Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 15.465
EU - Europa 9.339
AS - Asia 3.084
SA - Sud America 92
AF - Africa 83
OC - Oceania 73
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 30
AN - Antartide 3
Totale 28.169
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 15.436
IT - Italia 3.418
UA - Ucraina 1.977
SE - Svezia 1.258
CN - Cina 869
SG - Singapore 691
FI - Finlandia 632
HK - Hong Kong 538
TR - Turchia 406
DE - Germania 335
BG - Bulgaria 302
IE - Irlanda 292
FR - Francia 267
GB - Regno Unito 256
IN - India 120
JP - Giappone 115
ES - Italia 93
NL - Olanda 82
KR - Corea 74
AU - Australia 65
RU - Federazione Russa 64
SN - Senegal 61
CH - Svizzera 55
ID - Indonesia 55
BE - Belgio 54
GR - Grecia 40
IR - Iran 40
TW - Taiwan 38
MY - Malesia 37
BR - Brasile 34
EU - Europa 28
CA - Canada 27
NO - Norvegia 27
PL - Polonia 25
RS - Serbia 23
BD - Bangladesh 22
TH - Thailandia 22
PE - Perù 21
LT - Lituania 18
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 17
AL - Albania 16
DK - Danimarca 16
PT - Portogallo 15
PH - Filippine 13
AR - Argentina 12
CO - Colombia 12
AT - Austria 10
PK - Pakistan 10
RO - Romania 9
SI - Slovenia 9
VN - Vietnam 9
HR - Croazia 8
CL - Cile 7
IL - Israele 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 7
DZ - Algeria 6
EG - Egitto 6
EC - Ecuador 5
EE - Estonia 5
LK - Sri Lanka 5
MT - Malta 5
ZA - Sudafrica 5
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
AQ - Antartide 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
TN - Tunisia 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
GI - Gibilterra 2
MK - Macedonia 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BJ - Benin 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CY - Cipro 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MC - Monaco 1
MX - Messico 1
PG - Papua Nuova Guinea 1
SL - Sierra Leone 1
SV - El Salvador 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 28.169
Città #
Ann Arbor 2.743
Woodbridge 2.461
Jacksonville 1.714
Houston 1.477
Chandler 872
Fairfield 805
Wilmington 751
Princeton 585
Singapore 562
Ashburn 503
Hong Kong 479
Trieste 404
Beijing 348
Izmir 307
Seattle 304
Sofia 298
Dublin 291
Cambridge 276
Columbus 271
Milan 192
Boardman 170
Rome 120
Düsseldorf 112
Redwood City 86
San Diego 83
Falls Church 77
Guangzhou 66
Chicago 65
Shanghai 65
Dakar 61
Santa Clara 61
Udine 61
Verona 61
Naples 60
Genova 59
Dearborn 58
Napoli 54
Bremen 47
Buffalo 46
Genoa 45
Norwalk 42
Phoenix 39
Helsinki 38
Istanbul 36
Madrid 36
Seoul 35
Central 31
Bologna 29
Brussels 28
Indiana 28
Palermo 27
Des Moines 26
Hobart 23
Scafati 23
Catania 22
Tokyo 22
Cividale Del Friuli 21
London 21
Bangkok 20
Dallas 20
Fremont 20
Nanjing 20
Hefei 19
Bern 18
Mestre 18
Lima 17
Sacile 17
Serra 17
Taipei 17
Nardò 16
Padova 16
Bari 15
New York 15
Salerno 15
Zurich 15
Athens 14
Gothenburg 14
Sydney 14
Trondheim 14
Beograd 13
Jakarta 13
Turin 13
Washington 13
Espoo 12
Florence 12
Kunming 12
Messina 12
Ronchi dei Legionari 12
Amsterdam 11
Mariano Comense 11
New Delhi 11
Reggio Calabria 11
Torino 11
Vilnius 11
Bengaluru 10
Crewe 10
Dhaka 10
Kolkata 10
Livorno 10
Mumbai 10
Totale 18.216
Nome #
Lezioni di Statica della Nave 552
Su alcuni problemi di stabilità di equazioni differenziali ordinarie di interesse per l'ingegneria navale 354
Dinamica delle bolle e cavitazione 340
La stabilità della nave sull'onda 297
Proceedings 18th International Conference on Ships and Shipping Research 2015 – NAV’2015 282
Risonanze ultrarmonica e subarmonica nel moto di rollio di una nave soggetta a mare regolare al traverso 267
Temperature Dependence of Cavitation Activity at Different Ultrasound Intensity 261
Effect of large initial ship stability on ship safety: an example study 245
Studio di una procedura computerizzata per lo sviluppo fasciame per scafi a spigolo 241
A Critical Analysis of Weather Criterion for Intact Stability of Large Passenger Vessels 236
Using time domain nonlinear ship motion simulations to assess safety of people and cargo onboard a container vessel 230
Sugli effetti dello smorzamento nel moto di rollio di una nave soggetta ad azione sbandante periodica 206
Bifurcations in Ship Rolling: Experimental Results and Parameter Identification Technique 204
