Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 24.009
EU - Europa 10.094
AS - Asia 4.112
SA - Sud America 86
AF - Africa 73
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 36
OC - Oceania 22
Totale 38.432
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 23.814
SE - Svezia 2.178
IT - Italia 2.015
UA - Ucraina 1.888
CN - Cina 1.454
PL - Polonia 1.210
HK - Hong Kong 945
SG - Singapore 852
TR - Turchia 618
FI - Finlandia 593
DE - Germania 406
RU - Federazione Russa 391
IE - Irlanda 304
BG - Bulgaria 303
GB - Regno Unito 265
FR - Francia 181
CA - Canada 175
CH - Svizzera 71
BE - Belgio 66
IN - India 58
KR - Corea 53
SN - Senegal 51
BR - Brasile 49
NO - Norvegia 46
NL - Olanda 40
JP - Giappone 39
EU - Europa 33
PT - Portogallo 23
CL - Cile 21
ES - Italia 21
DK - Danimarca 20
AU - Australia 18
ID - Indonesia 18
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 17
MX - Messico 17
MY - Malesia 15
AT - Austria 13
RO - Romania 9
TW - Taiwan 9
DZ - Algeria 8
LT - Lituania 8
RS - Serbia 7
CO - Colombia 6
GR - Grecia 6
IL - Israele 6
IR - Iran 6
VN - Vietnam 6
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 5
PE - Perù 5
BD - Bangladesh 4
EG - Egitto 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
TN - Tunisia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
AR - Argentina 3
EE - Estonia 3
HR - Croazia 3
LB - Libano 3
MA - Marocco 3
PK - Pakistan 3
TH - Thailandia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
EC - Ecuador 2
GE - Georgia 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
PH - Filippine 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
CY - Cipro 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
PA - Panama 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 38.432
Città #
Woodbridge 3.310
Ann Arbor 2.867
Fairfield 2.682
Houston 2.316
Jacksonville 1.670
Chandler 1.462
Ashburn 1.425
Wilmington 1.327
Warsaw 1.198
Seattle 1.129
Hong Kong 940
Cambridge 874
Trieste 617
Princeton 598
Izmir 594
Singapore 587
Boardman 512
Beijing 430
Dearborn 408
Columbus 332
Sofia 303
Dublin 300
Moscow 211
San Diego 172
Milan 157
Santa Clara 131
Toronto 109
Düsseldorf 77
Nanjing 71
Hefei 67
Brussels 65
Chicago 64
Verona 64
Buffalo 60
Grafing 60
Falls Church 58
Kunming 55
Bern 54
Dakar 51
Helsinki 50
Ottawa 50
Rome 50
Bremen 48
Mestre 48
Redwood City 47
Guangzhou 46
Norwalk 44
Seoul 44
Shanghai 43
Des Moines 40
Phoenix 38
Piscataway 38
Los Angeles 30
Nanchang 29
Fremont 27
Trondheim 26
Jinan 24
Udine 24
Hangzhou 23
Washington 21
Chengdu 19
Fuzhou 19
London 18
Pune 17
Shenyang 16
Tokyo 16
Dallas 15
Padova 15
Auburn Hills 14
Changsha 14
Munich 13
New York 13
Santiago 13
Wuhan 13
Zhengzhou 13
Aarhus 12
Bolzano 12
Vienna 11
Cesena 10
Coimbra 10
Kocaeli 10
Shenzhen 10
Berlin 9
Chongqing 9
Delft 9
Indiana 9
Montreal 9
Pisa 9
Turin 9
Birori 8
Lanzhou 8
Nashville 8
Parma 8
Amsterdam 7
Baotou 7
Bologna 7
Florence 7
Hebei 7
Jakarta 7
Mountain View 7
Totale 28.644
Nome #
Insight into the molecular properties of chitlac, a chitosan derivative for tissue engineering 421
Adhesive and sealant interfaces for general surgery applications 406
A silver complex of hyaluronan-lipoate (SHLS12): Synthesis, characterization and biological properties 352
Rheology of mixed alginate-hyaluronan aqueous solutions 342
Hyaluronan delivery by polymer demixing in polysaccharide-based hydrogels and membranes for biomedical applications 301
Concepts for Developing Physical Gels of Chitosan and of Chitosan Derivatives 299
Alginate membranes loaded with hyaluronic acid and silver nanoparticles to foster tissue healing and to control bacterial contamination of non-healing wounds 296
Enhanced bioadhesivity of dopamine-functionalized polysaccharidic membranes for general surgery applications 277
A biliprotein from the red alga Gracilaria longa: thermal stability of R-Phycoerythrin 251
Butyrate-Loaded Chitosan/Hyaluronan Nanoparticles: A Suitable Tool for Sustained Inhibition of ROS Release by Activated Neutrophils 228
Nuovi adesivi smalto-dentinali a base di polisaccaridi naturali chimicamente modificati 223
Exploiting natural polysaccharides to enhance in vitro bio-constructs of primary neurons and progenitor cells 219
Antibacterial-Nanocomposite Bone Filler Based on Silver Nanoparticles and Polysaccharides 218
Complex Coacervates between a Lactose-Modified Chitosan and Hyaluronic Acid as Radical-Scavenging Drug Carriers 215
