4.1 Contributo in Atti Convegno (Proceeding)
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 489.056
EU - Europa 375.828
AS - Asia 103.451
AF - Africa 2.545
SA - Sud America 2.336
OC - Oceania 1.275
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 665
Totale 975.156
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 485.999
IT - Italia 148.424
UA - Ucraina 47.802
SE - Svezia 47.470
PL - Polonia 35.474
CN - Cina 31.627
SG - Singapore 28.270
HK - Hong Kong 19.260
DE - Germania 17.997
FI - Finlandia 15.868
TR - Turchia 15.098
RU - Federazione Russa 11.905
GB - Regno Unito 10.863
BG - Bulgaria 9.421
IE - Irlanda 9.419
FR - Francia 6.848
CA - Canada 2.457
CH - Svizzera 2.253
BE - Belgio 2.187
NL - Olanda 1.891
ES - Italia 1.804
IN - India 1.791
SN - Senegal 1.456
KR - Corea 1.199
AU - Australia 1.028
IR - Iran 989
JP - Giappone 964
BR - Brasile 937
AT - Austria 925
VN - Vietnam 737
RO - Romania 688
MY - Malesia 659
EU - Europa 630
GR - Grecia 605
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 573
ID - Indonesia 496
SI - Slovenia 476
PT - Portogallo 475
MX - Messico 456
HR - Croazia 435
PH - Filippine 419
TW - Taiwan 387
NO - Norvegia 377
CL - Cile 341
DK - Danimarca 336
PE - Perù 323
CO - Colombia 310
IL - Israele 238
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 237
LT - Lituania 230
RS - Serbia 220
EG - Egitto 218
PK - Pakistan 201
TH - Thailandia 195
ZA - Sudafrica 193
HU - Ungheria 185
AR - Argentina 176
EC - Ecuador 169
DZ - Algeria 146
LB - Libano 143
AL - Albania 139
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 124
SA - Arabia Saudita 108
MA - Marocco 104
NG - Nigeria 104
BD - Bangladesh 83
LU - Lussemburgo 78
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 72
LK - Sri Lanka 69
IQ - Iraq 63
TN - Tunisia 61
MT - Malta 57
LV - Lettonia 51
KE - Kenya 49
EE - Estonia 44
CY - Cipro 41
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 37
KZ - Kazakistan 36
CI - Costa d'Avorio 34
JO - Giordania 34
GH - Ghana 33
MK - Macedonia 33
CR - Costa Rica 30
IS - Islanda 30
UY - Uruguay 29
NP - Nepal 28
ET - Etiopia 27
MD - Moldavia 26
QA - Qatar 26
BO - Bolivia 23
GT - Guatemala 23
PS - Palestinian Territory 23
OM - Oman 21
PA - Panama 21
ME - Montenegro 20
BY - Bielorussia 19
GE - Georgia 19
A1 - Anonimo 18
SM - San Marino 17
AZ - Azerbaigian 16
Totale 974.770
Città #
Woodbridge 59.935
Trieste 58.424
Ann Arbor 57.835
Jacksonville 43.024
Houston 39.603
Chandler 38.842
Fairfield 35.436
Warsaw 34.776
Wilmington 25.371
Ashburn 24.328
Singapore 23.785
Hong Kong 18.431
Princeton 17.722
Boardman 15.928
Seattle 14.097
Izmir 13.255
Cambridge 11.570
Beijing 10.520
Columbus 9.472
Sofia 9.320
Dublin 9.127
Santa Clara 7.715
Milan 6.764
Moscow 6.512
Dearborn 5.607
Rome 4.313
San Diego 2.461
Verona 2.217
Redwood City 1.935
Helsinki 1.793
Brussels 1.682
Düsseldorf 1.662
Bremen 1.614
Chicago 1.497
Dakar 1.454
Udine 1.343
Falls Church 1.303
Norwalk 1.285
Des Moines 1.238
Munich 1.225
Hefei 1.208
Nanjing 1.172
Buffalo 1.167
Bern 1.145
Bologna 1.125
Guangzhou 1.120
Mestre 1.104
Shanghai 1.075
Padova 1.019
Florence 928
Saint Petersburg 889
Naples 879
Los Angeles 858
Kunming 845
Dallas 840
Montréal 820
Washington 812
Phoenix 809
Mcallen 735
Turin 705
Napoli 695
Fremont 672
Jinan 672
Redmond 596
Kocaeli 585
Bari 584
London 584
Venezia 565
Venice 565
Palermo 562
Sacile 559
Dong Ket 535
Torino 492
Seoul 483
Istanbul 458
Grafing 436
Paris 434
Nanchang 433
Salerno 427
Shenzhen 399
Treviso 389
Genoa 387
Toronto 380
Shenyang 379
Catania 378
Pune 371
Vienna 371
Frankfurt am Main 362
Ottawa 360
New York 351
Pignone 342
Fuzhou 341
Mountain View 317
Madrid 316
Zhengzhou 315
Brescia 314
Brno 312
Cagliari 299
Pordenone 293
Parma 291
Totale 661.280
Nome #
Il consumo critico: una ricerca esplorativa sulla dimensione sociale del comportamento del consumatore 3.560
Trattamento ortodontico in pazienti osteoporotici curati con bifosfonati 3.134
Semileptonic Branching Ratios and Moments 2.318
Lessons learned from BaBar silicon vertex tracker, limits and future perspectives of the detector 2.302
Precision Tests of the Standard Model 2.295
Fermion pair cross-sections and asymmetries and limits on new physics 2.293
New effects observed in the BaBar silicon vertex tracker: interpretation and estimate of their impact on the future performance of the detector 2.293