Stabilità della nave e movimento di rollio: caso di momento sbandante non variabile 200
Inverse Ultrasonic Capillary Effect 177
Space-Time Interaction of two Ultrasonic Fields and Sonoluminescence During Transient Cavitation in Distilled Water 173
null 173
Failure analysis of container stacks by non-linear FE simulations under non-linear inertial loads 172
Complementing SOLAS damage ship stability framework with a probabilistic description for the extent of collision damage below the waterline 172
The Intact Ship Stability Code: Present Status and Future Developments 167
An Experimental Study of the Coupling Between Roll Motion and Sloshing in a Compartment 165
A Simplified Modular Approach for the Prediction of the Roll Motion due to the Combined Action of Wind and Waves 160
Experiment-Supported Weather Criterion and its Design Impact on Large Passenger Ships 158
On Damping Models in Free and Forced Rolling Motion 157
Roll motion of a ship with low metacentric height in bi-chromatic beam waves 154
Stabilità statica e dinamica di imbarcazioni multiscafo 150
Buoyancy, Stability and Subdivision: From Archimedes to SOLAS2009 and the Way Ahead 149
Nonlinear Rolling Response in a Regular Sea 145
Heeling moment in the alternative assessment of the Weather Criterion: direct experiments and numerical simulations 144
Bifurcations in Ship Rolling: Experimental Results and Parameter Identification Technique 144
Study of trimaran stability in longitudinal waves 142
Systematic Experimental Tests for the IMO Weather Criterion Requirements and Further Development Towards a Probabilistic Intact Stability Approach 139
A Review of Available Methods for Application to Second Level Vulnerability Criteria 137
Ultraharmonics and Subharmonics in the Rolling Motion of a Ship: Steady-state Solution 137
The Evolution of a Cavitation Zone in a Focused Ultrasonic Field 137
Experimental results and numerical simulations on strongly non-linear rolling of multihulls in moderate beam seas 137
Possible simplified mathematical models for roll motion in the development of performance-based intact stability criteria – Extended and revised version 136
On the Nonlinear Ship Roll Damping Components 134
Intact stability criteria of ships - Past, present and future 134
The Role and the Methods of Simulation of Ship Behaviour at Sea Including Ship Capsizing 130
Roll-Sway-Heave Coupling in Beam Waves 129
Memorandum by prof. Alberto Francescutto 128
Clarification of the Cavitation Zone by Pulse Modulation of the Ultrasound Field 128
Study into the Mechanisms of the Enhancement of Multibubble Sonoluminescence Emission in Interacting Fields of Different Frequencies 127
A simplified regulatory-oriented method for relative assessment of susceptibility to parametric roll inception at the early design stage 126
Effects of the Angle-dependent Damping on the Rolling Motion of Ships in Regular Beam Seas 126
On the Effect of Uncertainty Modeling in the Hydrodynamic Derivatives of a Ship Manoeuvring Mathematical Model 125
Stability and Roll Motion of Fast Multihull Vessels in Beam Waves 125
The Excitation Threshold and the Onset of Subharmonic Oscillations in Nonlinear Rolling 125
Effect of Hull Form Variations on the Hydrodynamic Performances in Waves of a Trimaran Ship 124
On the Effectiveness of Constant Coefficients Roll Motion Equation 124
Theoretical, numerical and experimental study on the problem of ergodicity and 'practical ergodicity' with an application to parametric roll in longitudinal long crested irregular sea 124
Effect of roll modelling in beam waves under multi-frequency excitation 124
Analisi della stabilità del rollio di una nave in mare longitudinale con carico liquido a superficie libera a bordo 124
An assessment methodology for 1st level vulnerability check with respect to parametric rolling 123
New trends in intact ship stability criteria development – The case of first level vulnerability 123
Transient Nonlinear Rolling: The Domains of Attraction 123
Subharmonic Oscillations in Nonlinear Rolling 123
Dependence of the HIFU Cavitation Activity on Ultrasound Pulse Parameters 123
Large Amplitude Rolling and Strongly Nonlinear Behaviour of Multihull Ships in Moderate Beam Waves 123