Alginate hydrogels: properties and applications 213
Mimicking mechanical response of natural tissues. Strain hardening induced by transient reticulation in lactose-modified chitosan (chitlac) 213
Biomimetic, Multiresponsive, and Self-Healing Lactose-Modified Chitosan (CTL)-Based Gels Formed via Competitor-Assisted Mechanism 209
Evaluation of concentration and dispersion of functionalized carbon nanotubes in aqueous media by means of Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 206
Nucleation, reorganization and disassembly of an active network from lactose-modified chitosan mimicking biological matrices 197
Separation of O- and C-allyl glycoside anomeric mixtures by capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography 194
Chemical imaging of articular cartilage sections with Raman mapping, employing uni- and multi-variate methods for data analysis 194
Effects of supercritical carbon dioxide sterilization on polysaccharidic membranes for surgical applications 194
Insight into the ionotropic gelation of chitosan using tripolyphosphate and pyrophosphate as cross-linkers 194
PH-Assisted Gelation of Lactose-Modified Chitosan 189
Silver-polysaccharide nanocomposite antimicrobial coatings for methacrylic thermosets. 187
Boric Acid Induced Transient Cross-Links in Lactose-Modified Chitosan (Chitlac) 186
null 183
Understanding the structural specificity of Tn antigen for its receptor: An NMR solution study 183
Polyol Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles: Mechanism of Reduction by Alditol Bearing Polysaccharides 182
Polysaccharide-Based Networks from Homogeneous Chitosan-Tripolyphosphate Hydrogels: Synthesis and Characterization 181
A synchrotron radiation microtomography study of wettability and swelling of nanocomposite Alginate/Hydroxyapatite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 179
Can the interaction between the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and alginate be exploited for the formulation of new biomaterials with antimicrobial properties? 179
null 178
Bioactive Surface Modifications for Dental and Orthopedic Implants 178
null 175
FTIR studies of sodium hyaluronate and its oligomers in the amorphous solid phase and in aqueous solution 172
Degradation of Silver-Polysaccharide Nanocomposite in Solution and as Coating on Fiber-Reinforced Composites by Lysozyme and Hydrogen Peroxide 171
1H-NMR Spectroscopic Studies of Lipid Extracts from Human Fatty Liver 169
H2O2 Causes Improved Adhesion Between a Polysaccharide-based Membrane and Intestinal Serosa 169
On the demixing of hyaluronan and alginate in the gel state 168
Use of Capillary Electrophoresis for Polysaccharide: Studies and Applications 167
Tissue-implant antimicrobial interfaces 166
Highly monodisperse colloidal coacervates based on a bioactive lactose-modified chitosan: From synthesis to characterization 166
Synthesis, Characterization, and Preliminary Biological Study of Glycoconjugates of Poly(styrene-co-maleic acid) 165
Osteoconductive scaffolds based on bioactive polysaccharides for the proliferation of human derived dental pulp stem cells 165
Chitosan Acetylation Degree Influences the Physical Properties of Polysaccharide Nanoparticles: Implication for the Innate Immune Cells Response 165
Silver-containing antimicrobial membrane based on chitosan-TPP hydrogel for the treatment of wounds 165
Synthesis of Glycosylamines: Identification and Quantification of Side Products 164
A newly generated functional antibody identifies Tn antigen as a novel determinant in cancer cell-lymphatic endothelium interaction. 162
Monomer composition and acetyl content as main determinants of the ionization behavior of alginates 162
Borate complexes of X-ray iodinated contrast agents: Characterization and sorption studies for their removal from aqueous media 162
1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopic studies of lipid extracts of the red alga Gracilaria longa 160
3D Alginate/Hydroxyapatite Porous Scaffolds: Biocomposites For Bone Ingrowth With High And Isotropic Connectivity 160
Determination of the diadic composition of alginate by means of circular dichroism: a fast and accurate improved method 157
Adhesive coatings based on melanin-like nanoparticles for surgical membranes 157