The BaBar silicon vertex tracker: performance, running experience and radiation damage studies 2.278
Performance of the upgraded Small Angle Tile Calorimeter at LEP 2.275
Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter at the LHC 2.275
New effects observed in the BABAR silicon vertex tracker: interpretation and estimate of their impact on the future performance of the detector 2.272
The performance of the DELPHI STIC detector at LEP 2.271
Performance and running experience of the BaBar silicon vertex tracker 2.267
Status of the DELPHI Small angle TIle Calorimeter Project 2.262
High-energy electron test results of a calorimeter prototype based on CeF3 for HL-LHC applications 2.260
Performance, radiation damage and future plans of the BaBar Silicon Vertex Tracker 2.258
Performance of the BABAR silicon vertex tracker 2.252
The New Small Angle Calorimeter in DELPHI 2.247
The DELPHI Small Angle Tile Calorimeter 2.243
STIC, the New DELPHI Luminosity Monitor 2.240
Performance of the DELPHI small angle tile calorimeter 2.236
Impiego della Ciclosporina topica nel trattamento del Lichen Planus della mucosa orale 2.164
“La valutazione multidimensionale nell’anziano con scheda Val.Graf. Friuli Venezia Giulia” 1.535
L'altra resistenza. I movimenti fascisti nell'Italia liberata dagli Alleati (1943-1945) 1.355
La ricostruzione del palato duro con lembo di muscolo temporale dopo maxillectomia inferiore per via transorale 1.186
Analisi del packaging nella prospettiva del processo di comunicazione Una ricerca applicata ad uno specifico ambito settoriale 1.143
A critical view of Cause-Related Marketing Communication: the Effect of Pinkwashing on Consumer Behaviour 1.108
Acoustic comfort applied to the living spaces of people with autism: designing interactive and supportive environments 1.073
Spice and the “Eternal Recurrence” of Synthetic Cannabimimetics 983
Studio sull'efficacia del bandaggio indiretto nel ridurre l'accumulo di placca intorno al bracket 921
Determinazione quantitativa simultanea di paracetamolo, caffeina ed aspirina nelle compresse. Saggio limite quantitativo per l'acido salicilico. 886
Mentalizing in games: A subtractive behavioral study of Prisoner's Dilemma 869
La riabilitazione cognitiva nella Malattia di Parkinson: nuove applicazioni delle tecniche di Neurofeedback 768
Recycled materials for noise reduction in floating floor 757
La "Questione di Cipro del 1473": la memoria della rottura dei rapporti tra Napoli e Venezia nelle fonti diplomatiche 706
Archaeoacoustic Analysis in Enclosure D at Göbekli Tepe in South Anatolia, Turkey 673
Trattamento ortodontico in una paziente curata con bifosfonati in un quadro di osteogenesi imperfetta 640
La domanda di turismo responsabile e di eco-turismo in Italia. Un’indagine esplorativa sui turisti CTS 634
Contaminazione da 137 Cs in campioni di marmellate di mirtillo nero 634
Glicerolipidi: sintesi chemoenzimatica ed effetto della catena acilica sull’attività idrolitica della lipasi 604
The STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker and Upgrade Plan 584
The perceived stress-at-work scale 577
Never alone 2.0: The social dimension of the emotional semantic congruency effect 577
Piccolo manuale di riconoscimento delle specie ittiche dulciacquicole delle acque piemontesi 574
Le teorie implicite sulla leadership (ILT’s): differenze tra auto- ed etero- percezione del leader 563
Polysaccharide molecular engineering as an approach to design alginate for biotechnological and biomedical applications 563
Big data provenance: State-of-the-art analysis and emerging research challenges 563
SD2000: a new MCP-based UV detector 558
Healing dolphins? Cognitive and perceptual criticisms in Dolphin-Assisted Therapy 556
"La costruzione di una marca forte: il caso illycaffè" 555
Coinvolgimento del consumatore e valutazione dell'atmosfera del punto vendita 554
Un Training attributivo-metacognitivo in piattaforma MOODLE per ragazzi con BES (bisogni educativi speciali) 523
Photocrosslinked microgels for oral delivery of macromolecular based-therapeutics 513
An algebraic approach to determine the current supply in a faulty 5-phase PM BLDC drive. Part II - application to the cases of two and three open phase faults 510
La ricostruzione con lembo di muscolo temporale nella chirurgia oncologica della cavità orale e dell'orofaringe 501