The Effect of Ultrasonic Cavitation on Model Electrochemical Processes 122
Vulnerability to pure loss of stability in following waves: ideas for a framework 121
Acoustic emission of subharmonic 1/2 and light emission from NaCl-water solutions were studied by means of the pulsed ultrasound technique for different concentrations. The experimental results, concerning sound and light emission thresholds are presented and discussed to search possible explanatory mechanisms for the observed dependence on salt concentration. 120
Numerical and experimental investigation on the parametric rolling of a trimaran ship in longitudinal regular waves 119
An approach for 2nd level vulnerability criteria for dead ship condition 118
A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Threshold and Amplitude of Parametric Rolling in Regular and Irregular Waves 117
Experimental investigation of Parametric Roll in regular head waves for the ONR Tumblehome 117
An Experimental Investigation in the Framework of the Alternative Assessment for the IMO Weather Criterion 116
Pulsation Amplitude Threshold for Surface Waves on Oscillating Bubbles 115
Sea Waves and Ship Safety - State of the Art in Current International Regulations 114
Asymmetric Nonlinear Rolling: Influence on Stability 114
On the Effectiveness of Passive Tanks in Reducing Parametric Rolling 113
Cavitation Activity Stimulation by Low Frequency Field Pulses 112
null 112
Occurrence of resonant roll motion due to multi-frequency off-resonance excitation: a preliminary numerical investigation 111
Steady-state Oscillations of Gas Bubbles in Liquids: Explicit Formulas for Frequency Response Curves 111
Experimental Tests on Ships with Large Values of B/T, OG/T and Roll Period 110
A Modular Methodology for the Estimation of the Ship Roll Response under the Action of Stochastic Wind and Waves 109
A Multiscale Analysis of Gas Bubble Oscillations: Transient and Steady-state Solutions 109
An Analysis of the Stability and Roll Motion of Fast Multihull Vessels in Beam and Longitudinal Waves 108
Mathematical Modelling of Roll Motion of a Catamaran in Intact and Damage Condition in Beam Waves 107
CFD and Experiments in Marine Hydrodynamics: Validation Procedure for the Fully Non-linear Wave Loads on a Vertical Cylinder 106
Computer Aided Hull Design for Small Craft 106
Experimental Remarks on the Range of 20 keV Protons in Vanadium 106
Approximate Formulas for the Maximum Amplitude of Oscillating Bubbles 106
The Mathematical Modelling of Large Amplitude Rolling in Beam Waves 104
A Short Review of Actual Research on Nonlinear Rolling 104
Systematic Comparison on Towing and Wavemaking Resistance and Rolling Motions Between a Round-Bilge and a Wedge-Type Hull 104
Floatability and Stability of Ships: 23 Centuries after Archimedes 103
A Case Study of the Stability of a Small Fishing Vessel in Waves 103
On Thresholds for Surface Waves on Resonant Bubbles 103
On the Effect of Stochastic Variations of Restoring Moment in Long-Crested Irregular Longitudinal Sea 102
Safety and Operability of Fishing Vessels in Beam and Longitudinal Waves 102
A Stochastic Analysis of Nonlinear Rolling in a Narrow Band Sea 102
Safety and Operability of Fishing Vessels in Beam and Longitudinal Waves 101
Study of the Hydrodynamic Performances of a Trimaran Ship for Fast Transportation 101
Considerazioni sui sistemi di riferimento nello studio dei moti nave 101
Complementing SOLAS framework with a probabilistic description for the damage extent below water 101
Electrochemical Potential Difference Variation by Pulsed Ultrasound 99
An Experimental Investigation of Parametric Rolling in Head Waves 98
Totale 14.682
Categoria #
all - tutte 77.719
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 77.719

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.230 0 0 0 0 157 546 201 463 192 163 411 97
2020/20213.698 375 102 366 463 210 438 204 380 177 440 128 415
2021/20223.327 109 328 129 288 94 284 104 199 398 308 196 890
2022/20233.775 378 296 257 374 447 685 65 337 457 84 258 137
2023/20242.235 175 145 135 139 235 100 218 586 26 84 174 218
2024/20251.201 181 240 384 394 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 28.847