Enzymatic Synthesis and Characterization of Oligosaccharides Structurally Related to the Repeating Unit of Pullulan 155
1H- and 13C-NMR studies of solutions of hyaluronic acid esters and salts in methyl sulfoxide: comparison of hydrogen-bond patterns and conformational behaviour 155
A spectroscopic investigation of complexes of divalent metal ions with maleic acid copolymers 155
Nano-composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering containing silver nanoparticles: preparation, characterization and biological properties 155
On the Correlation between the Microscopic Structure and Properties of Phosphate-Cross-Linked Chitosan Gels 155
Silver Nanocomposites and their Biomedical Applications 154
The aggregation of pig articular chondrocyte and synthesis of extracellular matrix by a lactose-modified chitosan 154
Evaluation of steam explosion as pretreatment in agar extraction fromGracilaria dura (C. Agardh) J. Agardh (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta) 153
Polyelectrolytic Effects in Carboxylic Derivatives of Natural Polysaccharides 153
Capillary electrophoresis applied to polysaccharide characterization 153
Affinity interactions in counterion-polyelectrolyte systems: competition between different counterions 152
Biological response of hydrogels embedding gold nanoparticles 152
1H-NMR studies of lipid extracts of rat liver mitochondria 151
R-phycoerythrin from the red alga Gracilaria longa 150
null 150
Selective acetylation of mannuronic acid residues in calcium alginate gels 149
Thermodynamics of polycarboxylate aqueous solutions. II. Dilatometry and calorimetry of nickel and barium binding 149
Alginate as immobilization material. II: Determination of polyphenol contaminants by fluorescence spectroscopy, and evaluation of methods for their removal 149
Specific and non-specific ion-polysaccharide interactions 149
Alginate–Hydroxyapatite Bone Scaffolds with Isotropic or Anisotropic Pore Structure: Material Properties and Biological Behavior 149
Antihypertensive treatment and renal damage. Amlodipine exerts protective effect through the polyol pathway. 148
Galactose-Substituted Alginate: Preliminary Characterization and Study of Gelling Properties 148
Physicochemical properties of pectic acid. I. Thermodynamic evidence of a pH-induced conformational transition in aqueous solution 148
A conformational study of the Smith degradation product of the Klebsiella K40 capsular polysaccharide by 1D -NOESY and molecular mechanics calculations 148
The role of Galectin-1 in the interaction between chondrocytesand a lactose-modified chitosan 148
Comparison of different methods for determination of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of alginates 148
New glucuronoglucans obtained by oxidation of amylose at position 6 147
Polyelectrolytic effects in semi-flexible carboxylate polysaccharides. Part 2. 147
Iso-ionic and iso-thermal phase transitions in ionic polysaccharides: A calorimetric study. 147
Conformational aspects of ionic polysaccharides: laser light scattering of aqueous solutions of hyaluronic acid and alginate 147
On the Initial Binding of Alginate by Calcium Ions. The Tilted Egg-Box Hypothesis 147
Thermodynamic stability of the ordered conformations of carrageenan polyelectrolytes 146
null 144
Characterization of an agar fraction extracted from Gracilaria dura (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) 144
Gelation Mechanism of Ionic Polysaccharides 144
Structural investigation of the exopolysaccharide produced by Pseudomonas flavescens strain B62. Degradation by a fungal cellulase and isolation of the oligosaccharide repeating unit. 144
Quantitative characterization of porous commercial and experimental bone graft substitutes with microcomputed tomography 144
Cell-protection mechanism through autophagy in HGFs/S. mitis co-culture treated with Chitlac-nAg 144
Totale 18.299
Categoria #
all - tutte 105.993
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 105.993

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 942 677 350 478 200
2020/20214.874 457 267 412 619 392 597 227 434 240 516 198 515
2021/20223.779 142 243 308 444 64 384 132 148 456 374 286 798
2022/20234.578 527 570 368 616 465 796 45 387 516 44 176 68
2023/20242.445 187 159 140 95 271 192 305 515 86 40 319 136
2024/20252.846 58 157 466 510 505 568 413 169 0 0 0 0
Totale 39.384