Sexual prejudice, inter-group contact and homophobic school climate as determinants of school staff responses to homophobic bullying 501
Effetto Gelb in ambito cromatico 500
Creare valore nell’Orientamento attraverso il rafforzamento delle relazioni con gli stakeholder interni ed esterni in una logica sistemica di conoscenze condivise 480
Healing aspects identified by archaeoacoustic techniques in Slovenia 479
New Technologies of Analysis in Archaeoacoustics 468
Regional Portal UnityFVG: interoperability through DSpace-CRIS and open standards 461
L’atlante topografico di anatomia di Eduard Pernkopf firmato dai nazisti a Vienna 451
Comparative judgements of facial emotions are affected by semantic congruity not by SNARC 449
Chemical composition and functional characterization of commercial pumpkin seed oil 445
Development of graphomotor skills in school-age children 442
Partition-based Pareto-Optimal State Prediction Method for Interconnected Systems using Sensor Networks 437
The value of digital tomosynthesis in the diagnosis of suspected pulmonary lesions 432
An Author Verification Approach Based on Differential Features 428
U-Check: Model Checking and Parameter Synthesis Under Uncertainty 424
Is “Operating Profit” Set in Stone? A Commentary on the New IASB’s Exposure Draft “General Presentation and Disclosures” 424
Strategies for ship Decarbonisation: Technical Measure for reducing Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index 424
Archaeoacoustic research in the ancient castle of Gropparello in Italy 421
Capturing all the DC solutions of the PWL resistive circuits by means of the polyhedral components 418
Relabelling in Bayesian mixture models by pivotal units 418
PolyMorph: A P300 Polymorphic Speller 417
Ruolo dei precursori generali e specifici dell'apprendimento nella previsione delle abilità pre-matematiche. 411
Archaeoacoustic analysis of Poggio Rota Stone Circle in Tuscany, Italy 408
Experimental and Numerical Prediction of the Hydrodynamic Performances of a 65 ft Planing Hull in Calm Water 404
Gli anni ciechi: un romanzo di formazione? 401
The role of auditory and visual information in the discrimination of the speed of penalty kicks 401
Studying Emergent Behaviours in Morphogenesis Using Signal Spatio-Temporal Logic 400
Numerical modelling of steel-to-timber joints and connectors for CLT structures 396
An Author Profiling Approach Based on Language-dependent Content and Stylometric Features 395
Good advice is rarer than rubies: A study on online Tripadvisor hotel reviews 395
Knowledge mapping by a functional data analysis of scientific articles databases 389
Therapeutic protocol for Parkinson’s patient with freezing based on action observation plus sonification : preliminary results 387
Influence of Mother Tongue on Dynamic Handwriting Features in Primary School 385
ANS acuity, mathematical ability and inhibitory control: A longitudinal perspective from First to Second grades 384
Qualitative and quantitative monitoring of spatio-temporal properties 384
Hybrid Flow Shop Management: Multi Objective Optimisation 382
Sit-to-Walk predicts Freezing of Gait status over than cognitive load: an experimental study with Linear Discriminant Analysis 381
Digital mammography with synchrotron radiation: characterization of a novel computed radiography system 380
Your Paper has been Accepted, Rejected, or Whatever: Automatic Generation of Scientific Paper Reviews 379
Communication strategies on eye health promotion: A study about the FVG region 373
Training di memoria di lavoro e senso del numero in bambini in età pre-scolare 372
Model-Based Whole-Genome Analysis of DNA Methylation Fidelity 371
Listen carefully! The importance of auditory cues in anticipating volleyball serves 371
Totale 95.992

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202094.342 0 0 0 0 0 22.060 14.307 17.975 11.605 8.895 14.207 5.293
2020/2021128.944 12.913 5.902 11.514 16.049 9.946 14.141 7.534 12.109 6.645 12.910 5.327 13.954
2021/2022103.488 3.475 9.739 6.164 9.323 3.932 8.164 4.452 4.461 13.984 9.853 6.744 23.197
2022/2023134.366 12.408 12.651 9.943 15.797 15.859 24.269 2.295 11.349 16.417 2.727 7.262 3.389
2023/202489.942 6.296 5.922 5.373 5.512 9.316 7.548 10.042 19.851 1.859 3.988 7.591 6.644
2024/202581.960 3.858 10.879 16.574 15.443 21.669 13.537 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.000.084