Cross Correlation of seismic noise 112
Earthquake scenarios and seismic input for cultural heritage: applications to the cities of Rome and Florence 112
Influenza della modellazione degli edifici sulla determinazione della loro vulnerabilità sismica 112
Realistic modelling of waveform in laterally heterogeneous anelastic media by modal summation 111
Modellazione realistica della sollecitazione sismica per Megalopoli e grandi centri urbani 111
Synthetic Seismogram Based Deterministic Seismic Zoning for the Hungarian Part of the Pannonian Basin 109
Zoning of the Italian region with synthetic seismograms computed with known structural and source information 109
Constraints on the source characteristics of the 1117 earthquake from seismic modelling 108
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard scenarios for the Adria region and its surroundings 108
An earthquake scenario for the microzonation of Sofia and the vulnerability of structures designed by use of the Eurocodes 107
Definizione deterministica dell'input sismico per l'applicazione dell'isolamento sismico all'edilizia residenziale 106
Evaluation of Linear and Nonlinear Site Effects for the MW 6.3, 2009 L’Aquila Earthquake 104
Pericolosita' sismica della Sicilia sud orientale terremoti di scenario per Augusta, Siracusa e Noto 104
Simulation of 2009, Mw=4 Tehran earthquake using a hybrid method of modal summation and finite difference 102
Modeling of SH- and P-SV-wave fields and seismic microzonation based on responsespectra for Talchir Basin, India 101
Recent developments in Europe for the definition of realistic seismic input for structures provided with innovative antiseismic systems 101
Comparison between neo-deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the Italian territory 101
Scenario-based time-dependent definition of sesimic input: an effective tool for engineering analysis and seismic isolation design 101
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard scenarios for North-Eastern Italy. 100
Realistic Modelling of ground motion: techniques for site response estimation 100
Scenario-based time-dependent definition of seismic input: an effective tool for engineering analysis and seismic isolation design 100
Totale 14.047
Categoria #
all - tutte 56.056
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 56.056

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 387 257 257 262 94
2020/20212.364 251 115 226 301 184 292 93 225 79 232 105 261
2021/20222.073 49 180 135 207 53 188 76 87 237 218 135 508
2022/20232.555 251 337 206 280 277 477 21 188 355 18 106 39
2023/20241.454 121 97 97 69 149 69 247 289 12 35 152 117
2024/20251.833 50 233 402 218 302 266 249 113 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.049